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YOURSAY | Politicians are the ones guilty of fanning hate speech

YOURSAY | ‘This political harassment, this nonsense, must stop.’

MP SPEAKS | Fight hate speech: Need for strong laws, education

VS: Our politicians are the culprits. You will find them running down their opponents every other day for their political survival. They even belittle the women MPs in Parliament.

They get only a warning, a slap on their wrists for this.

Race, religion, and hate politics have eroded the unity of this once proud multiracial, multicultural progressive society.

Malaysians are still the same, still well-mannered, but this political harassment, this nonsense, must stop.

The politicians who encourage this should be reprimanded and punished.

I can understand Teresa’s reason for writing this article as she too has undergone such torment.

Apanama is back: Tangible actions are more important. Talking about and highlighting these issues are things of the past. Hate speech has been here for decades in different forms.

Teresa, you people do it (fight hate speech) and show me the results.

If not, move on with life and adjust your life with hate speech. Hate speech is here to stay. Do you want to know why?

It is simple. There are many “untouchables” (those who spew hatred but no action is taken against them) in our country.

You are not tackling the root cause - the “untouchables”. No law and education will work if no action is taken against them.

Anonymous9483: DAP MP Teresa Kok, you walk the talk, but the question remains whether this Madani government, the government of which your party is a part, has the political will to address the issue.

There is no point in writing when your party itself has been chained up to behave like MCA 2.0 in this government.

The truth is that any government which wants to maintain a semblance of legitimacy must obtain a large portion of the Malay-Muslim votes, and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is no exception.

That is why you see the emphasis on Islam regardless if it is a BN, Perikatan Nasional, or Pakatan Harapan government. DAP has to accept that they are merely in the government to make up the Chinese quota.

Steven Ong: We can keep talking about the good and right ways to live together but if the prime minister, the government, and the Agong do not agree and do as mentioned above, we all can only live and tolerate the incompetent and brutal rules of the prime minister and the government.

We have to face the reality and the fact that it is a brutal rule. The rule that leads to destruction as we have seen again and again happening in other countries.

Don’t talk about hope when evidence points to a hopeless situation caused by the PM and government.

When the minds had been taught and hardened by tens of years to believe in self-centered preservation and the goal of one's beliefs that leave out others or better ways to live as humans on earth, it’s near impossible to reverse it.

Hence do the PM and government want to see the people living together peacefully and happily as one big family? If it is a “yes”, then the education system must be replaced with one that will produce citizens who believed in and love to live together as one big family.

Then all other teachings that centered on self and particular beliefs and ways of life should be banned altogether. If not, how can each believe one is a different class and has rights above others to live together in a family?

Even a family will be destroyed if each member believes in the importance of self, believing differently in what is good and right.

Hence, it’s all in the hands of the prime minister and government, whether good or evil, and wickedness is found in the land where they rule instead of serving.

Maya: It’s all about the mind. It’s not about religion. When the mind is weak, then it resorts to unimaginable thoughts. That is precisely why we are in this sad state of affairs.

Discrimination is the worst form of democracy. It leads to hatred and that is exactly where we are.

It is even worse when religion is mixed with politics. What's more, we have a religious party within the so-called democracy. Theo-crazy is where we are headed.

Just a Malaysian: Malaysian politics are not based on positive ideas and ideals but based on hatred and fear. Such a negative underpinning cannot have a positive outcome.

See how such a negative mentality has weakened every functioning aspect of our nation, leaving us with RM1.5 trillion in debts.

Yet, our politicians are still at it. Mouthing hatred against DAP (aka the Chinese) and non-Muslims at every opportunity. When will we stop? When we crash and burn like Sri Lanka?

Without peddling hate and fear, many political parties would have lost their key selling point and their reason to exist.

Hate creates fear and fear galvanises the uninformed masses. Like lemmings, they march in unison and happily plunge over the cliff.

Kilimanjaro: Teresa is wrong. What we should be working on is not a Race Relations Act. Under the present circumstances, that sounds misleading.

What is needed is a Race Discrimination Act. The minority non-Malays are slandered and “whipped” up to enhance the Malay vote banks in many cases.

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