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YOURSAY | AirAsia boss' publicity stunt fails to fly

YOURSAY | ‘Now all can have massages whilst flying could be AirAsia’s new tagline.’

'Massage' post not meant to offend, says AirAsia boss

OCT: A chief executive officer must have decorum and good manners during official meetings. Of course, nobody dares to object out of fear when asked to leave the meeting if objection is raised.

Would he (AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandez) accept if a manager did the same? Having an outsider in a private meeting shows no respect to the committee and privacy is lost.

If he is so tired, he could call off the meeting and go for a private massage. That is the proper way.

No such incidents have happened in history before and never will. It is also sexual harassment if there are ladies around.

In short, he did not conduct himself properly with good manners.

Proarte: Surely, he should have known the brickbats he would receive. He is from Malaysia and knows the Madani attitude towards exposing aurat (body parts). It was bad judgment on his part.

Furthermore, it is an insult to Indonesian corporate culture to imply CEOs there routinely get rub downs by masseuses during meetings.

Fernandez was not helping his airline by being the “model” in the photo. The picture was a visual turn-off.

Rather than being in a corporate boardroom discussing AirAsia Indonesia’s strategic directions, he looked like a customer in a massage parlour in downtown Jakarta.

“Now all can have massages whilst flying” could be AirAsia’s new tagline!

VioletTurtle1759: You are tired and yet you can get someone to take your photo so that you can get some publicity on social media.

You asked those present if they would mind if you got a massage and none objected. You are the boss and in Asian culture who dares to say no to the boss?

I am sure you can give a better explanation for your nonsensical act in front of your staff such as I am trying to compete with VietJet with their promotional stunts involving models in two-piece swimsuits by having a massage service while flying with AirAsia or other flights.

Coward: It’s just arrogance in full public display. What do you expect your employee to say? No? It is not a question when you asked them. It’s a command. It’s also extremely unprofessional.

It’s a public relations stunt that rightly backfired. Serves you right for your arrogance.

Eaglebaby05: Whatever it is, we are Asians. Our values are different. Even progressive white CEOs do not do this in a meeting.

Who would say “No” to your request? You are the Numero Uno (number one) of your company!

Vijay47: I cannot understand what the problem is. After all, he was wearing (I think) long pants with a length way below his knees.

And why should Tony Fernandes apologise to anyone? There will always be someone who will get “offended” by anything.

Even if he posts a photo of him in shorts working in his garden.

YellowCondor6925: I cannot imagine a person of your calibre will do such a silly thing in a board meeting. At least have some decency rather than showing your body to the outside world.

You just said after three flights, the personnel inside the meeting must be smelling sweat in the room.

I feel sorry for them and the inconvenience. Just go to a cheap hotel to your standard and have a proper bath before the meeting. The meeting can wait.

Slip Sliding Away: You’re not the only one stressed out and chances are your underlings were more so. Would you have allowed them to do the same?

Better still, how about a massage-while-your-meet fest to set the strategic management bar for multitasking?

Great case study for Organisational Behaviour 101. Just apologise and walk away with your tail between your legs. Don’t say sorry and then say you’re not.

RedMarlin1833: This man is “protected”, he can do anything and he will get away with it.

He still owes me money as a result of flights cancelled during the Covid-19 pandemic and I have been chasing him just like many others but nothing. Shame on you, Tony, get a life and stop acting silly. You are no Richard Branson!

MerdekaMerdekaMerdeka: “One has to understand the work culture of our airline,” said Fernandez.

No one must understand such unbecoming behaviour. Just keep the work culture of (y)our airline to yourself.

MS: It was pure narcissism taken to the nth degree, Tony. Nothing else. No one really begrudges your need for a masseuse to tend to you but to want the world to witness her fingers and palms doing their magic says something else.

FairMind: Are Malaysians so small-minded? They are never concerned about the rapidly rising cost of living and our drastic record fall in our ringgit value but are more concerned about a picture of AirAsia’s boss seen shirtless and receiving a massage.

It’s no wonder Malaysia is in such a bad situation.

GrayCondor1956: Honestly our journalism has gone to the pits! When there are so many pertinent issues, some choose to write about Tony’s LinkedIn post.

You guys go get a life man. Leave those who are trying so hard to get back on track after Covid-19 and our dismal economic recovery alone.

Stop being envious. Many livelihoods rest with AirAsia. Think about that.

GreenZebra6967: Why would you make a decision based on the office culture? Most products from China have a very bad working culture, does that mean you don't buy them?

AirAsia is one of the few who is still based on the motto “Now Everyone Can Fly” despite inflation, gas price increases, post-pandemic issues, and devalued ringgit.

Perhaps, you want Malaysians to lose that luxury of low-cost airlines.

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