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YOURSAY | Not sexist but definitely condescending

YOURSAY | ’PM should not have said that.’

PM urged to apologise to student for ‘inappropriate, sexist’ remark

Bill Price: Talk about an eye-roller! Was this a sexist comment? Probably not, but it was certainly condescending. Imagine that a woman asks a sensible question!

Malaysian men are renowned for this kind of stupid banter.

For the moderator to pile on with his equally dumb comment makes the whole incident worse.

The prime minister should not have said what he said. It's as simple as that.

GreenBear: Compliment her by insinuating that he would have tried to date her if he was younger?

What kind of sick compliment is that? From a 75-year-old prime minister nonetheless.

Anwar does not deserve respect, because his behaviour is simply unbecoming of a prime minister.

Vijay47: For crying out loud, Bersatu legal and constitution bureau deputy chairperson Sasha Lyna Abdul Latif, don’t try and make a mountain out of a molehill.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim was obviously trying to inject some light-heartedness into an otherwise dry town-hall session.

With that little touch of humour, Anwar was attempting to make the environment more casual and more relaxed so that attendees could participate and express themselves more freely.

The fact that he did it so openly in a crowded event shows that he did not have any offensive intention in what he said.

Amazingly, you also accuse him of “ignoring the intelligence and capacity of women”.

For heaven’s sake, he had actually complimented the young lady on the articulate manner in which she had posed her questions!

Tell me, Sasha Lyna Abdul Latif, when you joined Bersatu or PAS, are you required to leave basic intelligence by the wayside?

Of late, I have on several occasions been a strong critic of Anwar despite being a fervent Pakatan Harapan supporter, but on this score, I will back him all the way.

In fact, what I found particularly distasteful and squirm-inducing was your reference to “a 75-year-old man and an 18-year-old girl”.

Whatever may be your age, Sasha, that was the pits.

Let it be: Read the whole article. There's nothing wrong with this line of banter. Please go after those grooming and abusing children, adults marrying children, abusing workers, animal abuse... the list is endless.

You want to pick up on a conversation in a public forum. Are you really that desperate for publicity?

Women are intelligent and definitely able to see the difference between casual banter and insults.

Anonymous 1092837465: It is only sexual harassment if Anwar had complimented her on her looks and anatomy.

Anwar complimented her on her intelligence and articulateness. Are intelligence and articulateness sexual?

We would have agreed with you if you had pointed out that Anwar should have complimented her more professionally but his remarks certainly aren’t sexual harassment.

If Sasya is so concerned about sexual harassment towards women, why was she in total silence when a certain MP commented that our nurses' uniform is too tight?

mhc9b23: Sexist? On the contrary, it is you, Sasha, who is the one who is sexist for the remark you made in response to what was uttered by the prime minister.

Do you know there is such a thing as good-natured banter?

By the way, which cave have you been hibernating in? No need to try to be a champion of trifles!

One: Please-lah Bersatu! Where are your high and mighty comments when PAS leaders open their mouths about women?

Bersatu is right that this remark is not acceptable in today’s norms.

But is Bersatu being a bigger hypocrite in partnership with PAS, whose leaders are forever putting down women and commenting on their clothing?

In the end, it will be Bersatu that helps turn this country into Taliban-type rule.

Ranjit Singh Malhi: It does appear that Bersatu lacks the ammunition to attack our prime minister.

Twisting a good sense of humour moment to idiotic heights is most definitely not going to win more votes for Bersatu.

Pink: I am dumbfounded. The trouble with our prime minister is that he treats everything casually.

The way he dressed, the coarse language that he used against his opponents, and the way he sees and handles the country’s problems all lack seriousness.

This casualness, or may I say lack of refinement or manners, has become a habit, and that shaped his character, which appears in inappropriate situations.

This quotation from Lao Tzu is the best advice for our beloved prime minister:

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”

I suggest he starts wearing a necktie and jacket to the office.

That would remind him to be more formal and more serious. We do not want a prime minister who treats everything as a joke.

He is not supposed to be a comedian.

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