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YOURSAY | Muda and PSM might benefit from protest votes

YOURSAY | ‘Vote for who you think represents your ideals best.’

COMMENT | Vote for PSM and MUDA

Apanama is back: In these six upcoming state elections, there is a high possibility there will be protest votes among the voters for various reasons. This includes the party members as well, especially Umno.

When it comes to protest votes, the voters have two choices. One is Perikatan Nasional (Bersatu and PAS) and the other is Muda-PSM. Those who fear PAS will vote for Muda-PSM.

The protest votes are against the current federal government.

Therefore, there is no such thing as split votes here because we do not know how many people will be sending their protest votes.

Some of the reasons I have gathered so far are:

1. Displeasure due to Umno working with Anwar and DAP.

2. Very slow reforms by the government. So far, talk, talk, and talk.

3. Unable to solve economic issues, especially the cost of living, cartels, etc.

4. Allocations and grants are given to only one community, seeing it as vote-buying.

Non-Malays have started to feel they are being neglected. Of course, the government will deny it and come up with various spins and twists.

For those planning not to vote, you can still complain because you’re still Malaysian citizens. Whether one wants to vote or not is your democratic right.

Complaining is the right of every citizen in this country regardless if you are a voter or not; regardless of whether you vote or not.

Man on the Silver Mountain: Politically, young Muda president Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman is still on a learning curve, but he has to eventually define himself.

Who is he? People would want to know. That is the political reality. Everything can look good on paper. The reality, however, is another thing altogether.

The hardened veteran politicians, people already know them, for good or for bad.

PSM has a good cause but is unable to get acceptance. The race thing is just too strong to overcome. The populace always looks at you from a racial lens. You are not one of them; it is a big disadvantage.

That’s why the practical need to coalesce with a bigger established party coalition. You need them, probably more than they need you. You, therefore, need to be down to earth in your demands.

Find something on the middle ground that mutually benefits both parties, it will likely be able to succeed.

Milshah: I think it is a good strategy for Muda to tie up with PSM. But will Muda-PSM win any seats? It depends on how many Harapan supporters will give them a chance.

Both Muda and PSM will be targeting the urban seats, in direct conflict with PKR and DAP.

I think Muda knows it has come to a point of no return. I don’t think Harapan will accept them as they now see Muda as a competitor.

Some Harapan supporters are tired of Harapan cosying up to Umno, and have long forgotten ‘reformasi’. So Muda will need to show Harapan supporters why Muda-PSM could be the third force.

By the way, despite Malaysiakini columnist S Thayaparan’s support of Muda-PSM, this alliance will have no impact on PN. Only Harapan will be affected.

Coward: Incumbent Kota Anggerik assemblyperson Mohd Najwan Halimi behaved that way because he is not a gentleman and mocking the opposition is the only thing he knows what to do and he let it out.

It’s the same instinct we all have, but we learn to keep it undercover as it is rude to blurt it out.

I agree with Thayaparan that the PSM candidates’ support base is rock solid, as evidenced in their fundraising for the deposit despite the near certainty of losing them.

Having Thayaparan’s endorsement says a lot to me. Muda will do well if their supporter base is as solid as PSM.

Optimus: I am fed up with the mainstream political parties playing with bombastic terms and the politics of race and religion.

Can’t argue about PSM’s noble agenda for the rakyat which is much admired, but how to make a difference if they can’t win elections?

A vote for a party that, if at best, can win only a couple of seats if lucky, could very well be a waste of votes, no matter how good the intention is.

BluePanther4725: Voting for PSM or Muda will only split the votes and benefit PN. This is not a wise choice. However, voting for PSM or Muda if the candidate is from BN/Umno is a wise choice.

PSM and Muda will make better partners with Harapan rather than BN/Umno because Harapan, PSM, and Muda all share the same multiracial vision for Malaysia.

Prominority: At least PSM has some track record to show they went to the ground and helped the people. So far, what has Muda claimed to be? Are they a grassroots party like PSM?

All they have done to date is go on social media and give interviews on the radio.

Rainbow5: Why are people worried about split votes? Vote for who you think represents your ideals best. This is democracy after all.

We need to be braver. I will go with PSM and Muda any time of the day, compared to Harapan or PN. If my choice is only between Harapan and PN, then my lesser evil choice will be Harapan.

SmallGov: I think Malaysians should stop kidding ourselves and expecting things to change immediately just because we voted for a so-and-so political party.

The reality is every political party, whether it’s Umno, PAS, DAP, PKR, MCA, MIC, or PSM all share the same policy - vote for us and we’ll solve all your problems.

We know they can’t do it the way we want it to be, but we’re like that habitual lottery buyer who keeps buying the same number.

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