YOURSAY | ‘You can't have both men being right on the RM2.6 billion 'donation'.’

Dr M: I will not shut up on RM2.6b until the courts convict me

SteveOh: This is the crux of the conflict. You can't have both men being right on the RM2.6 billion 'donation'.

Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad has made a very serious allegation. All PM Najib Razak has to do is provide him with the name of the donor and account for what he has done with the money. What's so hard about that?

It would be wrong to rubbish away Mahathir's contentions because to the non-biased public he has raised pertinent questions on the 1MDB saga and so far I don't think the public is satisfied with the answers, or in fact, dearth of answers.


We should not be detracted because it is Mahathir who is raising the issue, but focus on the substance of what he is doing. The truth on 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion is more important than Mahathir's motives, which are irrelevant in this case.

If a poll is taken on who is telling the truth, it is not hard to guess the answer in light of all that has happened to the 1MDB investigators and whistleblowers. They do not look like the acts of someone who wants to uncover the truth but the opposite.

Chatar99: We are puzzled as to why RM2.6 billion was banked into the personal bank account of the Umno president.

Malaysians are appalled that something like that could happen. Well, we are appalled only because we have just come to know about it.

But this has always been the way Umno does business. This is not something that Najib had just started. And it is not something that just Najib did. This is what has been going on for 30 years since the 1980s.

Prudent: Mahathir, please don't get us wrong. Malaysians like me love you for who you are, and for the good that you have done for us as PM in the past.

We also love you for what you are now doing to bring the 1MDB crooks to justice, whatever your motives. And we will continue to love and respect you greatly, not just because you are you but because of some very positive legacies of your 22 years' rule.

However, Malaysia paid a pyrrhic price for those positives and is still paying an ever increasing price exacted by your successors who imitated some of your most negative methods of governance.

Therefore, it is hard for us to countenance your return to power in whatever form. Your suggestion that the Umno PM be controlled by an unelected council of elders have merits since even the PM is indirectly elected by Umno's division leaders, many of whom are also not members of parliament.

But please let this council be a national unity council which includes equal numbers of opposition members.

RM2.6billion Duit Haram: In this world, who is so generous to donate RM2.6 billion to an individual, regardless of his position?


And as a leader of a country, even the more reasons why he should not receive such a donation. This is because he would owe the donor a favour, a favour that ranges from giving away the country's secrets to farming out super lucrative contracts.

Hence, it is imperative for Najib bare all facts regarding his mega fund from the rich Arab.

K Balasundaram: If you think you can rely on Mahathir as a vehicle to oust Najib, you are wrong.

He will use, squeeze and extract every bit of juice possible from you for his own agenda, and when he is done, you would be left to rot in the dump just like a stick of sugarcane.

There's a hint I may be charged, says Mahathir

Ferdtan: Charge Mahathir? That will be the first. It is not a bad idea actually. At least we have one less ‘devil’ hanging around.

If the police really dare to charge Mahathir, it must be to keep him distracted on the usual time-consuming legal defence.

However, no matter how we feel about Mahathir, we don’t think he had committed anything criminally wrong (like most opposition members).

Anonymous 1067951438611688: Mahathir is giving an impression that he is surprised and was not aware of such a ‘donation’.

He makes it appear like it is news to him that the PM could be holding large sums of cash in his personal name on behalf of Umno, which is then used to finance the general elections.

How can he be surprised when it was he who started this practice of not using Umno directly but nominees to hold Umno’s estimated RM100 billion fortune in cash, investments and assets?

Lone_Star: Mahathir is not fighting for us, the rakyat or the country. What he's fighting for is his ego.

No matter what, he will not give up, even to the extent of destroying the economy, the rakyat and the country.

His motto is 'If I cannot have it, nobody can!' And he's fighting for his family and his cronies.

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