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YOURSAY | Politicians only seem to divide nation

YOURSAY | ‘Should it not be made illegal to use racial issues to stir people up?’

COMMENT | Are young Malaysians as ignorant as Anwar believes?

Drkam: Politicians sure know how to talk the talk, but when it comes to walking the walk, they’re stuck in quicksand.

This is the 21st century, yet instead of moving forward and updating outdated laws that served a different era, we’re still stuck playing the same old game of division.

What’s the point of preferential treatment if we’re churning out graduates who can’t compete?

Our civil service is packed with them, and we’ve all seen public prosecutors struggling against sharp private lawyers who’ve been competitive since school.

And let’s not even start on university professors making headlines for all the wrong reasons!

If the government keeps ignoring this, we’ll be stuck in this cycle of mediocrity forever.

We have a flood of graduates but a drought of skilled workers.

Not every Malay student needs to enter a government university - someone still has to be our nurse, technician, and skilled labourer.

Professionals are easy to find, but good auxiliary staff? Almost impossible!

Many prefer working overseas because, here, they’re trapped in the lower-middle-income bracket.

Let’s talk about labour - locals don’t want to do the tough jobs, so we rely on foreign workers.

These workers come and go, their salaries stay stagnant, and we remain stuck. Instead of clinging to outdated preferential policies, we should be building an economy where blue-collar and white-collar wages aren’t worlds apart.

For decades, we waited for a leader who could fix this, but even he let us down, too afraid to touch the 3R issues.

If we want to move forward, we need an education system that gives all children the same opportunity to succeed - because let’s face it, this once-promising nation deserves better!

Existential Turd: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s words and promises are as valuable as rainwater during the flooding season. More of it only adds insult to injury. Rules only apply to minorities.

Malays are exempted, at best, superficially enforced. Furthermore, if the minorities complain, they are accused of offending the “sensitivity” or disrespecting the supremacy of the Malays.

If this is a football game, the Malays get the bulk of the funding and are allowed to get away with committing fouls, but the cash-starved minorities get yellow and red cards at the slightest infraction.

Furthermore, the minorities are not even allowed to defend their own goal. That is how this country is being run. Will Perikatan Nasional come to power after the next general election?

All I can say is, people get the government they deserve.

OCT: Anwar is a politician. A politician will say anything to please the crowd but will not do anything that will upset his chance of staying in power.

From the days of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, staying in power and getting rich are the most important tasks.

All other matters are of no concern. There is no use in asking the youths to say no to corruption when many government officers are corrupt.

It is disheartening to see that VVIPs had their corruption dismissed or their sentence and fines were reduced.

Anwar would rather protect foreigners than his fellow citizens.

He is trying to be the leader of the Muslim world at the expense of Malaysia.

Anwar likes to shine on the world stage by going overseas frequently giving lectures and attending conferences that have nothing to do with this country.

When it comes to race and religious issues in this country, he is as quiet as a mouse.

OBSERVER from Space: Indeed, as prime minister, Anwar has not upheld the Federal Constitution. None of them in the corridors of power have.

They tweak it to continue being powerful. False interpretations of the Constitution have been indoctrinated and believed by the majority.

Malaysia is a secular country. Why then must the minority cede to erasing words like hot dogs and ham?

Why can’t pork products be sold at traditional Chinese stores? Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) does not allow it to be sold at counters in those shops where no other races visit except the Chinese. Why?

We look for justice and equality from our beloved sultan of Selangor, who is sultan to all Selangorians.

We think the little Napoleons within the various agencies are twisting their clout to bully minorities.

Respect and understanding are the marks of a progressive society. Let the young recognise this and pool their voices to respect the Federal Constitution without fear.

RR: Anwar is the prime minister for all Malaysians, not only Malays.

The Constitution has provisions to safeguard all Malaysians.

So when the prime minister is addressing the people, especially the young, he should not contradict what is enshrined in the Constitution that would hurt the minds and feelings of young non-Malays.

Anwar talks of democracy, equality and equity in global forums very well and that should be reflected in our own country to sustain peace and harmony amongst all Malaysians.

PurpleDragon6590: So how do the people feel about this ongoing and quite negative trend, especially the ethnic Chinese?

The non-Malays form over 30 percent of the Malaysian population.

They were born in Malaysia too. They work as hard as the rest, pay their taxes and are generally as well-behaved as everyone else.

Should it not be made illegal in this country to use racial issues to stir people up?

Just a Malaysian: We have the American dream and later the Chinese dream.

Now we have the Malaysian dream where every young person would love a career in politics, play 3R to the hilt to gain visibility, and then get more vile to get into a higher position.

Once there, they join the gravy train and become filthy rich without working.

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