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YOURSAY | Arresting political rivals at 3am oppressive

YOURSAY | ‘No need to barge into the premises, as this not a case of khalwat.’

Caretaker Kedah MB arrested at 3am ahead of sedition charge

Anonymous080: An issue like this does not require 20 police officers, who should be doing rounds for security, ensuring safety, and completing many pending investigations.

It does not need the police to barge into the premises where caretaker Kedah menteri besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor was staying at 3am as in the case of a khalwat (close proximity) charge, if any.

It does not need police officers to “arrest” him when he could be asked to appear in court in the morning, where offences exist even if he does not turn up. So, take each matter separately. Do not let emotion be the charge (when it involves political rivals).

I can speak on behalf of the electorate as a voter in these Perikatan Nasional (PN) areas. We stood against police oppression and excess of law, so whoever gets the unfair treatment, the authorities are to be held accountable. The various WhatsApp chat groups we are in do not see the action against Sanusi as warranted!

I love to see former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang brought to court if they have breached the law but why have not been taken away by the ever-active police and Attorney-General’s Chambers?

Pakatan Harapan is the government party with BN as a member of the coalition. Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail is a Harapan leader whose home state is Kedah. Doesn’t he know what is happening? Can’t he get the police to act within the boundaries of the law when it comes to those who are arrested?

Only those who can escape scott-free or are flight risks should be cause for concern. Is Sanusi a flight risk? If such, why not introduce anticipatory bail alternatives in the court system that many countries are already practicing?

Why blame PN, when Harapan has been in power for eight months already but its leaders have been constantly complaining about PN’s style and content of ceramah (political speeches) but the authorities do not dare to act against those who play up issues of race, religion, and royalty.

Apanama is back: Do we need 20 police personnel to arrest one person at 2.30am? Saifuddin, you may have a beef with Sanusi, many also do not like Sanusi due to his “loose cannon” mouth.

However, at least follow the rules and procedures when arresting a person. Sanusi is already in the Klang Valley, he was supposed to be charged at the Selayang Courts. Serving him the notice is sufficient since he is planning to turn up in court anyway.

Saifuddin, you cannot be using the police according to your political motives. His arrest will be spun and twisted by his ardent supporters. Currently, the issue has gone viral on social media.

This could backfire against the coalition government where the news about his arrest has been viral in social media. It could backfire against you and the unity government in the coming state elections. Be careful, especially now as the state election is nearing.

Citizen_Zero: He is a caretaker menteri besar. Regardless of how low he tried (or doesn’t have to try for that matter) to lower the bar for himself, whatever wrong he does, even if the same as done by ordinary people (slander, defame, steal a can of Milo), the weight of the action on him is heavier and must be seen as heavier.

He is a menteri besar. Whatever privileges he has, it does not and should not include hiding or diminishing his wrongdoing. Being in office is not a licence of immunity from criminal acts and punishment.

He is charged, not asked to come in to explain or give information. This is the police, not the MACC. He has ignored all warnings and does not care or show concern for everything.

Will he care for a phone call or letter of “invitation” to the police station? What if he does not turn up? Or simply take his time to go next week – a public disrespect and undermining the police and sultan?

Vijay47: Just look at how that inevitable karma wheel turns so that justice or retribution attends to those who deserve it.

One minute you are flying so high, so mighty, nothing you do can be wrong. Each act of bravado that seems to earn passionate support from followers prompts you to further acts, each time the bar is raised. Kedah MB rules ago!

Starting with the disdain for Covid-19 restrictions. Never mind, Caesar is above all. A Range Rover is a necessary epaulet to be exhibited on the shoulder and the cake-eaters should learn to accept your flippant excuse for breaking the movement law.

To buy insurance, you can always make offensive statements along racial and religious lines, the crowd goes delirious in applause.

Then, for the first time in our history, you wage a war of a sort against a neighbouring state. First by demanding payment for water flowing along God’s abundant river and then, amazingly, claiming suzerainty over that unfortunate neighbour-state.

The faithful dim a little, embarrassed, but that does not deter you. You thirst greater prey, and now place the prime minister in your cross-hairs, accusing him of bias against your ridiculous proposal for a village areopolis. He holds his peace. Nothing seems to stop you.

Finally, the long-awaited slip. You miss the next branch you sought to grasp. You sneered about a sultan’s wisdom. You hurtle to the rare earth. Suddenly, all hell breaks loose. Your enemies at last respond. Accusation after accusation rains on your shoulders epaulettes and all, your brother is left breathless.

For the high-flyer you thought yourself to be, this morning you suffered the ignominy of being dragged from bed at 2.30am, shortly to be presented in court to enjoy just desserts. The police in unexpected mercy, did not cuff you.

Yet this is only the beginning, you know that visits to court are henceforth to be intimate features of your life, and the charges must all be lined up. A long line. Maybe all the way to North Korea.

There is nothing much you can do. Except perhaps to pack some Armani. The satay comes free.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Sanusi and his party apparatchiks pushed the envelope to the maximum to see what effect it would have on the authorities. In their miscalculations, they thought they will get the sympathy of the people.

But Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy which is a concept embedded in the Federal Constitution. The monarchy has, at crucial times, empathised with the rakyat and turned the tide.

The current Harapan tenure can be attributed to the intervening hand of the king. People will not easily forget such a watershed mark in our nation’s history.

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