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YOURSAY | When you have nothing to offer, stir up anger against DAP

YOURSAY | ‘The best defence against allegations of bigotry is to blame others for worse.’

PN Youth chief wants nationwide reports against 'hypocrite' Guan Eng

Kilimanjaro: What is so wrong with DAP national chairperson Lim Guan Eng saying the obvious? As a non-Malay, I will say a thousand times that there is a real possibility and danger that PAS may resort to such measures.

That bully Kedah's caretaker menteri besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor wasted no time in going after temples as if it was his life-long mission to destroy and desecrate temples.

Any word from PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang? No. Any word from Bersatu president Muyhiddin Yassin? No.

With the recent development of this “Malay Proclamation” and the rigid stand of PAS in turning Malaysia into an Islamic state, non-Malays have every reason to be concerned and worried.

Don’t continue with the nonsense that Kelantan has a large statue of Buddha showing PAS as a tolerant party. It is not only far from the truth, I dare the PAS government to remove the statue and watch the fun. PAS knows the repercussions.

When a majority race “stampedes” on the minorities, the non-Malay leaders have every right to speak out. Just screaming doesn’t make this Perikatan Nasional (PN) Youth chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari a leader. He is nothing but a racist.

BOBBYO: PAS has clearly shown that it has run out of ammunition to fire against the ruling government, except by using DAP as its punching bag.

It is PAS that is using lies and the 3Rs to create confusion and anger in the hearts of the voters.  

Not that their leader is not well and stops attacking DAP, but the banner has been taken over by the next set of leaders.

PAS have failed miserably in running the states they are in charge of. They have failed to invite or even manage to attract investors to these states.

Their residents are running out of states to look for their basic needs. Their jobs, housing, and even proper education facilities are seriously lacking in their home states.

That they have to go to DAP-run states like Penang or even PKR-run states like Selangor, or even Umno-run states like Johor.

PAS is good at using race and religion to confuse, frighten, or even threaten their followers with hellfire if they vote against them.

Those who vote for PAS deserve to have such leaders lording over them. Telling them how to live their lives.

The party even goes to the extent of punishing them if they go out of line, by introducing their version or interpretation of laws. Like even wearing shorts is wrong for men in public.

Then they should ban football, as the players wear shorts in public.  

Leaders who reward themselves with all sorts of positions, perks and benefits. Driving around in luxury cars. Giving their family members land at dirt-cheap prices.

Who knows which crony enjoys the timber concessions? It is time for the PAS followers to wise up. Do not get emotionally moved by these negative speeches that their leaders belt out.

Look at whether they are capable of providing the residents with basic needs or not. Or whether they are only concerned with looking after themselves and their families.

Newday: Sure enough, PAS screams the 3Rs (race, religion and royalty) on cue, as if somehow Muslims are the most slighted people in this country.

They manufacture devious outrage and offence via a slick fake news campaign through coordinated police reports being lodged nationwide.

It is no use informing them that they have the wrong state and that Lim’s old comments were based on the fact of temple demolition in Kedah.

They seriously don’t care as they deliberately go about aggressively manipulating the truth yet again in the name of their hellbent cause of dividing us even further.  

The police should charge those lodging these fake reports maliciously trying to upset public order and harmony.

Just once, act on this to restore moderate Muslim and non-Muslim’s faith in the machinery of the state. If you don’t, we are condemned to more aggression and hate from this fear-mongering lot.

BusinessFirst: Sorry, I do not understand. PAS in Kedah did demolish a Hindu Temple.

Previous state governments allowed the said temple to stand. It is a fact that the temple was demolished on the instructions of a PAS-led administration.

So why is stating a fact “provocative”? If you don’t want this “provocation”, perhaps you should not have demolished the temple, correct? Seems typical of PAS to make decisions but not be willing to take ownership of it if it goes south.

Of course, it could all be a “misunderstanding”.

Cogito Ergo Sum: The best defence against allegations of bigotry is to blame others for worse.

Fadhli, this is the oldest trick in the book… a book written and illustrated by PN component parties for a very long time.

Your great and dynamic leader has gone on a ridiculous and nonsensical tirade against all non-Malay Muslims in Malaysia for so long.

Shockingly, he is still roaming the streets free.

To deflect attention away from him, you start small fires against political opponents to distract from the real issues of the day. Finance, economics, and the cost of living.

Can you please talk about these issues instead of making up stories? Oh, you can’t? Because you don’t have an inkling what these are? Sigh.

Broncho2022: Amazes me how seasoned politicians still can’t stop their verbal diarrhoea, spewing hate and fear and then claim it was all “spun”.

They say whatever it takes to lead the rakyat by the nose. They are the biggest culprits that cause disunity in this country. All of them are hypocrites.

Without these senseless and selfish politicians, we would be a far more tolerant and peaceful nation. Shame on all of you!

Fair Play: This is a sign of desperation from PN, especially the very likelihood of losing control of all the Malay heartland states of Kedah, Kelantan, and Terengganu in the six state elections in August.

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