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YOURSAY | Civil groups only satisfied if Anwar's alternative in govt?

YOURSAY | ‘Anwar has not even completed his first year in government, why the hurry?’

Where are rights reforms, Suaram asks ‘former victim’ Anwar

BlueShark1548: Rights group Suaram, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has not even completed his first year in government, why the hurry? Give him time! Suaram just adds additional pressure to the government which is currently facing a potential crisis from within and without.

Let Anwar stabilise his government from Perikatan Nasional (PN)’s onslaught. Can’t you see the changes made so far? Rome was not built in a day. Are civil groups like yours only satisfied when Perikatan Nasional (PN) takes over?

Anwar has five years to implement his promised reforms but first, he must get over the issue of jailed former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s pardon as well as corruption within the civil service, government agencies, and former government members. Anything else would have to wait till 2024.

Mazilamani: Suaram executive director Sevan Doraisamy, are you asking the right question at the right time? Has PKR won an outright or majority victory in the 15th general election for the reforms Anwar promised to initiate and deliver?

Don’t tell me Suaram is not aware that the federal government is a coalition of many parties. Not all may agree with the reforms.

The opposition is already shadowing the PM since the day he was appointed. They have not stopped harassing him since then. Suaram has intelligent people to understand when to pressurise or retract from its hard calls. This is definitely not the right time.

There are many social issues that require Suaram’s immediate attention, prioritise that first.

Doc Jitra: Many Malaysians are unaware that this is not Anwar’s government per se. It is a coalition government and Anwar is the PM. He can’t just bulldoze through all that he wants to reform without the coalition’s support and agreement. This is a delicate issue.

If Pakatan Harapan were to have 113 seats and govern without coalition partners all could have been done with ease. To repeal the University and University Colleges Act (UUCA), there were already problems, and only a part of it will be repealed. Please understand the predicament Anwar is in.

Apanama is back: Sevan, you need to be practical and pragmatic here. Wait for state elections to be over. If you want Anwar to undertake the reforms as what you mentioned, make sure he wins big in the state elections.

Do something to ensure your agenda is achieved. Sevan, we need two hands to clap.

Justice: Reforms, human rights, improving the economy, stopping corruption, and feeding empty stomachs are all very important issues and urgent. But we have to go by way of order of priority, political reality, and pragmaticism of the current situation.

If we do any act which immediately and inevitably leads to or results in the collapse of the Anwar led-government, the alternative is the government led by Bersatu and PAS. If that happens, then even our dream of reform is gone and may never surface in the next 100 years!

PurpleTurtle8618: What reform? That was the main reason why Harapan fell last time. Too fast a reform made or wanted, even the government then allowed the massive demonstration against the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd).

Finally, when the government fell in the end, there was no real reform done and the country fell into the hands of racists. Real reform takes time.

Other priorities need to be considered first especially the cost of living, let the masses wholly accept and recognise this coalition government first.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Anwar is attempting to bring down the cost of living and economic woes that previous administrations wrought on the rakyat. There are some human rights reforms that can be done immediately like doing away with draconian laws, but many others will need the assistance of other coalition partners.

Anwar himself may be reform-minded but he is chained to a very Jurassic-age partner who survived on badgering the rights of the people. He needs to not only survive the upcoming state elections but win big. Very big.

Otherwise, his hold on the federal government will dissipate. And the alternative is not exactly what we need now.

Steven Ong: Human rights won’t be a reality in Malaysia when the belief, policies, and laws are against human rights. For any reforms to take place, the belief must be in line with human rights. All moves start from a belief that leads to an idea.

To cut it short, when Anwar and all have a love for all, as he loves himself, having no hatred, while treating all as he would treat himself, then the light will shine upon this land.

Salvage Malaysia: Where are the other Harapan ministers who should also initiate reforms within the government? It’s like all of them are clueless and waiting for Anwar to move.

They are not only slow in policies for human rights but slow in almost many other aspects too. What happened to the team assembled by Anwar and headed by Petronas’ advisor and former president Hassan Marican?

Is it going to be like the Council of Eminent Persons under former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad? It was a one-time fanfare, but after that, nothing.

PM10 really needs to slow down on photo sessions, handshakes, and touring here and there, he needs to focus on his own backyard first as it’s turning out to be a mess.

Do not be overconfident with your 148 MPs. Your formidable majority can goyang (shake) any time if your component parties are certain the rakyat has rejected you. Rectify the situation early.

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