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YOURSAY | Search for MH370 must continue

YOURSAY | ‘Honour promise to bring closure to those who lost loved ones.’

COMMENT | Should the search for MH370 resume?

Man on the Silver Mountain: I disagree that we should forget about the tragedy, laying it to rest, as the writer P Gunesegaram said.

As long as there is no closure for MH370, the search has to go on. That would be the principle concerning such tragedies as human lives were involved.

The “no cure, no fee” proposal is a fair one. The government is not spending money unless the wreckage is found.

More importantly, the government is claiming responsibility for its findings.

There will always be treasure hunters.

A World War II submarine was recently hauled up from the bottom of the ocean and even warships of the 18th century.

It is wrong to say that the family will forget. They don’t, and if possible, they want to get to the bottom of it.

We do not know whether the wreckage can be found or not, but if it is, it has to be done. That is the moral obligation of the government.

Recently, there seemed to be an indication that the plane that Amelia Earhart flew across the Pacific Ocean some 87 years ago may have been found.

Even though she did not have any next of kin left, a relative still wanted the plane found. That means family members want closure, no matter how long it takes.

We cannot rule out the actual cause of the MH370 disappearance but the airline, therefore the government, is responsible.

An undertaking not to abandon the search is the correct one.

DonGetMeWrong: MH370 disappeared. Did it crash? I don't think so. The disappearance has been clouded with mystery and conspiracy.

When the plane's diversion appeared on military radar, the military did not scramble a jet to intercept, but it was later known that a higher officer had ordered not to intervene.

Why is that? Who is the conspirator that caused MH370 to disappear from thin air?

I sympathise with those families.

After 10 long years, there is still no closure for their loved ones. Conspiracy abounds but the powerful people behind the disappearance have something to hide.

VP Biden: You are wrong, Gunasegaram. You have not lost a loved one.

Resuming the search is the right thing to do.

Ocean Infinity had already approached the government to continue with the search using recent technological innovations.

It's morally the right thing to do. Not everything has to have a dollar value assigned to it.

The nation will also continue to be a laughing stock in the world until this is resolved.

According to your conclusion, if the government, 50 years from now, agrees to continue with the search, the cost would have ballooned by 50 times.

Families need closure, and so do the nation and the aviation industry. The search should have resumed yesterday.

GrayParrot9290: As always, we must not look at or base everything purely on a monetary perspective.

If the find is successful, these would happen:

  • There will be some closure for the family

  • We may find the cause of the “accident” via the black boxes.

  • If we know the cause, then we may go after the culprits.

I am not a conspiracy theorist but there is more than meets the eye about this incident ( definitely not an accident ) and all avenues should be pursued to know the real cause and bring justice to Malaysia.

Anon25: I agree with Gunasegaram's reasoning. Ten years have passed.

The plane must have impacted the ocean at high speed, thus disintegrating.

Thus, even if a crash site is identified, it is unlikely there will be any remains there.

As he rightly points out, there will be no black boxes left to find after so many years.

It is best to let bygones be bygones.

What is worth retaining are the lessons we must learn. No dangerous cargo, no unusually heavy load of engineers to China.

BluePanther4725: Sometimes it's best to let go and move on.

Finding the physical wreck will not bring back the dead nor soften the tragedy. Time will heal all wounds.

Mental closure is as good as physical closure.

Libra: We don't know many things, sir.

The media may have given the news and I may have missed it.

We don't know whether the airline insurers paid compensation to the beneficiaries.

If the answer is yes, then it's okay and no further action.

To recover the bodies is impossible and let them be buried there.

Now the search for it is for what? Let it go.

However, the moral crusaders are demanding they find it. Think carefully. Just assuming is not enough.

Lionking: What makes Transport Minister Anthony Loke think MH370 can be found when it was not possible earlier?

What is the estimated cost of such a venture? How about something more productive like having a high-speed train to major cities?

This is the most ridiculous statement from YB. I wonder who is going to gain from this?

Prav: I have a friend whose wife perished in the crash.

There is still no closure and the hurt and loss will linger on until something definite is found.

It is easy for you to comment when you are personally not involved.

The government has promised to do whatever possible to find the truth and whereabouts of the missing plane.

Let them honour the promise.

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