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YOURSAY | ’Despite a good track record, you need to make way for others.’

Ramasamy quits DAP, trains guns on 'emperor'

Vijay47: DAP veteran P Ramasamy, I have always supported you in your calls for a better Malaysia and also spoke up for you in the face of attacks from many quarters on many issues.

I stood by you when you were dropped as a candidate for the state elections. I feel that your party was unfair and ungrateful to you.

You have now resigned from DAP, just two days before the state elections. Try as I might, there is not a single thing I could say in favour of you or sweeten the pill.

Your resignation is an act of absolute betrayal not just of the many who had stood by your side all along but, ironically, of the very cause you once gave such a voice to.

I do not deny your right to resign. Anyone who has become disenchanted with those he ran with can surely bid farewell.

Ramasamy, you can also say goodbye, but to do so just two damn days before the votes are cast?

You could not have chosen a worse day to tender your resignation, you have provided fodder to those who will employ with great glee your act of stabbing us in the back.

My only dubious comfort, Ramasamy, is that the sentiment I now hold towards you is the same as I bear towards Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

Apa pun boleh: Ramasamy, are you saying all through your decades of association with DAP there was never a factional fight and purge in DAP?

Or is it that everything was hunky dory in DAP as long as you were the state assemblyperson and deputy chief minister? How credible are you?

You have aligned with Penang DAP chief Chow Kon Yeow, which means you are a party to factional politics within the party.

How different are you from former DAP members Satees Muniandy and David Marshel?

Whatever excuse you may give, it is clear you want to hit the party at its most vulnerable point, where it hurt the most, when it is poised to face a tough election.

This is the unkindest cut a member can do to any party. Do you want to bring down everybody else because you didn't get what you wanted?

Is this how you repay the horde of supporters and constituents that voted for you because of DAP?

Yes, Ramasamy, you could have a hundred and one grouses and misgivings, but don't you have the basic intelligence when to badmouth and quit the party?

BOBBYO: Well, there are pros and cons concerning your retirement, Ramasamy.

The pros? Thank you sir for your contributions to the state as well as the party DAP.

Thank you for speaking out and defending those who did not have the guts to raise their frustrations and needs.

The cons? As a politician, you have been given three terms to not only serve as a state assemblyperson but also as a deputy chief minister.

Sir, you have been given ample opportunity to serve. There also have been other politicians in DAP, that have not been chosen but remain faithful in serving the party.

They have held positions of minister, deputy minister and even state executive.

You knew from day one, when you entered the political circuit, you had to be prepared to face reality. There will be camps and divisions.

Why only politics? It exists within a family circle and even within a workplace.

So by resigning, you are showing immaturity. Like a kid throwing tantrums when he did not get his way or toy.

DAP needs more leaders like you, who are outspoken and willing to call a spade a spade.

Well, we hope that you will reconsider and serve the state and the nation well, which has a long way to go to attain political maturity as well as mature voters.

Apanama is back: There are two sets of rules for political parties in this country. One set for the warlords and another for the ordinary party members.

If the ordinary member is not outspoken and does not call a spade a spade, he or she will be rewarded.

For example, former Klang MP Charles Santiago and former Paya Terubong state assemblyperson, Yeoh Soon Hin.

If the person is too outspoken, he will be chastised, as we are seeing here, right now.

Do you know why Malaysia is moving slowly, economically? It is because of the people/voters like you and me.

It is not due to Ramasamy, DAP chairperson Lim Guan Eng, DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke and so on.

Please ponder your behaviour. Why do you people need to be blind supporters or hardcore supporters?

What had Ramasamy done? Kill someone? He just resigned from DAP. What is a big deal about resigning two days before the polls? Nothing.

I have full trust in our voters, not in some commentators here who did not respect a professor and academician such as Ramasamy.

Remember, politicians are humans, not demigods. They are not indispensable. There is no reason to chastise anyone.

Do not be too confident about this state election results, unless you can read each and every 9.7 million voters' minds.

World Citizen: Ramasamy, you made the wrong decision to quit. True leaders don't quit when the going gets tough but stay on and fight. They don't quit because they don't get selected to stand for election.

You are a party elder and you should be guiding the younger and upcoming members of the party.

Whatever reason you may have, your action seems selfish and of self-interest.

Some Indian politicians have joined Perikatan Nasional because they didn't get seats from Pakatan Harapan to contest in the upcoming state elections.

These opportunists are all driven by self-interest. Hope you don't make the same mistake or you will be condemned in the same vein and all the good you have done until now will be discarded in the garbage bin.

So think carefully before your next move.

RedMinnow7527: Sad for you Ramasamy. You just proved that power and position can skew anyone.

Seventy-four is a great age to take a graceful step back and nurture and guide the younger generation.

You have lost the plot and a magnificent chance to go down in history as a graceful statesman. Now you are a bitter and disgruntled bad team player.

Just imagine being part of the excitement of campaigning for your successor, and being admired and all the accolades you have now missed.

Unfortunately, you have destroyed your legacy. I shake my head in disbelief.

Mazilamani: A very wrong thing to do, at this crucial time sending out the wrong message, triggering untold consequences. Why?

Yes, one can be angry about many things, but this is not the conduct expected of a leader and learned man.

Might as well ask the voters to vote for the opposition, all because of being deprived of a seat. A very selfish move.

Prominority: Well, I would like to respect your decision. An erudite person like you doesn't make decisions without deep introspection and the consequences.

There are many platforms for you to continue the excellent work. Write articles that will help people to understand certain hidden agendas. Keep up your good work.

PK5001: There comes a time when a politician needs to step down. Despite your good track record, you need to make way for other leaders.

It is unbecoming of you to turn on your former party, which gave you many opportunities to serve. This is not the time to sabotage the unity government.

TTSH: Ramasamy, as a loyal Penangite, I have never uttered a single word against you.

However, you should learn how to let go gracefully.

Internal strife is common amongst parties, but the fact that you chose to announce your resignation just before the crucial state elections reflects very badly on you.

Speculation will be rife that you did so for a personal agenda. What a shame to bow out this way.

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