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Podcast: Unity In Sports

Host: Ash & Daryl

It's the Olympics! Ash and Daryl talk about unity in sports, our national athletes, news headlines and more.

Podcast: Board games, book clubs and movie nights!

Host: Ash & Daryl

Daryl and Ash talk about things to do with your friends during the lockdown

Are you trying to figure out your next move in your career? Or perhaps do you have the next best business idea that would revolutionise the world? Are you maybe simply looking for ways to improve yourself?

Fret not, YOUTHPHORIA has got you covered with a goal-setting method that is widely practised by Fortune 500 companies, successful CEOs, and even entrepreneurs of all ages.

Introducing SMART Goals, an acronym that will guide you in setting your goals right. With concrete SMART Goals and taking the right course of action, you should be hitting all the checkboxes in your goals list in no time.

SMART Goals are comprised of 5 criteria:

Specific: The goals you create should be clear and concise. When setting your goal, make it well defined by asking the following W-Questions:

  • What do I want to accomplish?

  • Why is this goal important?

  • Who is involved?

  • Where is it located?

  • Which resources or limits are involved?

Measurable: Setting an efficient framework and method of tracking the progress of your goal. To ensure your goal is measurable, do ask the following questions:

  • How do I know if I have reached my goal?

  • What is my indicator of progress?

Achievable: Take into consideration any constraints that could potentially stop you from achieving your goals, such as resources and your very own capabilities.

Relevant: As you are excited about aiming the direction of your goal, do ask yourself if the goal is worth chasing and also aligned with your other goals. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to see if the goals you have set is relevant to your life/company:

  • Does this seem worthwhile?

  • Is this the right time?

  • Does this match our other efforts/needs?

Timely: Lastly, your goal must be time-bound meaning it should have a start and an end date. Setting a deadline will definitely help you focus on your goal better.

That is all you need to know about setting SMART Goals. When it is done correctly, your goals should look like this:

  • Health: For the first two weeks of the month, I will decrease my Coca-Cola consumption from two cans daily to one can per day.

  • Career: I will find a job in the next 6 months that suits my knowledge and skills by applying to at least 10 jobs daily.

  • Mental Health: I will learn how to gain better control of my emotions by the end of this year by writing in my gratitude journal for 10 minutes daily to help myself maintain perspective when life feels challenging.

There you go, the YOUTHPHORIA team wishes you all the best in setting your goals and we rooting for you all the way, always!

Head of Marketing

Video: Counting to F

Host: Daniel Anthony

 It's time for the August episode of F's to Give! Remember that vote you cast in the last election? Daniel wants you to think about whether the candidate you voted for has changed their mind about you and whether you should change your mind too.

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