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YOURSAY | MP exposes Guan Eng's famous 'relatives'

YOURSAY | ’So what if he is truly related to Chin Peng and Lee?’

PAS MP given 48hrs to prove 'Guan Eng related to Chin Peng' claim

Vijay47: Oh dear, just when I thought that the medals were all properly wrapped in silver paper and golden thread for the “Statement of the Year” award to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim for his comments on sanctions by the US, up pops this Lady Einstein and her supposed “discoveries” regarding DAP chairperson Lim Guan Eng’s alleged family tree.

But hold on to the defamation suits, Lim, there may be some sound defence from Kepala Batas MP Siti Mastura Muhammad, our heroic genealogist – not gynaecologist!

Since her revelation could be a backhanded compliment, she may argue that linking Lim to the late Singapore prime minister Lee Kuan Yew is far from defamatory.

After all, Lee is remembered the world over as a statesman of great renown, a leader who didn’t brook any corruption nonsense.

In fact, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong follows in his footsteps. Alas, no Malaysian can come anywhere close. Sorry, a certain “Zero tolerance to corruption” mantra does not quite cut with the kaya (rich). Decisions, decisions.

Who do I give the gold medal to, Anwar or Siti Mastura?

Third place is a cinch. It will surely go to Arau MP Shahidan Kassim for his anguish over anyone “liking” Gal Gadot.

Rzee: If an ignoramus brainwashed PAS MP makes these unsupported statements, please take her to the cleaners.

She probably doesn’t even know who Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) leader Ong Boon Hua aka Chin Peng is and the role he played in Malaysia as (her version of) history lessons in schools have been distorted.

This is the problem with half-baked people becoming politicians. They will take Malaysia down the drain if they are in power.

P Dev Anand Pillai: Despite all the best of free state-funded education, PAS seems to only be able to produce ill-informed and intellectually inferior MPs every time they claim that they are introducing new faces to take on the helm of leadership.

What a load of nonsense! That is why the learning of actual history and not some contorted fairy tales is very important for our young. But do our policymakers care?

We will see many more ill-formed and half-baked MPs come (to power) if nothing is done to revamp the education system. Very embarrassing indeed!

Cogito Ergo Sum: This response, insane as it is, says that the opposition, in particular PAS, is in shock.

Never in their wildest imagination did they envisage anyone could outdo them in histrionics, ranting, raving and total poppycock when it comes to race and religion.

So now, they go on a completely baffling route that has confused friends and foes, including elected representatives down south, the Little Dot.

I hope the authorities there lodge a “demarche” or something against this elected representative.

MS: Yesterday, I viewed five parliamentary speeches in the Singapore Parliament - the parliamentarians were Pritam Singh, Nadia Ahmad Samdin, Alex Yam, Vikram Nair and Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim.

Each one of them was simply riveting.

The amount of research they had done, the quality of their thoughts and the sense they made in arguing for reason and compassion to triumph over raw emotions, in substance and style, was superior in every way to anything I have ever heard in the Malaysian Parliament.

Commentators here should view them as they are still available on CNA.

Perhaps then we may realise how far we have fallen not just in terms of educational standards, but in the quality of our responses to events beyond our shores.

As you listen, keep in mind the utterances of Siti Mastura.

Kunta Kinte: The best lie is based on truth, at least in part.

Unfortunately, I can't find a fleck of truth in this PAS MP’s narrative.

Any Chinese person will tell you to look for blood ties, look at the surname first, then dialect and so on.

Perhaps she should look for a book on how to lie like a pro. That will help greatly.

Pink: Now that Lim has explained the real situation, everybody understands. No harm was done to his image and reputation. He should leave the matter to rest.

Siti Mastura is a young new politician who still does not understand the ethics and the laws of political speeches.

She has yet to learn all the ropes of becoming a good MP. Give her space and tolerance for her to learn. She has the potential to be a good leader.

Do not kill her career with petty squabbles.

Mazhilamani: How brilliant are our historians from PAS, no different from Mahaligam (whoever or wherever they can be) who are all related to the late Mahadzhir Lokman? Now suffer.

It is for Siti Mastura to dig into family tree history to prove Lim is related to Kuan Yew and the other names she mentioned.

Siti Mastura is not an MP but a rabble-rouser.

She reminds me of the person who claimed that Hindu temples are built for every dead Indian bearing a deity's name. He sounded so convincing.

Maybe he comes from the same family stock as Siti Mastura.

My2cen: Doesn’t Islam teach its followers not to lie and slander?

As people's representatives, they cannot simply spew nonsense. MPs need to uphold their position as parliamentarians, provide facts when talking and show proof.

These people shouting in Parliament and telling lies on the ceramah circuits are not fit as MPs.

Beman: So what if he is truly related to Chin Peng and Kuan Yew?

Lim is an individual who should be looked at solely based on his actions. He should not be judged by the actions of his ancestors.

Despite this, I think it is a good idea to sue this liar for her ill intentions.

GrayPuffin9604: Of course, Lim is related to Chin Peng and Kuan Yew. In fact, Lim is also related to Siti Mastura. Surprise, surprise!

Remember, the holy book clearly states that all humans are descendants of Adam and Eve.

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