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In the world today, studies have shown that sleep is vital to well-being. An adult needs at least 7 hours of sleep while children should have no less than 8 hours a day.

Have you ever wondered about your state of being should you have no sleep? Or what would happen if everyone in the world loses the ability to fall asleep?

Awake sheds light on the implications of sleep deprivation. The film depicts a global event that wipes out humanity’s ability to fall into slumber. As a result, the mind transforms into an out of control entity, behaving far from the norm. It appears that human beings when sleep-deprived resort to murder, violence, experience a loss of critical thinking and good judgement. Brothers end up stabbing each other in this highly dramatic film.

Awake does justice in informing the audience about the need to care for sleep in order to sustain both physical and mental health. A life of sleeping at 2-3 am while playing video games and needing to be awake at 6 am for work would render a person ineffective. 40 hours of insomnia can cause severe hallucinations.

While the core message in the film is easily detected, the story-telling leaves more questions than answers. If you enjoy a roller-coaster ride with no real beginning or ending, then this is a movie for you. Otherwise, it’s best to work on better quality sleep as spoken about extensively in Matt Walker’s TED Talks: Sleep is your superpower.

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Having a full night of good sleep is vital in maintaining one’s overall health. Poor or lack of sleep could lead to adverse effects such as increased stress, negative effects on brain functions and an increased risk of illness. Fortunately, there are a few tips that can be done to improve poor sleeping habits.

Firstly, reduce or avoid using electronic devices an hour before bedtime. Light from the devices triggers our brains into reducing the release of melatonin which makes it harder for us to relax and fall asleep.

Secondly, coffee drinkers should avoid consuming caffeine late in the day. A study found that consuming caffeine six hours before bedtime had detrimental effects on sleep quality as caffeine stimulates the nervous system.

Next, reduce taking long daytime naps as this leads to a disrupted circadian rhythm. Instead, you should create a consistent sleep routine. This helps set the body’s circadian rhythm which in place helps regulate sleep.

Another reason why we may find it hard to fall asleep is because our brains are constantly abuzz. To combat this, you could try relaxation techniques that would help clear the mind. These techniques could include listening to music, deep breathing exercises and meditation amongst others.

A factor of poor sleep that often gets overlooked is bed quality. Uncomfortable and poor bedding can lead to trouble sleeping as well as physical discomforts. If your bedding hasn’t been replaced in a few years, it would be recommended to replace it with a more comfortable and supportive choice

Overall, sleep is an important aspect of everyone’s life and we should do everything that we can to prioritise getting a good night’s sleep. However, if your experience with poor sleep persists over a period of time, you should consult with your doctor as this could be a sign of a sleep disorder or an underlying health condition.

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