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YOURSAY | Need for govt efficiency law shows civil service not up to par

YOURSAY | 'Govt efficiency must already be ingrained and work like clockwork, not forced.'

Govt to introduce law to reduce red tape - Rafizi

Anonymous_3f4b: Why do you need a Government Efficiency Commitment Act?

Government efficiency must already be ingrained and work like clockwork, not forced and pressured by the Act.

By having an Act to cure efficiency is a blot and disgrace to the commitment and efficiency of the government and public service to perform their task well up to the expectations of the rakyat who put them in the government and expect nothing less, more so when taxpayers’ money is involved.

Something is very wrong with the government if they need a Government Efficiency Commitment Act to compel these government servants to serve the public well.

Apanama is Back: Well, according to formula minister Rafizi Ramli, only in Malaysia do we need the Government Efficiency Commitment Act to ensure that civil servants are efficient and committed to reducing red tape.

As you are aware, your boss, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, has recently announced a significant 7 percent to 15 percent salary hike for civil servants.

This clearly indicates the government's recognition of civil servants’ hard work and dedication.

He has also informed us that, starting from Monday, all civil servants are expected to be efficient and committed.

So why are you announcing an Act?

It seems the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

Rafizi, the Madani administration is in a mess!

Noob Master69: @Apanama is Back, it does seem the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing due to past government policies that allow them to be little Napoleons in their own agency.

This new law allows each agency to talk to each other and to reduce red tape and increase efficiency.

Ttc: Why is there a need to introduce laws to regulate performance in the civil service?

What has happened to the much-touted Client's Charter which promised process and timelines to complete tasks?

In cases involving responses from certain government departments, there seems to be no timeline to complete a task. Isn't there a way to ensure accountability?

We already have a bloated civil service, but it is not due to the lack of manpower - work is not carried out, delays are the norm, and poor work quality is impeding the timely execution of tasks.

Does our minister know what the real problem is?

Business First: Blah blah blah sorry all talk no action.

Red tape is revenue for a whole industry of "consultants" to help you navigate.

Also very often you are lured to come in and when you have sunk in assets and other investments "new" hitherto unknown inspections and regulations need to be complied with.

Considering the lack of headway in managing the civil service thus far such as the Home Ministry with so much entrenched self-interest, I doubt when so much money is involved and so many people too, whether in substance there will be any improvement.

Pink: Just simplify the procedures, and have a flatter organisation.

Is the rakyat going to sue the government to clear the red tape? This is just to enrich the lawyers. The Madani government is like Mr Bean, solving problems in weird ways.

GrayMinnow0989: Why need a law to improve efficiency? Continual review of the processes involved should be the norm.

There should be the realisation that the reduction of bureaucracy would also result in improved costs.

HJ Angus: Instead of making a new law to reduce red tape (old laws), has the government given any serious consideration on how to actually reduce the government itself?

Rafizi should take up this challenge instead.

Outlier: Not only to “reduce red tape“, but reduce discrimination as well.

Just look at the stock exchange listing rules, until today, more than 10 percent of new issues must be allocated to bumiputera. That’s just one example of the many.

PurpleHawk0187: This is quite incredulous. Firstly reduce the number of committees to review committees to investigate committees to see if there is a need for the said committee!

Kit P: The roadblocks in Malaysia are often not official regulations, but overly complex and changing procedures and requirements imposed by individual offices and officers.

If you don't follow those procedures and requirements, you may not be violating any official regulations, but your applications get impossibly tied up or set aside.

J Bond: Implement meritocracy, everything will sort itself out. Otherwise, another 10 Acts also won’t help.

When will these jokers wake up? Deadwood problem can’t be cured by legislation.

PurpleCrab8680: Just a thought, isn’t a law being introduced to reduce red tape just more red tape?

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