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YOURSAY | Will M'sian Bar go after PM next after condemning AG?

YOURSAY | ‘PM is equally responsible for the judiciary’.

Bar passes ‘no confidence’ resolution against AG

Dr Suresh Kumar: The attorney-general, MACC chief, and IGP should go de jure (by right). But what assurance do Malaysians have that the new appointees would be persons of unblemished character?

Time and again, we see the same appointment pattern of individuals who are not qualified or easily fall prey to power play and corruption.

If the system is not overhauled, this trend will continue perpetually. Haven’t we been witnessing this curse over the decades where the use of race and religion plays everything up?

Look at how the Indonesian indoor hockey team beat Malaysia to claim the gold medal in the ongoing Southeast Asian Games. Indonesia and hockey are like the north and south poles.

Most Indonesians have yet to learn what hockey is, whereas Malaysia is supposed to be one of the powerhouses in Asia.

The coach behind this victory is a Malaysian whose tenure was not renewed by the Malaysian authorities in 2019, even though he brought glory to our national women’s hockey team.

Like badminton, three more non-hockey coaches are plying their trade in foreign countries. How could a nation progress with such filth going on? Does anyone care? I have no more hope.

Apanama is back: The Malaysian Bar, passing a no-confidence motion against the AG is one matter. Do you dare pass a similar no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim?

You cannot selectively pass a no-confidence motion. The AG’s Chambers is under PM’s Department. The prime minister is equally responsible to protect the judiciary.

On another note, the prime minister’s own minister of law in his department, Azalina Othman Said, disclosed or provided information in writing to a litigant or an accused person with regard to the conduct of an investigative agency, in this instance the MACC, or to its findings.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law & Institutional Reform) Azalina Othman Said

While you condemn Azalina, you were short of passing a no-confidence motion against the prime minister. Azalina is not working in isolation. She is reporting to the PM. The boss needs to be named in your condemnation too.

In fact, the prime minister was silent all the while and everyone knew that.

The Bar, please do not selectively do so. You need to understand one thing here. Each and every Malaysian has a right to defend the judiciary and uphold the rule of law. Be bold and courageous to tick off anyone, including the prime minister.

The Bar, take a clue from the sultan of Perak. His Highness is well known for defending the judiciary.

Steven Ong: As the Bar has the most lawyers working together to uphold the laws and justice in the country, they should be a part of the law and justice system. A check and balance on the political struggle affecting the country.

Any laws that need to be passed should be vetted by them first, before the voting in Parliament.

Though they have no power to alter or demand an alteration, it is still best they contribute to better laws being in place so that there are fewer weaknesses or loopholes.

The struggle and political instability are the results of weak laws and rules in Malaysia. Rampant corruption taking place and politicians switching parties midway are two glaring examples of weak laws and the lack of rules.

Hence an efficient government will listen to the Bar and people in the businesses and professionals.

Cogito Ergo Sum: I wonder what effect this vote of no-confidence has on the AG? Most likely nothing but it sends a clear message to the federal government.

Cases that should have been dropped are not. Those that should be prosecuted to the end are dropped.

Yes, I agree that the best AG we ever had was Tommy Thomas, who is now himself facing an inquiry into his sterling conduct.

Former attorney-general Tommy Thomas

Something is certainly amiss with the administration of justice and it seems to be perpetuating.

For a Better World: Where are the ‘Reformasi Heroes’ and the activists, now that they are in power and have formed a coalition government?

Words and perceptions have to be seriously considered and analysed now. The PM and government should have started off on a clean slate.

The leftovers in crucial, pivotal positions from the former government should have been shown the door, and this includes the police, AG, and MACC.

But their contracts or services have been renewed or extended. As the saying goes, “It’s the same old wine but in new bottles.”

What has really changed here in Malaysia, post-GE15? Well, as I have often told myself, be rational, wait till the six state elections are over, and then vent your fury, if nothing changes.

Madani Malaysia: Well done the Malaysian Bar for your timely intervention and for speaking up for right-thinking Malaysians that are equally appalled at the abject incompetence of the AG.

This is not only in the case of those undermining judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali but the many others where their action or inaction are found to be sorely disappointing.

The PM’s decision to extend this AG’s term is shocking, to say the least.

Baba Quay: Well done, the Bar. I always subscribe to the fact that the Bar is one of the last bastions of democracy in our country.

Most times, you have performed this vital role so admirably. We are grateful for your great contribution to the rule of law in our country.

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