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YOURSAY | PM using bombastic words to mislead moderates

YOURSAY | ‘It hoodwinks us into believing extremism wouldn’t take place.'

COMMENT | Laïcité secularism? We just don’t want children kidnapped

Not giving up on hope: This is the right article and with the right comments. To be honest, I am tired of listening to bombastic or fancy words like Madani and laciete secularism, all of which, in my opinion, are words meant to mislead the moderates into believing that there is a genuine effort by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to weed out corruption and extremism.

I hope I am wrong but somehow, I suspect that the reality is the PM is never going to give up on his desire to ensure that one race and one religion remains supreme over and at the expense of others. So, at the end of the day, it seems like while the other group is more aggressive and blunter about their objective, the current government is much subtler and suave about the same objective.

The design of the subtle approach will no doubt, hoodwink the moderates into believing that the ultimate objective of the extremes will never be achieved. One gives a strong dose of a poison pill to kill you instantly while the other a weaker dose to perpetually keep you weak and eventually kill you after milking you completely. Perhaps, it is time that the moderates make this clear to both sectors - Pakatan Harapan and Perikatan Nasional - and start looking at better options to save our beloved country.

Koel: What a pathetic country we have become. A country where citizens live in fear of their children being snatched away in the name of religion. A country that pretends to law and order and hypocritically sits on the UN's Human Rights Council while bullying their own minorities at home.

A country where every succeeding grasping leader slowly closes the door on conscience, democracy, secularism and human rights in their race to pander to a certain segment of society.

A nation where minority parents have to tell their children that they have no future in the country of their birth, where children are reminded every day and in every way that they do not belong because they are of the wrong skin colour and religion.

And then after all that, the hypocrites among the majority want to know why these same children don’t want to study two pages of khat. Gee, could it be your policy of creating outcasts of minorities?

BOBBYO: My advice to the young is to prepare an exit strategy. That strategy has been in place for a long time. As millions have left our shores for foreign nations, as a result, there are millions who have family and relatives who are already citizens of their new nation.

So, whether our new leader walks the talk, will be exposed in due time. So far, he has not proven much as it has shown through his decisions. The people will look the other way as his hands may be tight due to the circumstances. But the backpedalling of some of his promises does not look good for him.

As for do not do to others, what you do not want others to do to you is a command by God. Call it karma or whatsoever. The fact remains that God is the sole judge and he has not deputised anybody to carry out his duties when it comes to disobeying his laws.

So, manipulating or forcing one's beliefs on another is not God's way to win converts. This is a shameful act that the Creator who created billions of stars and the world needs to resort to such a deceitful activity.

It is time for the present administration to prove its worth. Put your promises and talk into practice. Put into practice the laws that will protect the rights of each citizen guaranteed under the Constitution.

Otherwise, you will face such an exodus that will destroy this nation. The financials have already started, as we see billions leaving our shores every week. The rest will follow if they see that they might have been hoodwinked by empty promises.

To save this nation, the people must play their part. That is to come out to vote. Every vote counts to make sure that evil does not win.

Business First: As a Harapan supporter, I despair. Please stop all these high-flown theoretical ideas. Theories and concepts may be guides but ultimately pragmatic action is needed. I may not be able to describe accurately an elephant, but I know one when I see one.

No one wants to stop Muslims from practising their religion. That respect must be accorded to those who practice other religions or no religions.

We do not see this concept embraced fully. In fact, there is an increasing erosion of this principle and you have done nothing but talk high flown concepts. We know you are intelligent and learned. We elected a leader, not a university professor.

Falcon: Once again, Commander S Thayaparan, you have clearly stated what needed to be said instead of beating around the cemetery of political drama, speeches of political renaissance, hogwash, pretence, claims of reforms and the lists go further.

The fact that you have written what we fear had come true that 55 percent of the population has disbursed the golden rule - period. Daily, we the minorities live at the mercy and interpretations of others from cradle to grave.

We are made to justify our way of life according to alien and politically dark dictates. And cries are heard for justice like they were in pre-exodus, that says it all. We brace ourselves for the final assault from dark forces in the coming state elections knowing fully well we are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

There is yet no Moses appearing, which makes it worst. May the Almighty protect us!

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