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YOURSAY | Race-based parties have never benefitted Indians

YOURSAY | ’The trouble with this country is that it’s all about race.’

COMMENT | Indians, be independent, not rely on another party

Frans Rozario: Soon, there will be more Indian-based political parties than Indians themselves in this country.

The present move must have been initiated by ex-DAP members who felt the party excluded them based on race for whatever reason.

Indians only constitute less than seven percent of the population. What percentage of registered voters each year is to be determined.

The worst part is that there isn’t a single constituency in this country where they are in the majority.

The candidates who win are because of the banner under which they stand and the vote of the other races who support that banner.

Indians should lead the way out of racial and racist parties. They must come out and support parties that support a non-racial platform, although at this point that may be difficult.

Politicians like the late DR and SP Seenivasagam, Karpal Singh, P Patto, and Karpal Singh have in the past shown they could win seats on the issues they championed and in constituencies where if the vote was cast on racial grounds, they would have been roundly defeated.

The present move to start a new party shocked me because the more Indian parties we have the more Indians will get marginalised.

If Indians stand up with one voice championing the right issues that affect every segment of society, the people, irrespective of race, will support them and vote them in; they have to win the hearts of all Malaysians and they can.

Many in our society do not even know how corruption affects them, and so they condone the politicians they support without even realising what they are doing in supporting them.

Without a common voice, the Indians will always remain in a limbo of sorts, depending on the scraps thrown at them by the government, any government.

MS: First of all, as Malaysiakini columnist S Thayaparan correctly pointed out, the Indians are a heterogeneous lot divided by language, wealth, education, religion, and class.

Those needing representation are those stuck at the bottom of the pyramid - those struggling to be free of the inequities foisted upon them by their plantation heritage - the ones derisively known as the “estate class” by their upwardly mobile fellow citizens and other closeted racists spread across the population.

Now, that is a small minority which most non-Indians (the woefully ignorant Malays and Chinese) have stereotyped to represent all Indians despite evidence to the contrary.

This underserved and deprived minority needs to be supported but that support should come from the ruling regime and not be left to millionaire and billionaire Indians who have always used the abject poverty of their fellow citizens to better themselves economically - just like Malay millionaires and billionaires have done.

The bottom line - there is no reason for a race-based party. There is every reason to seek out and support those in need - those left behind for a variety of historical reasons.

Veritas: It has become obvious that non-Malay parties only feed the egos and self-interest of their leaders.

These parties weaken non-Malay leverage by either being stooges in government (though enjoying remunerative government positions) or screaming on the sidelines when not in government.

The individual Indian voter whose vote is coveted by Malay parties has the strongest voice in politics.

Yes, their individual direct choice and not pledging support via some entrapped Indian political party they vote for unreflectively. It’s counter-intuitive but incontestable.

For God’s sake, no Indian parties of any sort. Better yet, no non-Malay parties of any sort. Be a smart voter and reject stooges.

Bargain directly with the ‘ketuanans’. You will get a better deal.

V S: Do we still have to use race to identify ourselves? Are we all not Malaysians?

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has now become a staunch supporter of Malay-based parties for his political existence.

He played his cards very well and ruined the unity we had in this country.

The DAP is a great party for Indians to join as it is a multiracial party that recognises excellence and meritocracy.

There are many Malays in the DAP as they too believe in moderation and not race-based politics.

Once more Indians join DAP, Umno and other Malay parties cannot say it is a Chinese-only party, but maybe a non-Malay party next.

Libra: There is a gap between imagination and reality. Imagination is a belief appearing in the brain and that can be as stupid as it can be.

But the reality is true and seen and felt. So we talk of facts, not the stories given by the so-called leaders and supporters - promising wonders, lies though, which can only be in imagination.

There is no need to complain. Just seek the right path - either a political party or representation in government for a fair share.

You can be free to vote for any you choose; Perikatan Nasional, Bersatu, or whatever. That would be better than the leaders who promise, but the delivery seems race-based.

Falcon: The truth be told, every party that was set up in the name of Malaysian Indians was a lie!

Everyone used the then-sitting prime minister’s name and their relationship as a ‘draw’, which is itself another blatant lie!

Is there one Indian party out there whose politicians are not super wealthy, while the community they claim to be representing are at the bottom of the food chain - thanks to apartheid policies and these politicians’ greed?

The last thing Malaysian Indians need is another party and their attempt to use us in their wealth and power grab!

BlueShark1548: Independent? Indian politicians have always been ‘yes sir’ and ‘no sir’ to their bosses!

Those who showed independence were the founders of Hindraf, and they were rapidly brought to their knees by the authorities with inside help.

This chap, P Thiagarajan, is a typical Indian, asking for Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s approval before starting a new party!

Iammi: This writer makes it sound as though the problems faced by Indians are new.

Great opportunity for him to trash the current Madani government. Indians don’t need a new political party.

They need a big mirror for successful Indians like this writer to take a good look at themselves and ask what they have done other than shouting about it.

Headhunter: The trouble with this country is that it’s all about race.

We have lost our focus on important things because the politicians from both sides of the political divide play race to the hilt.

Funnily, the people who finally betrayed you are from your race. We will never progress as a nation until race is taken out of the equation.

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