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YOURSAY | Dr M’s sycophant seems ‘allergic’ to truth

YOURSAY | ‘No one forced you to watch, Khairuddin.’

'Anwar: The Untold Story' a 'useless, nauseating' film - Khairuddin

Noobmaster69: The movie was a project of cartoonist Zunar, the film's executive producer, whose real name is Zulkiflee SM Anwar Ulhaque.

The movie was written based on real events. If former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s loyalist Khairuddin Abu Hassan wants to question whether a Malaysian has written the movie, yes Zunar was born in Kedah.

If the movie were to be made and produced in Malaysia, do you think it will be approved? For your information, this movie is made when Anwar was not prime minister yet.

All this nonsense by Khairuddin was just to discredit the movie. He has the right to do it but it doesn’t change the fact that the incidents (featured in the movie) and all the injustices that his master had put Anwar through did happen before our eyes.

BlueFish0451: Khairuddin, the truth hurts, doesn't it? Of course, you are feeling it.

You and a few others were some of the main players besides Mahathir, who tried to bury Anwar Ibrahim for good. Never could you imagine that Anwar, like a cat, has nine lives.

God is great and through his good hands Anwar, now prime minister, is saved to save Malaysia.

When the movie is so real and true, it made you sweat, you began to nit-pick on nonsensical issues such as the choice of actors. These are not government-linked companies or political appointments.

For your information, the star-studded line-up includes Farid Kamil as Anwar, Acha Septriasa (Wan Azizah Wan Ibrahim), Hasnul Rahmat (Mahathir), Piet Pagau (Anwar's father), and Saskia Chadwick (Nurul Izzah).

Don't be silly in trying to rally patriotism that the movie has Indonesian actors. We want the true story, not the people and furniture that made the movie. You should go hide in the corner in shame for your past.

AntiRacial: According to Khairuddin, the biopic that documents Anwar’s arduous political journey is aimed at slandering and tarnishing Mahathir's image.

Hello Khairuddin, do you still want to “ampu” (bootlick) Mahathir? It seems that you still believe that Mahathir, who lost his deposit during the recent election (Malaysia’s 15th) will return as PM and he will give you the minister’s post. You poor thing.

REAL TRUTH: It is the director’s prerogative how he wants his movie to be depicted and this movie is a biopic of a Malaysian leader Anwar and his political saga.

It must be based on some truth and this movie must have touched the raw nerve of some people who opposed the rise of Anwar as there was a great political force that wanted to deny him his rightful place in the Malaysian political saga.

One is not surprised by unwanted comments from some unknown entity and was shocked and surprised how Malaysiakini carried this story as it is a biased comment by a biased person.

Moontime: Who asked you to watch it? Are you under duress or coerced to watch the film? If you still have some brain cells in your head, then the obvious choice would be not to watch it.

Apparently, being a sycophant to Mahathir does that to you: allergic to the truth, nauseous when watching the struggles of an iconic figure that wasn’t your idol.

Crawl back to your cave and stay there for the next five years or so. We don’t need to read your blabbering hogwash anymore.

IndigoKancil5615: Khairuddin, it is time Mahathir told his side of the story (if we believe it to be the truth). Why not get Mahathir's "business savvy" sons to finance movies about your boss and make it into three films?

Part 1 – “Mahathir: The Untold Scandals”

Part 2 – “Capturing Billions”, the sequel to his nauseating book "Capturing Hope" that nobody buys. By the way, there are lots of unsold copies in MPH bookstores.

Part 3 – “The Half Truth Doctor in the House”.

Instead of getting foreigners to act, get his cronies (you included) to act in the films.

These films should carry an “M” rating for mature viewers, who can discern truth from lies.

Rated “M” also means that these films are compulsory viewing for all MACC personnel to uncover the "hidden treasures" of the M family. What say you, Khairuddin?

Lone_star: From the very start of the show, Khairuddin knew the film had plenty of misleading stuff (obviously can't be misleading facts, as facts are facts).

Khairuddin remembers that his godfather kept telling him that Anwar's black eye was self-inflicted. The telling of the origin of that black eye was told when his godfather was very young then and not when the godfather was old and is said to be prone to conditions associated with aged.

According to the Malaysiakini report, quoting MP Hassan Abdul Karim, “Anwar was attacked by former inspector-general of police Abdul Rahim Noor in a lock-up in Bukit Aman until he (Anwar) got a black eye, and that too, is a fact.

“Rahim resigned as the IGP the following year. He was later found guilty of assault, sentenced to two months in prison, and fined RM2,000.”

Khairuddin was also young then and his grey cells were in good condition too. He was nauseated during the show and had to make numerous trips to throw up.

He must have missed many good bits of the show and ended up finishing with only all the inaccurate parts. He should have requested that the ticket price be returned after such a horrible experience.

Darwin Fernandez: Who sold the ticket to you to see the movie, or you purchased it on your own? If you know the person who sold the ticket to you, please ask him/her, to refund the ticket.

If you purchased it on your own, in Bahasa Malaysia we say it “tanggung sendiri” (be responsible for it on your own).

The conclusion is, you went to see the movie on your own and nobody asked or pushed you to go and see it. So please, move on.

NewMalaysiaBeliever: Khairuddin, why don’t you buy a ticket for Mahathir too? Then both of you can compare notes and write your rebuttal about the movie.

No one cares about your opinion as you are a has-been, a Mahathir yes man. The country has moved, and you should too!

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