HE is the only politician who was involved in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment since it was established in 1976 till 2004 when it was renamed - a total of 28 years.
Sarawakian Law Hieng Ding served as the first parliamentary secretary to the ministry which was established by Hussein Onn, the third prime minister. Law's first minister in the ministry was Ong Kee Hui, then president of the Sarawak United People's Party (Supp).
The Science, Technology and Environment Ministry has always been known as the Supp ministry. After Ong's retirement in 1982, his successor as Supp president, Stephen Yong Kuet Tze, also took over the ministry as full minister. Law continued as parliamentary secretary in the ministry until Dr Mahathir Mohamad promoted him to deputy minister in 1987.
Following the 1990 general election, Law became minister and served in the same ministry for 14 long years until 2004. His one-time deputy minister was another Supp leader Peter Chin Fah Kui, who now heads the Plantation Industries and Commodities Ministry.
Last week, Law was pleasantly surprised when he was informed by the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) that he has been conferred the Nanyang Distinguished Alumni Award.
In his Nov 18 letter to Law, NTU president Dr Su Guaning said that "the university acknowledges your exceptional achievements in the political arena in Asia where you have served as the Federal Minister of Science, Technology and Environment, Malaysia.
Honour to university
"As the Member of Parliament for Sarikei since 1982, you have made many contributions to the development of your constituency. In recognition of your exceptional contributions and leadership, we are pleased to present you the Nanyang Distinguished Alumni Award," he said.
According to Su, the Nanyang Distinguished Alumni Award is presented to alumni of the university who have gained national, regional or international distinction as outstanding exponents of their chosen fields or professions and whose endeavours reflect admirably on, and bring honour to the university.
Law, 70, was born in Sibu in 1936. He had his early education in the Chung Cheng Primary School and Methodist Secondary School in Sibu. He graduated from the then Nanyang University, Singapore with a Bachelor of Commerce in Accountancy in 1960.
Law is married to Ngui Soon Leng and the couple has three children.
The former minister also served as the Mayor of Sibu from 1979 to 1981. He is currently Supp deputy president and the MP for Sarikei.
Law will received the Nanyang Distinguished Alumni Award in a glittering ceremony to be attended by some 2,000 alumni at the university on Dec 17. Singapore's Minister of State and Manpower Mr Gan Kim Yong will be on hand to present the award.