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YOURSAY | MCA stretching a ‘short’ issue

YOURSAY | ’Ti shouldn’t champion something that has been resolved.‘

MCA VP: Kota Bharu woman’s shorts fine cancelled or ‘settled’?

I AM A MALAYSIAN: MCA vice-president Ti Lian Ker said, “By raising this, I am not playing up the issue as warned by the minister. I am merely making sure there’s no double talk.”

Really Mr Ti? Please tell us on what occasion/s did you, in gist, settle real issues involving the freedom and rights of minorities?

You are from MCA and MCA has by and large been rejected by the minorities because the likes of you in MCA have sold out or surrendered their freedom and rights.

Your comments on this issue are a classic case of double talk.

Giving the fake impression that you would have done better than Local Government Development Minister Nga Kor Ming, but in reality, you have hardly done anything right in regard to such issues so far.

BOBBYO: Really Ti? Have you forgotten your past or MCA’s? Have you forgotten why your party was rejected by the Chinese?

Was it for defending the rights of the Chinese, or was it for your silence each time their rights were encroached on?

If the issue has been settled as the minister says, then it has been settled. It is good for the nation to move on.

The fine paid may have been reimbursed or an agreement reached to solve this issue. Ti, do not try to look for cheap publicity. MCA has a very long way to go to try and win back the people’s respect.

LimePanther5220: Ti, as you said, there should be no double talk. The next thing you can help the rakyat with is to fight against the imposition of any sort of dress code on the public.

Why should any dress code (even if defined with no possibility of misinterpretation) be imposed?

It is an insult to the public as it is tantamount to telling them they don’t know how to dress. Also, people detest having the values of others on how to dress imposed on them.

Different races should learn to accept each other’s differences and the majority must not trample and impose on the minorities who are weaker.

Let MCA start rebuilding the public’s confidence in them by championing the rakyat’s rights instead of only specialising in taking potshots at DAP.

Please start with the dress code which the federal government plans to standardise and impose. Tell them, absolutely no dress code!

If MCA has reason to suspect Nga was not telling the truth in that the compound was paid and not cancelled, then Ti (above) should confront those who issued the compound and find out if the compound has been paid.

Instead, by questioning Nga’s statement, Ti is targeting the wrong party and is trying to score political points only. He is not showing real concern to uphold the freedom and rights of minorities as he so claimed.

Local Government Development Minister Nga Kor Ming

BlueShark1548: Ti shouldn’t champion something that has been resolved. So long as the appropriate authorities and others learn from the actions of the Kelantan council, why bother to pursue it further?

If MCA is that concerned about rights, there are many to choose from.

Take stateless children for one. Did MCA take up the issue with former home minister Hamzah Zainudin then or, for that matter, since former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s time when MCA was all-powerful?

What has MCA to say about Tourism, Arts, and Culture Minister Tiong King Sing’s actions at KLIA?

Salvage Malaysia: Ti, you guys talk about such trivial issues to stir things up. But it just makes MCA look so irrelevant and only brings up petty issues. Nothing about the economy.

Issues like this can be easily checked internally. Yet you intentionally raise it via social media. Is this what MCA is all about today?

Do you go around checking how the Chinese-owned businesses are doing and what can be done to help them?

apanama is back: Incumbent Chennah assemblyperson Anthony Loke, do you see MCA’s antics?

DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke

While they ask about your state seat in Negeri Sembilan, here we have an MCA vice-president questioning whether the compound issued against a non-Muslim trader for dressing “immodestly” in Kelantan was cancelled or resolved.

Your colleague in the cabinet, Nga, has helped to settle this case but this Ti fellow is now using it to score some brownie points.

Do you still want to give your state seat to MCA (who are in BN) even though you mentioned Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi will make the decision?

They will make their decision based on your recommendation since it is DAP’s seat.

IndigoMinnow5029: Ti, you should have directed your question to the Kota Bahru Municipal Council or the PAS-led state government, instead of the federal minister.

Do not politicise the issue. Your action only exposes the fact that MCA has no guts to confront the persons responsible.

YellowKite4425: Energy should be spent on issues that create value. There are tons of issues plaguing our country.

Not only is Ti asking irrelevant questions, but he is asking the wrong person. If you still don’t get it, just look at the number of seats MCA has now.

Focusapp: Eggs, shorts… The quality of MCA leaders is astounding as if there’s nothing concrete they can offer as opposition than fault finding with DAP.

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