YOURSAY | Umno's support for ex-PM will cost it dearly

YOURSAY | 'Rallying behind Najib raises serious questions about Umno's commitment to integrity, accountability.'

COMMENT | Is Umno creating national embarrassment 2.0?

EmEmKay: Former deputy law minister Mohamed Hanipa Maidin’s assertion that Umno is creating "national embarrassment 2.0" resonates deeply with many Malaysians concerned about the party's direction.

It is indeed troubling to witness Umno's leadership behaving like "a chicken without its head," seemingly lost and directionless.

The party's decision to rally behind a disgraced and convicted leader raises serious questions about its commitment to integrity and accountability.


This choice not only jeopardises Umno's future but also tarnishes the reputation of our nation on the global stage.

Umno's trajectory suggests a willingness to embrace failure rather than seek genuine reform and renewal.

This is a disservice to the citizens who deserve better leadership and representation.


Malaysians are looking for leaders who embody integrity, vision, and a genuine commitment to the welfare of the nation.

It is time for Umno to reflect on its choices and consider the long-term implications of its actions.

The party must move away from the shadows of past controversies and work towards rebuilding trust with the electorate.

BobbyO: Umno has not learnt anything from its last defeat at the general election.

From a party that at one time controlled the nation to being brought down to the level below PAS, DAP and even the Sabah and Sarawak parties.

Yes, it holds the strings controlling Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, as we can see from the many decisions made in its favour.

These decisions have not gone down well with the many voters who have put the unity government into power.

Yet the Umno leaders still show their arrogance and show the middle finger at one and all.


Their pride and arrogance have still not subsided. They take for granted that whatever happens, they will still be a party to the formation of the government.

Will the release of former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak to serve out the remainder of his prison time at home be Umno and Anwar’s Waterloo? Time will tell.

The warnings to Umno started with the 2013 election. It started losing ground and ended up where it is now.

Where will it go after the next general election? Will the people still tolerate Umno's pride and arrogance?

Mazhilamani: Most Malaysians are definitely against Najib being put under house arrest.

The coming together in a mass rally of Bersatu, PAS and Umno members is nothing more than putting calculated pressure on the key institutions.

Besides, Najib has other cases still pending. Is the rally intended to place pressure on the judge as well?

Should the rally take place, it is not just about a man of a particular race but all a loud cry “to hell with the Constitution, institutions and the law".

The success or failure of the rally will invite serious consequences for the country and the way the world is going to see us.

FitnessPro: Thank you for writing another excellent article, Hanipa. Najib did the crime and should also do the time.

As also mentioned by former attorney-general Tommy Thomas, since Najib has a very weak defence, the best thing he can do is all this drama.

No matter how much support his supporters give him, and no matter how much condemnation Umno or Umno supreme council member Mohd Puad Zarkashi or Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh may spew out against any decisions that are unfavourable to them, Najib is a criminal who has committed a crime against the people of Malaysia.

No man is above our supreme federal law.

As much as Umno, PAS or even Bersatu feel that they should stand in solidarity with a criminal because they could not understand the magnitude of this massive embezzlement, truth has a life of its own and truth will always prevail.

GreenFalcon2290: Suggest people take a few seconds from their onerous and busy schedules and read the definition of embarrassment.

Once they have completed that tiresome act in around seven seconds, they may wonder what relationship that word has with what is known so far about the multitude of cases, without even venturing into speculation about what other crimes were committed which are under the carpet.

After all, several cases already filed would suggest the person is a serial criminal, and much more is hidden away, and safely guarded from exposure.

By whom you ask? Take your pick.

There are many guardians above. Whole armies are being formed and assembled into position to protest the sentences passed on the greatest son of the soil, it would seem, given the most influential party in government is itself at the very forefront, demanding full exoneration.

Quite stupendous, really, all this. Still believe embarrassment is the appropriate term? Happy week everyone.

Hope: Pakatan Harapan, please play it smart when choosing allies for the 16th general election.

It is better to lose upfront with dignity rather than be backstabbed within the coalition after winning.

Events over the past years have shown that politicians are like chameleons.

Apanama is Back: Hanipa, what embarrassment are you talking about?

If Donald Trump can become the US president for the second time, Najib should be able to become the prime minister of Malaysia again. Najib is 'Nelson Mandela' of Malaysia, after all.

The foundation had been laid.

By the way, please check your email inbox often. You will be invited to have buka puasa (break fast) with Najib at his home.

So, jangan malu-malu, ya. (Don’t be shy.)

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