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YOURSAY | ‘When people’s stomachs are full, they will have less reason to complain.'

Panel: Anwar talks good game, but falls short on delivery

Man on the Silver Mountain: One thing we have now are panels talking about how Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and his government fare. Some of those assessments are right from the heart, they are not flattering to him.

A good board of examiners gives marks to his performance, and the people get to discuss it. We did not do that to other PMs in Malaysia.

We certainly did not do it with former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, and as for the last two - Muhyiddin Yassin and Ismail Sabri Yaakob, there is simply nothing to talk about.

They were so discouragingly depressing. Let’s not talk about jailed former, Najib Abdul Razak.

One year to the Madani government, some people got what they wanted and some didn’t. That’s a good start, looking at the positive side; however, bad for those who are disappointed with promises not coming true.

Being a unity government, we obviously see what Umno gets as rightly said by panel members, so they do get some benefit from being in the government.

There are one or two things Pakatan Harapan managed to push through for themselves. People in Sisters in Islam also see they are getting what they want, unthinkable before.

There is hope that better days are coming ahead. The key to everything would be the economy. When people’s stomachs are full, they will have less reason to complain.

A man with a full stomach is a happy man, as the maxim says, which is still universally true. That would decide Anwar’s legacy. Can he make it, is the question. We will see, we will see.

GoldenCrab8116: It's just that they (Harapan) have been in opposition for too long, but do not forget that they are also politicians doing their work.

One must also remember that the promises or manifesto were solely Harapan's before they forged a link with BN. The other parties may not agree with them.

Government-wise, new policies/implementation-wise, have been quite slow but the main point is, that he hung on for a year after several attempts to topple him. This will definitely help him a lot.

We should analyse his performance next year as there are many new policies to be introduced such as progressive wage policy and targeted subsidy.

Apanama is back: Yes, talking is one thing and easy to do. Just talk. But when it comes to delivery, it is being selectively delivered. For example, the mandatory death sentence and anti-stalking law.

The major and important reforms such as the separation of the Attorney-General Chambers and prosecutor's function have been delayed for a year but not sure whether they will be undertaken.

Parking MACC under the Parliament is a forgotten issue. Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) for police monitoring is another foot-dragging issue.

Abolishment of some unpopular Acts is forgotten. Of course, the investigations on the littoral combat ship (LCS) are totally forgotten.

It is all about talk, talk and talk as well as selective delivery. When asked, "Do not rush the reform, otherwise we end up as in the French Revolution."

My foot! Playing safe, maintaining the status quo (do not rock the boat), and protecting his post are some of his so-called deceived reforms.

I am being suspicious now that the PM is in his comfort zone. He may go on in this way for the next four years and lose GE16.

A one-term PM with just some talking of good game. Of course, when asked at the end of the term, he may blame others and quote some revolution here and there.

Or even quote Jose Rizal, a Filipino nationalist.

It is not about giving him more time. He is buying more time to stay in the post. I had commented previously that he is out of focus. Nothing to do with the time limit.

When a person is out of focus and needs to look above his shoulder, no matter how much time you give him, it is not important anymore.

For the next four years, he will just play safe and stay safe. He waited for this post for 25 years and plans to keep it for just five years. He knows that he is not a capable leader and will not last beyond one term. He is an incompetent prime minister.

We need to live with him just for political stability purposes. At least you and I can go to work, eat and sleep peacefully. Cost of living? What is that? Ringgit depreciation? What the hell is that?

Do not ask too much from him. He can only talk and deliver selectively.

My only hope is in four years' time, a new leader will emerge. Otherwise, Malaysia will be pushed backwards in the coming decades, with the current batch of incompetent leaders.

Milshah: I think we have to understand the minds of the politicians. At the end of the day, their objective is to win elections. To win elections, you need votes. They are constantly thinking about how to win votes.

Therefore, it makes sense for them to make policies or announcements that favour the Malay voters, since Malay voters are the majority.

As for the non-Malay votes, sure they complain about Harapan, about meritocracy, about slow reforms, but then the non-Malays continue to vote for Harapan.

From a politician's point of view, what matters are the votes. You show them surveys and show your disapproval in Malaysiakini's comments section, it does not click with them.

They see votes are stable from non-Malays, so they focus on unstable votes, such as the Malay votes. The non-Malays out of fear of the “Green Wave”, continue to vote for Harapan, giving the wrong message to Harapan politicians that all is fine among the non-Malay voters.

Aristo: Anwar needs to stand firm. By now, everyone knows he is a talker but no action man. He needs to sit down and think again about what direction he wants to take.

We need a brave PM who will call a spade a spade. If his ministers and civil servants don’t deliver, then call them out in public if he has to.

Then we know who is the boss. Enough of being a nice guy trying to please everyone. Let us see some teeth.

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