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Don't turn a blind eye to 'royal' crimes
Published:  Sep 6, 2024 2:35 AM
Updated: 10:11 PM

Good morning. Here’s our news and views that matter for today.

Key Highlights

  • Don’t turn a blind eye to ‘royal’ crimes

  • Will Anwar hear the cries for justice?

  • Najib - out of sight, not out of (Umno’s) mind

Don’t turn a blind eye to ‘royal’ crimes

Following a Malaysiakini report that a member of Pahang royalty had allegedly assaulted a road construction worker, in which the victim was stabbed and shot at, the state’s crown prince Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah has urged the police to leave no stone unturned.

“I want firm police action and a proper fair investigation, without compromise. No one is above the law, even royalty,” His Highness said in an Instagram post.

In a statement later, Tengku Hassanal stressed that he would not protect anyone, including members of the royal family, who engaged in unlawful actions.

“If there is evidence of wrongdoings, they must be charged in court,” he said.

The victim, Alias Awang, claimed he was set upon by some 20 men during the incident. One of the attackers had plunged a knife into his right thigh while the royalty had allegedly shot at his leg but the bullet missed him.

The 44-year-old father of eight said he later learnt that the incident could be related to a land dispute where he was involved in the construction of a road.

Kuantan district police chief Wan Mohd Zahari Wan Busu told Malaysiakini that three men, including an individual believed to be the main suspect, were arrested and remanded for seven days to facilitate investigations before being released on police bail.


Will Anwar hear the cries for justice?

It has been more than three months since deaf e-hailing driver Ong Ing Keong was assaulted by a police personnel escorting Johor Regent Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, but the perpetrator has yet to be charged despite the existence of clear evidence.

On June 5, Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain said the investigation papers have been submitted to the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

Frustrated, Ong and Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) have turned to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, demanding that he establish a commission of inquiry to probe the incident.

“The police stated that investigation papers were submitted twice - on June 5 and July 27 - to the prosecutors. These submissions included the video of the incident that was shared by e-hailing driver Ong Ing Keong. Yet, what has happened since then? Nothing.

“Ong had to come again today. Because for him to seek justice, he has to be close to those in power to submit a memorandum. This is a clear indication of a failing system. Justice delayed is justice denied,” said LFL director Zaid Malek.

Ong and LFL also submitted a memorandum with five demands to the Prime Minister’s Office.

Among others, the document inked by 147 individuals, including those with disabilities, wanted Anwar to explain why no action has been taken.


Najib - out of sight, not out of (Umno’s) mind

Najib Abdul Razak might be out of sight but he is still close to the hearts of Umno members. One such example is supreme council leader Mohd Puad Zarkashi.

According to him, Najib, who is serving a six-year prison sentence and facing multiple charges related to the 1MDB mega scandal, is one of the “outstanding” leaders produced by Umno.

He lamented that the former premier’s fate was sealed because of “slander” and being subjected to an “unfair” trial.

Umno leaders, including its president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, have on numerous occasions stated that efforts to secure “justice” and freedom for Najib would not cease.

During the party’s recent annual general meeting, secretary-general Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki revealed that obtaining a pardon for the former premier topped the list of motions submitted.


Views that matter

By Projek Sama
By Murale Pillai
By Lim Teck Ghee

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