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YOURSAY | Harapan, Umno must focus on reforms

YOURSAY | ’Everyone will benefit from reforms, including Malays.’

Calls for reform in Umno ring out after state polls drubbing

IndigoTrout2522: Structural reforms in Umno are needed, but what kind of reforms?

Remember, Umno has too many warlords who have only self-interest and would resist reforms.

Secondly, Umno had already lost its influence amongst the “rakyat” in 2008 or even earlier, when it lost a 2/3 majority in Parliament due to the actions of former prime ministers Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Najib Abdul Razak.

With the elections behind us, now is the time for Pakatan Harapan and Umno to undertake reforms.

Not just within their parties, but also governmental, parliamentary and economic reforms to significantly improve the lives of the people, foreign and domestic investments and regain the trust and confidence of the people.

The rakyat is not so racially or religiously divided based on propaganda by the extremists.

They respect each other as this is a common trait of Malaysians. It is the extremist political leaders who are doing the damage to protect their greed, position and power base.

But if Harapan and Umno move to focus on the economy, jobs, investments, reforms, safety and security and bread and butter issues to improve the daily lives of the people, the government will regain the trust and confidence of the voters.

Sure, it sounds easy, but it must be done because the government cannot afford to fight or compete with extreme rights with 3Rs (race, religion and royalty).

So do the right thing for the sake of the nation and show the people the difference between government reforms and extremist agendas.

BOBBYO: Is it entirely Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's fault for their big loss? A big part of it maybe.

Why did not the Malays respond to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, even after they came in droves to hear him speak?

What did he do that was wrong and not accepted by the voters from Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu? What do the Malays want to make them change their minds?

What about the many Umno members or leaders that even after enjoying the many years of perks and benefits under Umno, betrayed their party?

What about the other parties that also did not perform well? What about the turnout?

What about Malaysians who could have made a difference, especially concerning Selangor, who did not practise their rights to come out and vote?

If we dissect the results, it will reveal what was the cause of the coalition failures. As far as Zahid is concerned, he bears the greatest responsibility.

The coalition lost major Malay votes due to him. It is time for Umno to reinvent or revamp itself.

The question is how to keep this coalition intact as he is responsible for their formation.

Without Zahid, will Umno remain as part of the Harapan-BN coalition, or will the new leader join forces with the opposition?

BlueShark1548: Yes, Umno did badly. Zahid, however, has a duty to the nation and should stay on for the full term of the unity government.

He should consider resignation after reforms have been carried out by the government and that would be his legacy.

Without Zahid, we would not have a unity government and stability.

Once reforms are carried out, it will be felt by all Malaysians, especially the Malays and in particular, the youths who voted for PN.

The debate between Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli and Bachok MP Syahir Sulaiman clearly demonstrated that the PN has no one who could manage our economy.

Aristo: Umno is seen to be very weak under Zahid’s leadership. The party is not united and directionless.

There is a lot of infighting and a lot of unhappy Umno leaders and grassroots.

Some don’t even respect Zahid as the president of Umno. He has led the party to one shameless defeat one after another.

As a president, he must take responsibility. The longer he stays on to lead Umno, he will only be paving the way for the further destruction of Umno.

The Umno supreme council must make a decision now whether they want to rejuvenate Umno or let the party wither away like MCA and Gerakan.

The grassroots have voted and made their voice heard in the state election. The general election is only four years away.

Umno needs to find itself now and start giving hope to its supporters. That means Zahid must step down.

Open Mind: All Umno leaders should be responsible for the failure to convince the grassroots to vote for the unity government but instead stay away or vote for PN.

The supreme council should examine and revamp to win the hearts of the Malays or Umno may have to close shop.

Headhunter: Umno can be strong if they are willing to make a change at the top. Those who are tainted by corruption and abuse of power should be dumped.

Why should members be loyal to those who caused the party to lose its power and reputation?

There are still a bunch of greedy leaders not only the seniors but also their sycophants who are seeking rents for themselves.

Take a leaf from DAP by elevating those who are hardworking and willing to contribute positively towards the party and nation.

PinkOtter1274: If Zahid steps down, the person replacing him might vote to leave the government and align them to the PN.

Harapan is caught between a rock and a hard place. Sadly, Mahathir has brainwashed Malays to fear the DAP, painting them as anti-Islam, anti-Malay and anti-bumiputera rights.

As the saying goes, if you keep throwing mud at something, eventually some will stick.

The fact that DAP at times shot their foot with unhelpful comments during their days as the opposition makes it harder to change the mindset of many.

Creating fear based on race and religion will certainly win votes because Mahathir has divided Malays and non-Malays in the past. Umno’s corrupt image didn’t help.

Hence, many “ignorant” people rush to PN to protect their rights and religion as PN is spinning this narrative to the Malays, which works.

Many will leave the country as a result. Wake up Malaysians.

Do you want the country to progress and prosper so everyone can get a share of the wealth? Or just give to some. This is up to you.

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