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YOURSAY | Investigate leads on 'big fish', don't pass the buck

YOURSAY | ‘Saifuddin's reply in Parliament reflects poorly on all agencies under his ministry.’

Visa syndicate: Give us names of 'big fish', Saifuddin tells Mkini

MS: Is Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail typical of Madani ministers? Or is he better than the others bound entirely by self-interest?

A marginally competent home minister with just a passing grade would have listened intently to the information provided, thanked his coalition member for alerting him to the Malaysiakini article and said that he would get the relevant investigation agency to probe the revelation about the "big fish".

Instead, he chose to be smart Alec when he said: "I would like to ask Kepong (MP Lim Lip Eng) to tell Malaysiakini to give the names to us. We will pass the names to MACC so they can arrest the suspects. That would be easier. Get their full names and a list of their activities with proof, and I will pass the information on."

His response reveals his absolute indifference to the criminality within the immigration, his airy dismissal of an allegation - a typical reaction we have seen in previous regimes. He has also implied that the MACC is totally incapable of doing what it is paid to do - investigate leads independently unless evidence is handed over on a platter.

In a cabinet of equals, such a shameful performance would result in a tongue-lashing by fellow ministers embarrassed by his insolence and incompetence. Not so in a Madani cabinet, unfortunately, where closeness to Dear Leader trumps everything else.

Cogito Ergo Sum: This is a despicable thing for the home minister to say.

He is saying that their well-equipped and experienced enforcement agencies with all the resources of the government are clueless as to who the “big fishes” are.

Saifuddin forgets that it was due to Malaysiakini's unwavering support to keep him in the news that brought Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim into power.

Saifuddin's reply to Lim in Parliament reflects poorly on all agencies under his ministry.

Koel: How incompetent of our Home Ministry, police and MACC, that it was the Malaysiakini who should be the ones to identify the “big fish” behind the medical visa syndicate who are still at large.

Saifuddin should stop sounding like some helpless damsel in distress and do his job. How much more information can any media portal give him?

He should have the investigative agencies under him to follow up on such public tips instead of asking civilians and his colleagues to do his job for him.

If he is incapable of catching big fish criminals, he should do the right thing and step down.

Let a competent and fearless individual lead the fight against corruption in these agencies.

As it is, the country has already been paying for the incompetence of other ministries for decades.

WhiteMarlin2060: It’s really shameful for a minister to make such comments. Every source of information should be investigated especially since the identity of certain masterminds have been hinted to and disclosed.

To say that the public and media need to compile the evidence and deliver it to him to act as a postman to MACC just shows how incompetent he is at his job.

PW Cheng: Ministers are being paid to do a job. They try to absolve themselves by throwing the responsibilities to third parties.

That is how corruption flourishes, as when big fish are involved, ministers pretend to be dumb.

I don’t think Lim had any ill intent when he asked the Immigration Department to apologise to Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Tiong King Sing.

If you look at the bigger picture, Lim is sending a clear message that the immigration department is corrupt to the core. They will need to apologise to the Malaysian people for putting the country’s safety at risk.

Dr Suresh Kumar: Saifuddin, is Malaysiakini your enforcement agency or your undercover investigative agent?

A Bangladeshi known as Najib seems to know more than this unelected minister and his band of established enforcement agencies.

Feigning ignorance to manipulate your way out is not going to exonerate you as we are dealing with scammers who pose threats to national security.

Dummies Dhimmi: Sure, let's make Malaysiakini a branch of the MACC or the police.

Our problem is that every form of corruption has free rein until somebody complains.

Only then will some token-selective arrests will be made. It's then whitewashed and allowed to restart where it left off.

There are seldom preventive measures, and if any, they will be “invented” to burden the customer, which is the rakyat.

Umno and the opposition went after Tiong when he exposed it, not because of the crime committed but because Tiong rattled a well-established ring.

Open minded 2281: Saifuddin, when Tiong went to the airport to expose corruption you supported the Immigration Department.

As usual, you support the civil servants and that is why there are no reforms in the Home Ministry. What have you done to eradicate corruption?

What is the outcome of Bangladesh workers' visa corruption where Bangladesh has clearly stated that Malaysian senior officials are involved?

Sherlock: A minister should not react in such a manner, it is as if his tail is being stepped on. We should behave magnanimously, with a respectable bearing, instead of with such knee-jerk behaviour.

Just proactively consult with the whistle-blower, and get the job done.

Southpaw: If a news portal can investigate and find out the big fishes, what is the role of the authorities responsible for the crime?

Don't drag the civil service down by asking a news portal to provide information.

Doesn't he feel embarrassed?

BlueBison5210: Why would any law enforcement agency head who is worth his salt ask journalists to give names openly?

Yes, there are always journalists helping law enforcement teams to catch the so-called big fish. This is called a cordial win-win working relationship.

This sounds like a child who got angry and threw a tantrum when someone pointed out he did not do his homework.

Wong Fei Hoong: Saifuddin, if Malaysiakini knows who the big fish are and MACC does not, it shows how inefficient the Home Ministry is.

Nobody is picking fights with anybody. This incident in Parliament exposes inefficiency within the government.

Ade 007: MACC is a well-funded entity, and you expect Malaysiakini to do its job.

Malaysiakini has provided sufficient leads for you to investigate.

MarioT: I think we all should work together to get rid of corruption. Giving information to the authorities to investigate should not be used to interrogate the whistle-blower.

Important to furnish evidence against anyone alleged to be involved in the syndicate. Most corruption appears to involve big and influential names.

Otherwise, it would not have been happening so long, undetected.

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