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YOURSAY | Anwar misses true intent in proposed Article 153 review

YOURSAY | ‘MP asked for scrutiny not into existence but application of special privileges’

No need to review Article 153 on bumiputera privilege, PM says

Vijay47: Once again we see Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim in his element – with a genteel wave of his Madani hand, he dismisses any issue the discussion of which might spook a whole cemetery of unwelcome spirits.

Thus, he refuses to acknowledge the true intent of Pasir Gudang MP Hassan Abdul Karim’s proposal lest it prove the dimwitted pitifulness of the almost eternal yearnings for “Kongress Maruah Melayu”.

Hassan, or anyone of us for that matter, was not urging a review or even a study of Article 153. Why would anyone agree to the removal of the crutches and wheelchairs he was born with? For maruah (pride)? Yeah, sure.

We all know full well that bumiputera privileges are entrenched in cast iron and reinforced concrete into our Constitution; to just discuss its relevance might prompt Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain to do a “Tony Pua” on us.

And accordingly, I allow my discretion to overrule my valour.

What Anwar’s own MP asked for was scrutiny not into the existence but the application of the special privileges or New Economic Policy or whatever else is now fashionable to refer to it as.

Has that policy brought benefit in its intended vigour to its target beneficiaries – the bumiputera community?

The non-Malays are not included in that equation, it would rain icicles in hell before that happens.

As Hassan and everyone else are aware, the special privileges with all their special abuses have created a coterie of an elite class who, by some twist of destiny, all become billionaires – not just stray individuals but whole family loads of them.

Anwar himself is solidly aware of this truth, which is why the two dynasties are now experiencing the wrath of MACC. Surely there are tonnes more to come?

That is what Hassan is demanding to know, whether Article 153 was for the croissant-feasting elite or the Malay poor who are condemned to nasi lemak.

That is what Anwar seems terrified to look into.

FellowMalaysian: Hassan called for the review of Article 153 with the view that the policy only benefited some Malay elites, while other bumiputera withered into neglect.

He did not call for the withdrawal of the article. Anwar could have misinterpreted his suggestion. Special privileges were designed to alleviate the B40’s economic status but, after 60 years of being hijacked by the Umnoputera, the poor have become poorer and the rich richer.

The disparity has widened as shown by our Gini Index. Anwar should do the right thing, not just look at improving his vote bank.

Koel: Hilarious. This is the basis of a country that wishes to appear on the world stage to present moral outrage and moral authority on behalf of victims of racism and prejudice elsewhere.

How about addressing issues here? Where are affirmative action policies for poverty among non-bumiputera?

What about discriminatory policies in education, especially in tertiary institutions and in public sector jobs that deny opportunities to needy minorities?

What about discriminatory business policies that discriminate against needy minority businesses?

This is the very definition of hypocrisy when a segment of this country can cry and tear their hair out for wretchedness overseas but fail to address what’s right under their noses.

NMSparks: Anwar mentioned his commitment to uphold Article 153 of the Federal Constitution.

However, do the provisions within this article justify the following practices:

  1. Allocating at least 90 percent of civil service positions to a specific racial group.

  2. Allocating at least 99 percent of senior civil service positions to a specific racial group.

  3. Establishing government-linked companies that dominate a significant portion of the economy, with employment opportunities seemingly restricted to one particular race.

  4. Granting government scholarships predominantly to individuals of one particular race.

  5. Issuing licences for small businesses primarily to members of a specific racial group by local councils.

Ipoh pp: Brothers and sisters, just some words to ponder for the future.

This policy of privileges, though only mentioned as a “special position”, has been hijacked by a select group who have now become billionaires.

We can sing till the cows come home. In this case, the cows will not come home.

Just nurture our young and teach them to be self-reliant. Save and toil for them to provide a better education elsewhere and tell our young that this land is only for us to pass through to find a better future in a country where merit and hard work are appreciated and generously rewarded.

No point fighting over scraps. Anwar is no hero because he only needs our votes to stay afloat.

BluePanther4725: Such an institutionalised racism policy will harm the Malays the most.

The country will be stuck and unable to progress, and the Malays will become less skilful, more dependent and maybe one day forced to work as maids or manual labour overseas.

The bumiputera privilege is a doomed policy that will bring down Malaysia and the Malays.

Fair Play: Anwar is talking as a politician, not as the prime minister of the nation. What was stated (Article 153) is this: “The special position of the Malay and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak”.

The scope of the special position is clearly defined. What is Anwar trying to prove? Malaysia is already left behind.

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