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YOURSAY | ‘I wish politicians would read the book before opening their big mouths.’

Find ways to continue ban on Hew's book - Umno leaders

Vijay47: For some inexplicable reason, this report reminds me of a National Geographic episode.

Firstly, there is Umno supreme council member Mohd Puad Zarkashi snarling with vicious pleasure at another attack on a minority community, despite the seemingly intellectual justification for his demands.

Smelling a possible kill, other opportunist nocturnal creatures crawl in, hoping to partake of the feast they, as usual, never worked for.

Meanwhile, back at the Great Wall, I thought we had a good relationship with China!

Not only have we been reminded that Beijing is a valuable trading partner, but they are also referred to as our elder brother!

Does Puad’s protest suggest disenchantment with Abdul Razak Hussein for building that bridge between China and Malaysia?

And by extension, was Puad expressing disappointment with former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and his cousin, former defence minister Hishammuddin Hussein, who could not be profuse enough in deliriously claiming his younger brother’s role with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials?

I am not a political scientist but I thought communism was long dead and gone.

It’s capitalism, brother - make the moolah while you can even if you never worked for it as usual!

But harsh words you bear towards Chin Peng. I believe his brothers-in-arms, Rashid Maidin and Abdullah CD, were allowed to be repatriated to Malaysia to be buried. After they died, of course.

Why not Chin Peng too? “A peace accord achieved with the communists does not mean that their threat is over,” Puad said in the article.

Sounds almost as true as the terror that ladies singing in a temple celebration are a threat to the faith of some.

LimePanther5220: The real power in this country is not held by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim nor the unity government but PAS.

PAS leaders slammed the government’s action to lift the book ban and questioned Umno’s “silence” on the matter.

Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh found it necessary to respond on Facebook that he disagreed with the court’s decision to uplift the ban.

The next day, Puad found it necessary to state on Facebook that the government must find a way for the ban to continue.

The real puppet master is PAS.

When PAS says jump, government representatives must go scurrying and do its bidding.

Why make a bogeyman of a silly comic book and let it frighten us? Malaysians are mentally strong.

Who says we can be turned into communists just by reading a comic book?

We can read it a hundred times and still not embrace communist ideology (if indeed communist ideology is within its pages).

The only weak-minded people are the hard-pressed politicians finding issues to milk.

I wish they would get off our backs and not decide what we can or cannot read. Thumbs down to PAS, Akmal and Puad.

Cynic: I doubt if Puad or Akmal, or for that matter Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, knows anything about communist ideologies.

I don’t either, so I can only say that Puad and Akmal’s spouting is nothing more than presumptions just because a Chinese person wrote the book.

As for the former’s fears that it may affect the majority of Malay Muslims, they can put their unfounded fears to rest.

Communism dispels the notion of a supreme god, and thus no pious Muslim would adhere to any communist ideology.

We have become attuned to democratic governance.

We understand all too well the quirks of democracy that make our elected leaders live opulent lifestyles while the majority voting poor still scramble for handouts and welfare aid.

Sadly, even in our democracy, the voices of the intelligent few are being silenced so as not to hurt the feelings of the majority who aren’t.

Just because you are leaders, you have big mouths and are expected to say something doesn’t mean you have to open your mouths to every issue and spout rubbish.

Cheong Sai Fah: What is wrong with a communist government in China that lifted 800 million out of poverty?

In Malaysia, our governments have been trying for years to redress poverty.

Perhaps we may be able to learn some valuable lessons from the Chinese government’s approach.

Stop demonising communism blindly. There must be some merit in the CCP way of doing things.

It can’t be that bad if it can become the world’s second-largest economy in just 40 years. Seek the merit of its ways. Malaysia can learn something.

Jarchin: Never mind the law as decided by the Federal Court. As long as you people are unhappy with the decision you want a review.

You did the same with Najib’s conviction. But it got you nowhere. You people have no respect for the rule of law.

And you want to be the government!

Anyway, how many of you fellows have read the comic? Don’t be a comic yourself by objecting vehemently about a comic you have never read.

R Venugopal: Ban the book on communism as it glorifies communism. Why are we celebrating our relationship with China, which was involved in promoting communism?

Chin Peng was supported by China and Umno established ties with China. Why are we harping on a comic book?

It is comical to see some of our leaders choose not to grow but are stuck doing racial profiling.

Kunta Kinte: Not many people would have paid attention to the comic if not for all the brouhaha from the politicians.

Now I am curious to find out about its contents. I wish politicians would read the book before opening their big mouths.

I hope it is worth my money.

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