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Empowering Youth, Embracing Sustainability: MYPalmPride's Vision for a Greener Future
Published:  Sep 13, 2024 3:24 PM
Updated: 7:28 AM

Palm oil is in nearly everything – whether it’s in food, cosmetics, or biofuels, it has proven to be the world’s most used edible oil.

As the second-largest producer in the world, Malaysia’s palm oil industry generates around 137 billion ringgit in exports, making it crucial to the nation’s economy. It’s also the livelihood for over 600,000 smallholders and millions of workers across the country.

However, despite its economic importance, the industry faces challenges, including widespread misconceptions and a need for greater public understanding of sustainable practices.


Recognising these challenges, REGENERASI has made significant strides in environmental and youth initiatives. “We began by organising small-scale programs like the Beach Clean-Up Series and youth-focused social events such as Run Events. Our efforts caught the attention of government bodies, leading to our first MOU with the Malaysia Timber Council in 2022, which aimed to launch a school-based tree planting project,” said Datin Emilia Uzir, REGENERASI President. 

“We also focused on raising awareness about sustainability in Malaysia's key commodity, palm oil. This initiative garnered support from the Malaysia Palm Oil Council (MPOC), and we signed an MOU with the Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO). Additionally, we gained the backing of the Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB), the Malaysia Palm Oil Association (MPOA), and the Malaysia Palm Oil Green Conservation Foundation (MPOGCF),” she added. 

MYPalmPride Campaign's Mission to Educate and Empower

MYPalmPride initiative stemmed from our work at REGENERASI, where we have long been committed to ESG goals. Given this background, the MYPalmPride campaign was a natural progression for us”

“As we delved deeper, we discovered widespread misconceptions about Malaysian palm oil. Despite its benefits, palm oil is not globally celebrated and is often unfairly stigmatised, with some products even labeled as palm oil-free in certain countries. This realisation highlighted the importance of addressing these misconceptions, especially among Malaysian youth. With the support of the Council and Datin Emilia, we launched this campaign with two key objectives in mind. Firstly, we aim to educate the public, particularly the younger generation and create a platform for youth to voice their concerns about this issue.” said Hoh Jia Da, REGENERASI Youth Council (President).

Debunking Common Myths About Malaysian Palm Oil

Khairul Amirin, the Youth Council Director of Environmental Affairs, shared that throughout the campaign, they’re committed to promoting transparency and factual information about the Malaysian palm oil industry’s sustainability practices. "We’re actively dispelling myths—like the misconception that palm oil is unhealthy by highlighting scientific benefits, such as tocotrienol, a form of vitamin E with cholesterol-reducing and anti-cancer properties," he said. Our campaign emphasises Malaysia’s sustainable palm oil production leadership, showcasing efforts in zero-burning practices, wildlife conservation, and biodiversity preservation. By engaging with stakeholders, we foster dialogue and transparency, ultimately educating the public and reshaping industry perceptions.

Connecting With Malaysian Youth Through Social Media

“Recognising that young people are active online, the REGENERASI team has launched vibrant initiatives like the Cook Palm Contest, where participants showcase their culinary skills using palm oil. Chef Dev, a well known social media influencer, kicked off the contest, drawing in a massive audience. They have also collaborated with universities, such as the University of York's Malaysian Society, and teamed up with influencers like Alyssa Dezek. Their efforts have generated a lot of social media impressions and popular TikTok reels, each attracting substantial views,” said Celine Hoh, the Youth Council Director of Social Affairs.

But they’re not stopping there. Celine mentioned an upcoming One-Day Youth Engagement Event called MYPalmPride FEST with local young vendors showcasing palm oil-based foods, interactive palm oil activities, and Sembang Sawit discussions led by our Campaign Ambassadors. The day will close with vibrant performances by young talent. This festival will offer creative ways to learn about the sustainable palm oil industry, bridging the gap between digital outreach and in-person engagement. The goal is to make the topic approachable and engaging, ensuring that the youth not only participate but also gain a deeper understanding of the issues at hand.

Promoting Eco-Friendly Practices To Upcoming Generations

“As a MYPalmPride ambassador, I learned the importance of environmental sustainability and the impact of responsible consumer choices. This campaign has enhanced my advocacy skills and deepened my commitment to promoting eco-friendly practices to upcoming generations, especially youngsters. It's shaped my perspective on how small actions can contribute to a larger, positive change. I also had the privilege of meeting many important figures worldwide, which has been both inspiring and educational,” said Theva Raja Manikam from the REGENERASI Youth Council.  

Expanding Horizons

“In the second chapter of the MYPalmPride Campaign, we're expanding our reach to engage youth from Malaysian colleges and universities, and we're taking our initiative to Australia with the Malaysian Students' Council of Australia (MASCA) in Western Australia. We're setting up a global youth engagement program through dynamic social media and interactive media channels, including podcasts and live debates,” said Datin Emilia. 

“Looking ahead, we're creating a Coffee Table Book on sustainability initiatives in the palm oil industry and launching a training programme focused on millennial workplace behavior. Additionally, we’re establishing the REGENERASI AUSTRALIA Council to address sustainability with Malaysian and International students studying in Australia focusing on Carbon Credits and Renewable Energy.” she added. 

The MYPalmPride initiative represents a forward-thinking approach to reconciling Malaysia's vital palm oil industry with the growing need for sustainability and transparency. By addressing common misconceptions and leveraging the power of youth engagement, REGENERASI is fostering a more informed and environmentally-conscious generation. Through dynamic campaigns, educational outreach, and global collaboration, they are paving the way for a more sustainable and positive future for both the palm oil industry and the global community.

Join the movement and show your support to #MYPalmPride today!

Visit and follow their social media pages at Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Youtube for more info!

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