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YOURSAY | Court CCTV footage: Dig deeper to see who's lying

YOURSAY | ‘There is beauty in the admission of wrong (if indeed wrong) and in repentance.’

Lawyer: Why no disclosure of CCTV footage at the court bail counter?

Lime Panther5520: Why is the CCTV footage at the counter area not shown? Banks have them. Why would lawyer Alvin Tan want to kick up a fuss for nothing? It is not that he has nothing better to do. Four other persons had successfully posted bail.

Surely, he would know that the bailors had to be present. So how could it be possible that the bailors for the other six persons were purportedly not present to post bail?

This report also says “the bailors for the six left the court around 2pm to withdraw more money at another bank and then returned before 3pm to process the bail for the six.”

Let these six bailors produce their withdrawal slips and let’s check the time of these withdrawal transactions to know if they tie in with what Tan is saying.

If the withdrawal evidence supports his claim, how can it be possible for these bailors not to present themselves at the counter before 4pm to post bail?

Some have posted here that the six deserve what they get since they are scammers. The focus however is not on whether the six are scammers or not.

The focus is on the attitude of government civil servants, the quality of service they give, the ponteng (truant) culture, the lying, their bullying treatment of the public, the way that their superiors/department heads/ministers would try to protect and cover up for them, the impunity, which we find so intolerable.

Hence, we need to dig deep to find out who is lying.

If the court administration is indeed wrong, they should quickly admit to their error, mete out appropriate and sufficient punishment on the staff involved, and pledge that this will not happen again.

How “Madani” it would make this government look? There is beauty in the admission of wrong - if indeed wrong - and in repentance.

PW Cheng: This is the same with most government services counters, it is nothing unusual and who will dare to tell them as they are all well protected?

Discipline in government sectors is horrendous. If caught with their pants down, just show some silly CCTV recordings like what’s happening in the federal court chief registrar's office.

By right, what the head honcho should do is admit and take stern disciplinary actions against the perpetrators, including dismissal so that others will dare not do the same.

But no, the abang-adik (sister-brother) culture is too entrenched and they will do anything and everything to save their skins.

These are the problems we are facing and the reasons for the rot in the civil service. No discipline, no responsibilities, and no accountabilities.

Malaysia Madani: Tan has dismissed the CCTV proof provided as irrelevant. The chief registrar is making a mockery by merely adding to his woes by sending a Maybank ATM CCTV that proves nothing.

He also avoided the CCTV clip in the region of 2:30 to 3:00 when Tan claims to have dealt with the counter staff. Surely there must be a clip where Tan’s bailors are appearing.

And certainly, there are better ways to prove the registrar’s claim. The CCTV footage raises more questions than answers. Is this a sign of the registrar’s level of competency, a figment of their imagination, or to camouflage the truth?

White Hornet2439: Sadly, in Malaysia admitting to one’s fault is very rare. In all cases, especially the civil service will look for ways and means to blame the other party. In countries like Korea and Japan, the highest-ranking officer will take responsibility and resign for any wrongdoing.

Some civil servants are of the opinion that they are doing public service, so we should be thankful. They never acknowledge that they have a job because of the public they are serving or that their salaries come from public money.

The public should stand up and says public funds don’t belong to the government of the day, they belong to the people, and the government is merely entrusted to utilise the funds for the public good.

Purple Dove6067: There is no reason for Tan to lie. As a lawyer representing the six accused persons, he is an officer of the court. Is the chief registrar challenging his contention? The chief registrar was not present. But Tan was.

Now, who gave the chief registrar the incomplete or wrong video? Did the chief registrar actively and passionately investigate?

Human liberty is in question, and it involves six persons. Perhaps the six persons are just orang biasa (normal folks) and not orang atasan (big shots). Where is equality before the law?

Apanama is back: Tan, do not let this matter rest. My support is always with you. Are the court staff playing games with that so-called CCTV footage? What kind of footage was that? Sheer nonsense.

This is about justice for your six clients who were denied their freedom for three days, they spent their time in jail due to so-called blunders by the court staff.

Yes, the CCTV shown could be the main corridor whereby ATMs are there.

Moreover, I was puzzled over the absence of CCTV with time stamping from 2pm after lunch hour up to 4pm which was supposedly the close of the counter during Ramadan. What was shown begins at 3.31pm up to 4pm, the last 30 minutes?

This has nothing to do with whether anyone supports any parties. This is all about justice for the six persons. Please get this into your head. Unless you like to spend three days in lock-up/jail.

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