Dive into BEnviro’s Waste-to-Resource efforts in Malaysia
Published:  Mar 4, 2024 10:00 AM
Updated: Mar 18, 2024 6:28 AM

With Malaysia's population growth and rapid industrial development, proper waste management practices are highly critical for environmental protection and sustainability. 

With almost two decades of developing long-term solid waste management solutions in Malaysia, Bukit Tagar Enviro Park (BTEP), developed and operated by Berjaya Enviro Group of Companies (BEnviro), is dedicated to setting industry benchmarks by integrating cutting-edge technologies to provide the best service to waste generators, minimise environmental impact, and foster a circular economy by implementing waste recovery and recycling into green products and renewable energy.

Aspiring to be a catalyst for change in the waste management industry

BTEP sits on a-659 acres sized land in Hulu Selangor, 60km from Kuala Lumpur and surrounded by a 500m radius buffer zone, which effectively meets all the Authorities’ requirements regarding the suitable siting of large-scale waste management facilities. 


Instead of conventional practises, BTEP, is equipped with the following waste treatment and disposal facilities that adopt advanced technologies and stringent operating standards to achieve its ESG objectives: 

  • Level IV sanitary landfill with 12MW Landfill Gas-to-Energy (LFGTE) plant that meets the highest environmental standards within the region;

  • 100% Scheduled Waste Recycling plant that produces Alternative Raw Materials (ARM) for the cement-making industry from 15 nos. codes of Scheduled Wastes; 

  • Sustainable Scheduled Waste Treatment Center (SSWTC) for proper treatment and disposal of 76 nos. codes of Scheduled Wastes that emphasises resource and heat recovery. 


BTEP’s facilities have received numerous awards, both locally and abroad, for its pioneering efforts since 2008, the recent notable awards are from the Waste Management Association of Malaysia (WMAM)’s Exceptional Facility Management Award Large Enterprise and Notable Achievement on Waste Reduction and Circularity Award in 2023.

BTEP is the largest solid waste-related renewable energy producer in Malaysia which has supplied up to 400 million kWh of renewable energy into the national grid since Year 2011. It has also received Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) equivalent to 2.7 million tons of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) program under the Kyoto Protocol. BTEP’s sanitary landfill utilises HDPE cover liner instead of conventional daily soil cover during its landfill cell operations in order to optimise landfill gas extraction, minimise leachate generation and harvest rainwater for on-site reutilisation. 

The management and operation team of BTEP are also actively participating in social and community environmental awareness programmes organised by Local Authorities such as setting-up community recyclables buy-back centres at high-density residential areas and cleansing activities along streets, rivers, beaches and seaboards. BTEP also collaborates with Local Universities and overseas experts on research and development projects related to waste recovery and recycling subjects. 

Broadening the scope of sustainable waste management practices

Speaking on behalf of BEnviro, its Managing Director, Koh Chee Yong said, “BTEP embraces the sustainable circular economy concept by turning solid waste and scheduled waste into valuable resources. We have 20 years of experience in the waste management industry since 2003 and we are continuing to explore the best waste management practices which are in line with the Government policies and international standards”.

“BEnviro provides its full commitment to our customers from all sectors including the Government, industrial, medical and others in managing their wastes towards strict compliances to environmental standards. We assist our customers to achieve their KPIs and ESG objectives and offer competitive waste treatment charges for their cost optimisations”. 

“BTEP is receiving approximately 3,000 tonnes per day of solid waste presently, and 30 to 40% of the solid waste is biodegradable waste. The sanitary landfill and Landfill Gas to Renewable Energy Plant in BTEP is also a waste recycling facility that converts 35% of wastes into renewable energy. We are also conducting research and feasibility studies to expand our business to recycle plastic and diapers to fuel; and pre-sorted kitchen waste into animal feeds or practical applications for various use e.g. medical supplements”.

"Scheduled waste can be used as raw material to produce cement because it contains similar elements found in natural raw materials like clay and limestone, which are the main ingredients in making cement. Amita Berjaya Sdn Bhd (ABSB), under BEnviro, has been converting scheduled waste into ARM for cement making since 2017 via its co-processing technology with collaboration with Amita Corporation Japan.


“Presently, ABSB is producing another sustainable product, namely alternative fuel as a replacement of coal in cement industries kilns," said Koh. 

JBAM is a specialised facility designed to receive, treat, and dispose of scheduled waste

“Our newest facilities in BTEP, the Scheduled Waste to Energy Plant (SWTE) developed by J&T Berjaya Alam Murni Sdn Bhd (JBAM) in SSWTC will be integrated with a sludge Drying Plant in order to harness heat energy from the SWTE’s thermal treatment process. The heat energy from SWTE enables the lowering of moisture content of wet scheduled wastes, hence, allowing for higher volume of scheduled waste co-processing by ABSB in order to enhance our waste recycling initiatives”. 

“We have also equipped the SSWTC with comprehensive modern laboratory devices to accurately determine the most appropriate treatment and cost-saving methods of Scheduled Wastes either via co-processing, thermal treatment, solidification, secure landfill or sanitary landfill for different types of wastes,” said Koh.

Besides disposal, treatment and recycling of wastes, what are the other important aspects in the waste management industry to ensure a continuous sustainable approach? 

“Education, Awareness Programme and Continuous Technology Updates with the waste generators are amongst the important aspects in the waste management industry”. 

“Our subsidiary, Berjaya Eco Services Sdn Bhd (BES) is tasked to be a sales and marketing entity to establish close relationships with our customers, and to provide professional advices to waste generators on the best methods in labelling, packaging, storage, transportation, recovery and disposal of their scheduled waste for compliance and cost optimization”.

“BES is helmed by a highly experienced team who fully understands the strict environmental requirements. BES also manages licensed vehicles, equipped with fleet monitoring systems, emergency spill kits and specially trained drivers to ensure continuous compliances and safety in their waste collection and transportation services.” said Koh.

What are BEnviro’s future sustainability plans?

In summary, BEnviro will continually embark upon its future plans to optimise resource recovery from both solid waste and scheduled waste with utmost priority in ensuring technical feasibility, financial viability and environmental sustainability towards a circular economy.  

The future sustainability plans towards a circular economy requires collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to creating a more sustainable future. BEnviro promotes scientific research and feasibility studies with collaborations with local universities, public sectors and private entities from Malaysia and overseas via its research and development centre in BTEP.

The diagram shows the sustainable green output from the various facilities in BTEP.

“Other key areas being studied by BEnviro are the potential of recovering resources from its landfilled wastes for conversion into recycled products and the quantification of carbon emission reduction from our scheduled waste management services to our customers”. 

“With our commitment to environmental protection and sustainable circular economy, BTEP aims to set the benchmark for sustainable waste management in Malaysia and within the region. It's time for the waste management sectors to step up and be the driving force behind this essential change,” Koh concluded. For more information on BEnviro’s services, you can visit Berjaya EnviroPark, Amita Berjaya, J&T Berjaya Alam Murni and Berjaya Eco Services.

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