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YOURSAY | Education Ministry oversteps its policies

YOURSAY | ‘They should not use Palestinians as benchmark to teach empathy.’

Ministry: Palestine Solidarity Week to teach students empathy for others

Oct: The Education Ministry has overstepped its education policies. When and where the ministry wants to teach solidarity and empathy for children, it shouldn't use Palestinians as a benchmark.

Our students are polarised and need empathy between Muslims and non-Muslims. All of a sudden, the ministry woke up to educate students about caring, empathy and sympathy only after the Israel/Palestinian war started.

Malaysia shouldn't be dragged into a foreign war which doesn’t benefit the country.

Yes, there were rallies and protests around the world recently. All these protests and rallies had stopped and quieted down as they knew they get them nowhere when the United Nations had control over what resolutions could be discussed and adopted.

The Middle East countries are keeping quiet as the US is there to land a hand to Israel.

The Education Ministry needs to get real, as these lessons must have local content and Malaysian in mind in the first place. Kita jaga kita (we care for ourselves).

Gerard Lourdesamy: It is for parents to decide whether to explain the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the "actual" situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and in Israel to their children.

That is the right of every parent. Why is the government intervening? Why should headmasters and teachers with their own political and religious biases be allowed to explain such a complicated and controversial issue to children and young people?

Since when did the conflict in the Middle East become a part of our school curriculum? This is nothing but overt indoctrination by the state in support of one side over the other.

It offends Articles 8, 10 and 12 of the Federal Constitution. Such indoctrination leads to extremism and the radicalisation of young people. It also encourages hate and mistrust.

I seriously doubt that the intended "empathy for others irrespective of race, religion or status" that the ministry claims is the reason for the "solidarity week" will be extended to the Jews and Christians who are being portrayed as the enemies of the Palestinians.

Incidentally, why are we not having a "solidarity week" for the peoples of Yemen and Syria who are also the victims of brutal bombings and killings by their own governments and several neighbouring Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey, and other non-state actors sponsored by Iran?

Then you have conflict zones in parts of Africa, Kashmir, and Xinjiang, which seem to have been forgotten by our "principled and morally upright" government.

Strange that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim accused the West of hypocrisy at the UN General Assembly, but the hypocrisy of Malaysia is also clear to see when it comes to other conflicts and disputes around the world.

GrayEagle1207: Agreed. Showing solidarity with Palestine is not part of the curriculum, and is totally unfair to many, both Muslim and non-Muslim parents.

Malaysians are going through civil issues as well. Minorities are stifled and restricted all the time. Where are the minorities' rights and their week?

I thought Moral Education and Islamic Studies covered this - sikap belas kasihan (sympathy), kejujuran (honesty) and baik hati (kindness).

I hope I'm not the only one who sees this as religious propaganda concocted by less-than-adequate politicians, that seeks to instil hatred, bigotry, and fascism in young minds.

As a parent, I wouldn't allow my children to be exposed to this nonsense. I rather save my money and send them to educational institutions that keep politics, religion and fear-mongering out of schools.

Teach them to treat all humans equally well.

For a Better World: Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek and the unity government must look at the Israeli-Palestine war from its proper perspective.

Ever since 500 BCE, this region settled by the 12 tribes that Moses led out of Pharoah's Egypt has seen endless wars and conflicts from the Greeks, Romans and later the Kurds led by Saladin.

This resulted in the Crusades. The Ottoman Empire controlled the region till the end of World War II. The Allied Powers established Israel in 1948 as a homeland for Jews.

And the region has been engulfed in conflict ever since, between Jews and Palestinians, and initially other Arab neighbouring countries - Jordan and Syria.

Malaysians and all other nations in the Middle East should resolve the issue, by creating a two-state solution. All other countries should not take sides or irrationally support one side.

Find a way to move forward in peace and we should not instil in others, whether school children or citizens here and in other nations, to call for the victory of one group.

Religion seems to play a big role in this motivation. This is not the solution to this 75-year-old issue.

PurpleGopher1703: Empathy is such a big word. Sympathy may be the choice of word because as with many things in Malaysia, this tragedy is seen through a partial religious and racial lens.

It is always a one-sided affair when it comes to this gross crime against humanity.

Empathy on the other hand is universal. It embraces all humankind and transcends religion and race. Both sides have aggressors and both sides have victims.

Malaysia does not deserve to use empathy until it learns to treat everyone within its borders in a fair and unbiased way.

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