COMMENT | Anwar’s strategic charm offensive in opposition states

"It wants to show that the presence of PN state governments is accepted by the Harapan-led federal government - that they are not threatened and there is no urgency for voters to vote for PN, no matter what or who the local candidate is."

– Political scientist Wong Chin Huat

COMMENT | Kudos to Anwar Ibrahim’s team for carrying out a Raya charm offensive in opposition-controlled states. Taking the PM’s Aidilfitri open house out of Putrajaya and taking it to the Malay heartland is a good strategic move for this unity government.


Sure, the denials that this has nothing to do with the upcoming state elections are nonsensical but this is pure political theatre and is exactly what people in opposition-controlled states need to see.

Anwar’s greatest political advantage is his ability to make connections with the average joe rakyat and now that he is prime minister instead of just the opposition leader or handmaid to the old maverick, he has a platform that gives him access to voters that his coalition desperately needs....

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