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 Anchoring gender equality

Host: Daryl

Guest: Jernell Tan

It may be 2022, however, we as a society still have a long way to go in terms of gender equality. Only in the past year, the statistic on women leaders in the country rose to 37% and over 50% of women admitted to being verbally sexually harrassed in a survey conducted last year.

In conjunction with International Women's Month, we spoke with Jernell Tan, the Information & Communications Officer at All Women's Action Society (AWAM) regarding the state of gender equality in Malaysia, period poverty, the Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill 2021 as well as how men could be better allies to the cause, amongst others.

Prior to this, Jernell has worked with AWAM in her capacity as an intern in 2019, an exco member in 2020 and a Training Coordinator for the Stepping Into Power National Training of Trainers in 2020 that aimed to boost women's political participation and transformational leadership.

If you are currently facing any issues such as unwanted sexual harassment, we deeply encourage you to seek out the help of professional women's rights organizations such as AWAM, WAO and The National Council for Women's Organisations Malaysia (NCWO).

Follow us on our socials to be updated on our latest content & let us know who the inspiring women in your life are! Instagram/Facebook/Twitter: @youthphoriamk

With International Women’s Day on 8th March, the YOUTHPHORIA team talked about the women that have inspired them and here are some of the many Malaysian women they look up to.

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