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YOURSAY | Anwar has only himself to blame for calls to resign

YOURSAY | ‘His incompetence is glaring.’

Tiong slams bid to destabilise govt, wants PM to complete term

Apanama is back: Tourism, Arts, and Culture Minister Tiong King Sing, do you notice that your boss, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, is behaving and conducting himself in such a way that he could be a destabilising factor?

What people are saying is secondary. His incompetence is glaring. Did you notice it? Or are you pretending not to notice?

You people, the MPs, select a new prime minister for the next three years to save your administration.

Someone from East Malaysia or Pasir Gudang MP Hassan Abdul Karim, a lawyer or even others.

We have choices. Do not say we don't and stick to this fellow, who I fear will do more damage in the next three years.

He can't run my country. His focus is not there.

Look at the addendum issue, for example. It is simple, but he let it go to court, and he needed the king to issue a decree a few days ago.

That itself speaks volumes about his competence to run the country.

Darmakochi: My dear Tiong, this is the first time we have a clueless prime minister without any personal vision or planning.

His biggest interest seems to be events taking place in the Middle East while he seems he does not have any concrete plans for our country.

If you can wake him up and make him more focused on the many situations and problems that are critically affecting our beloved nation, then you will be doing something very important for our nation. Can you do that?

BlueCougar1744: Tiong, the prime minister has no one to blame except himself. His cabinet is one of the weakest.

His religious credentials could not even grant him a place as an ustaz. He is nowhere to be seen or heard when the country needs his leadership most.

Now he is in dire straits and do you think the public will come out to support him?

Sad as it may be, high time for him to go as he has failed miserably as prime minister for all Malaysians.

YellowCat1156: Tiong, the instability had always been there, given the alliances created by once incompatible enemies.

The union relied on one person who promised so much to steady it when it turned out to be the weakest link.

The one and probably the strongest reason why the present government is still standing is because the people are fed up with constant changes.

We just want to get on with our lives.

GreenDove5626: Those trying to destabilise the government by advocating leadership changes outside the democratic election processes are hypocrites.

They are trying to capitalise on every bit of opportunity.

They aim to split Umno and the coalition of parties that form the unity government.

What justice are they talking and fighting about in this issue?

Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak has already been given a very good deal by the court which was not given to any other people in similar circumstances.

A 50 percent discount is so generous. As it is, the country and the rakyat have been very forgiving and considerate.

Winning Scarecrow: I fully agree that Anwar should be allowed to finish his full term as prime minister to ensure that his plan to introduce the House Arrest Bill and Mufti Bill and other initiatives which are beneficial to Islam and the Malays will be accomplished without any disruptions.

I am also of the opinion that with Anwar remaining as prime minister, Bossku (Najib) has the highest chance of getting released from prison within the shortest period possible.

So Pakatan Harapan supporters had better make sure to take Tiong’s advice to support Anwar to continue as prime minister.

Krabian: Several top opposition leaders' corruption cases are running in the courts and more are lining up on the charge sheet.

The only thing that will save their skins is a change of government.

Salvage Malaysia: No matter what criticisms people have of the prime minister, I agree that he should be allowed to serve the full term.

Then let the people decide who should be in charge after the 16th general election.

LimeDove3658: Simple, just call for the 16th general election to be held by the end of this year. Why wait?

It does not look like the current prime minister will do any major reforms. Even the RON95 subsidy rationalisation might not see the light of day.

Just a Malaysian: Logic and reasoning are lost in the mad scramble for power.

Who cares for the well-being of the people and nation? It's every person for themselves.

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