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YOURSAY | DAP leaders won't take Ong's view on KJ kindly

YOURSAY | ‘Are you saying DAP lacks PM-calibre candidates, Ong?'

KJ asks if he should join DAP, Ong says yes - party needs PM candidate

Yellow Marlin8834: Ong Kian Ming, I don't agree with you. Of course, for Khairy Jamaluddin or Shahril Hamdan to join DAP is good for the party. This is a matter of fact, a multi-racial party. The two also are well educated and represent the modern-thinking Malays.

However, to say that the two need to join DAP because they are prime minister material, is unacceptable. Are you implying that DAP needs them so that these two guys will help push up support from the Malays? Are you suggesting that one day either KJ or Shahril will become the PM, coming from DAP?

Please remember that the struggles of DAP are for a better Malaysia regardless of ethnicity. Not necessary for the prime minister to come from DAP and from a certain race. DAP will fight for everyone for a better Malaysia even though the PM might not be from within the party.

Ong, are you also implying that the Malays brothers and sisters in DAP now are not qualified to be the PM one day? I am very disappointed with your opinion!

Proarte: According to the former MP for Bangi, the party needs prime minister candidates.

"Both of you fit the bill," Ong told the duo during a podcast aired on YouTube.

Isn't this an admission by Ong that the DAP at the moment does not have leaders of prime ministerial calibre? I am sure the DAP leadership would not have taken too kindly to his assessment.

Maybe Ong was accepting the fact that Malaysian politics in reality is the politics of "apartheid" whereby the politics of racial and religious differences will only allow the majority Malay race to dominate and to put forward a Malay candidate only.

This naturally creates an unjust political system that percolates through every aspect of governance and society. Ask any non-Malay whether Malaysia should have a non-Malay or non-Muslim PM and they would say "impossible" and have accepted it as a fait accompli.

Those who cannot accept the immoral and unjust aspects of Malaysian politics with its deleterious effects on our society, vote with their feet and leave the country.

Tragically, this has led to a tremendous brain drain as a result of more than one million non-Malays seeking a more democratic and just society abroad.

Naturally, this has had disastrous consequences on our economy, educational standards, culture, and societal development - the root cause being the long-standing politics of racial and religious supremacy, which in turn, has engendered a culture of kleptocracy and entitlement infecting the whole of society.

Green Cheetah0027: Why not try proving that KJ and Shahril are better than good, by joining DAP? This a real test for both men (and other similar Malay opinion leaders), as well as DAP.

It is high time that the “enemy” challenge DAP on some of the “values” that the party holds sacrosanct but are not conducive for a multi-ethnic country. Challenge DAP to modify these values, so that they can be more palatable to others.

The test of DAP's strengths is not how stubborn it holds on to “expired values” but how it is able to evolve with the needs and expectations of the changing population demography; and how the party can win the hearts and minds of detractors.

This will be one agitation that Malaysian politics and leadership need in order to move away from the poisonous and sick political cycle.

Fair Play: Why are they so enamoured with Khairy, suddenly? And why does this come from a past DAP politician? Is there any connection or agenda? Is DAP preparing for a new role?

Just review Khairy’s past political career and list his real political achievement apart from being the son-in-law of a past PM (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi).

In a more effective way, just place PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli and Khairy side by side and the rakyat can draw their own conclusions.

I suppose DAP finally realise they will always play second fiddle to PKR even if they have two-thirds of MPs in the 16th general elections for the Harapan coalition. Rafizi may be the next PM if Anwar decides to move on.

What we see here (as reported by Malaysiakini), perhaps is the first exploratory step by some DAP leaders, either knowingly or unknowingly. And what better way if not Ong to start the ball rolling?

Khairy, being Khairy, will definitely see this as his best opportunity - as a sacked Umno leader - to launch his next political move - his biggest ever if things work out for both sides. And it might fit very well for both sides too.

If two high-profile former Umno leaders like Khairy and Shahril join DAP, this is likely the most astute and strategic political move ever by DAP and fallen Umno leaders. A new shift in political power and power structure away from the race-based foundation?

A realignment of seats based on voters in each constituency would make this approach even much easier to build a new political structure - for the better.

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