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Ever Wonder Why Your Brain Feels Like It's Running on Empty?
Published:  Aug 15, 2024 7:00 AM
Updated: Aug 15, 2024 2:58 AM

Have you ever felt like your brain is running on low battery, as drained as your phone after a night of binge-watching, intensified after a long day at work or a chaotic period? That’s most likely brain fatigue, which causes issues with productivity, thinking clearly, or just generally feeling like you’re low on mental energy.

Many Malaysians live a fast-paced, on-the-go lifestyle, constantly working or studying around the clock while juggling multiple roles in their personal and professional lives. In a global assessment of work-life balance, Malaysia found itself near the bottom of the list, ranking 59th out of 60 nations¹. Another global study ranked Malaysians in Kuala Lumpur as the 3rd most overworked group². This can lead to brain fatigue in the long run.

What is brain fatigue and how can I tell if I have it? 

Scientifically speaking, brain or mental fatigue is defined as a psychobiological state of tiredness caused by prolonged periods of cognitive activities that reduce our cognitive performance efficiency³. 

Symptoms of brain fatigue can escalate over time and lead to more severe and chronic fatigue syndromes and other disorders if it is not identified early and managed properly. 

Brain fatigue is caused by various external factors that exacerbate the mental load we manage daily. From checking our emails or messages right after waking up to meeting multiple deadlines and multitasking at work or while studying to the personal responsibilities we face at home, the ongoing mental strain from all these responsibilities can pile up, leaving us feeling seriously tired. 

You may be experiencing brain fatigue if you identify with the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty concentrating and getting easily distracted

  • Slower reaction time in processing and responding to information

  • Decreased motivation to execute basic tasks like holding a conversation or thinking creatively

  • Trouble recalling information and memory-related issues

Nasreen Ma, Brain Health Coach at Meaningful Activation, shared that brain fatigue has become increasingly common in today's fast-paced world. "Many of us take on multiple responsibilities at work and in our personal lives, which takes up a lot of mental energy. The brain consumes up to 20% of the body's energy to support cognitive and emotional functions, meaning we use about 320 calories during a typical day to think⁴!

She continued, “Understanding the causes of brain fatigue and using strategies to enhance mental energy is crucial for maintaining productivity and health. We may be unable to avoid our responsibilities and deadlines, but we can proactively manage our brain health to maintain our everyday energy and improve cognitive performance. 

Top Tips to Turbocharge Your Brain Energy 

The good news is that brain fatigue is usually temporary, and you can take steps to prevent or manage brain fatigue. Here’s how you can reclaim your brain health:

  • Exercise regularly.

Exercise boosts blood flow to the brain, enhancing overall cognitive function. You’ll also get an added lift from the endorphins released by physical activity, which improve your mood and clear up mental fog.  

  • Make sleep a priority.

Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Practice good sleep hygiene while at it—go to bed without getting distracted by your phone and with a clear mind.

  • Know when to take a break.

Schedule consistent timeouts from your screens and use those moments to recharge. Try going for a short walk or making yourself a beverage – anything to allow your mind to rest and feel refreshed.

  • Eat the right fuel for your brain.

Ensure your diet is optimised to give your brain the best fuel to drive performance. Eat balanced, nutrient-dense food and foods rich in amino acids like histidine, essential for protein and boosting brain health.

It may seem complex, but taking nutrient-dense food is easier than you may think. The next time you load up a plate, pack on the following items:

In sum, managing your brain health is the key to avoiding brain fatigue and boosting your mental energy.

So, get moving with regular physical activity to boost cognitive function, eat well, and try mindfulness practices to reduce stress and stay focused. And don't forget to take breaks during work or study—those little timeouts can keep your mind fresh and your productivity up. 

Making these a priority will sharpen your mental clarity and enhance your brain health, creating a happier, healthier you.


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3. Kunasegaran K, Ismail AMH, Ramasamy S, Gnanou JV, Caszo BA, Chen PL. Understanding mental fatigue and its detection: a comparative analysis of assessments and tools. PeerJ. 2023 Aug 23;11:e15744. doi: 10.7717/peerj.15744. PMID: 37637168; PMCID: PMC10460155.

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