YOURSAY | ‘Perhaps Harapan and Umno are on a path to self-destruction.’

Zahid's daughter appointed to UPM board, Fahmi Reza gets creative

Nurul Izzah chairs new think-tank Polity

Ranjit Singh Malhi: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's daughter, Nurul Izzah (who is also PKR vice-president) is appointed to chair a new think tank, Polity, while Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi’s daughter, Nurulhidayah is placed on Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) board of directors.

The Madani government is not just digging its own grave, it’s burying the very principles it claims to uphold.


The message to the rakyat is loud and clear.

1. Nepotism reigns supreme, trampling meritocracy underfoot.

2. This government has abandoned its dignity and self-respect.


Is this the "Madani" governance the rakyat was promised? Leadership with integrity or a dynasty of privilege?

This is another misstep by the prime minister. The proposed think-tank is not only redundant but also reeks of nepotism.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the prime minister urgently needs a competent and impartial adviser to avoid further erosion of his credibility and the rakyat’s trust. Time is running out to course-correct before confidence is lost entirely.

CitizenSaro: Perhaps Harapan and Umno are on a path to self-destruction.

After spending decades accusing Umno of cronyism, the current government is bent on supporting cronyism.

This is all the reform that the government can show on their report cards.

Letdown since 2018: One for former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s daughter, Nooryana Najwa, was appointed to the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade) board; one for Anwar’s daughter and now one for Zahid's daughter.

No matter how you spin it, people are not stupid. What is the country turning into by these false reformers?


World Citizen: I am really trying to understand what this Polity is all about. Economic security? But that’s the job of the government, specifically the Finance Ministry, the International Trade and Industry Ministry, the Economy Ministry, the Agriculture and Food Security Ministry and so on.

Do you mean Polity is going to take over some of their roles? Is this going to be another layer of government bureaucracy?

Why are we not focusing on reducing red tape and simplifying things instead of creating this and that?

Let me suggest to you, Nurul Izzah. Please get the government to form a body like the Government Efficiency Department like what Elon Musk is doing in the US.

This body could look into streamlining the numerous government agencies and organisations, cutting down on government staff and reducing government expenditure.

Eliminate those useless and unproductive agencies and organisations. Also, look into reducing the amount of red tape that businesses and the public have to deal with every day.

Please be more useful that way than this so-called Polity to look after “economic security”.

Knucklehead: What are Nurulhidayah’s qualifications and relevant experience to justify her appointment to the UPM board?

Is it merely due to the proximity between UPM and her home in Country Heights? This raises serious questions about the state of our higher education system and governance in our country.

Lionking: The country is so blessed that such highly qualified daughters are taking over important positions. We can all sit back and relax and watch our economy booming.

Soon the ringgit will be at par with the Singapore dollar and in fact, may even challenge the US dollar.

In fact, by highlighting issues related to ham, investors from Afghanistan and the Middle East are fighting to have a presence here. Why not?

We have the best education system, zero crime, very spiritual leaders, corruption-free, the best medical facilities, specialising in discharge not amounting to an acquittal (DNAA).

We even give discounts to criminals for their outstanding performance.

Freethinker: What’s the difference between Anwar and the prime ministers before him? It’s the same if not worse.

Pakatan Harapan had better have a better prime minister candidate when the next general election comes around or risk having people refusing to vote and allowing the opposition to win due to low voter turnouts.

It’s sad to see the state of our country where everything we are taught has not changed anything but perpetuated under a new disguise.

Hmmmmmmmm: To me, the best part about this news is that Nurulhidayah herself feels that she qualifies to be on the board of directors because she is a graduate of UPM, and she is willing to serve.

I also feel that I should be in the national badminton team because I have played the game before and I am willing to serve.

YellowGecko9040: Why can’t these children of politicians stay away from all this? Oh, because these are the perks and part of the gravy train to be milked to the max.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Why ask for trouble and get fired by asking or accepting these posts? Then again, refer back to my first paragraph.

Things never change, and it’s the same all over the world.

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