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YOURSAY | 'Pejuang, Putra reverse sides of same coin'

YOURSAY | ‘PN accepting Pejuang shows all along the latter is a bogus opposition party.’

Pejuang submits application to join PN

Proarte: All along Amanah had us believe that Pejuang was keen to form an electoral understanding with Amanah. I wonder when Amanah will make the decision to join Perikatan Nasional (PN) as well, "demi agama, bangsa dan negara" (for religion, race, and nation).

If not, Amanah should consider folding up and joining DAP. It would give DAP a boost in terms of improving its Malay representation and credibility as a multi-racial party.

Pejuang and Putra are the reverse sides of the same coin. Both have no traction with the Malays but yet they claim to "worry" about the future of the Malays.

PN accepting Pejuang shows all along that Pejuang was a bogus "opposition" party before the last elections.

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, his son former Kedah menteri besar Mukhriz, former PM Muhyiddin Yassin and then former PKR deputy chief Azmin Ali were all part of the conspiracy to bring down the democratically elected Pakatan Harapan government.

Now we will have an ever increasingly polarised society with the "opposition" being represented by 99.9 percent Malay Muslims.

I don't think this is such a bad scenario because the Malays will have a choice of a multi-racial government representing all the people of Malaysia who are far more competent and much less corrupt.

The alternative for the Malays is PN, comprising a bunch of corrupt politicians who see no shame or wrong in betraying the rakyat as seen in the "Sheraton Move".

Recently, PAS has been going in overdrive in trying to create racial and religious strife by making incendiary racially charged, and bigoted remarks.

Are Malays going to depend on racism, religious bigotry, and a false sense of superiority to improve their lot in life?

Or do they want to be part of the civilised world which focuses on uplifting the underprivileged, promoting excellence in every field, improving vocational skills, enhancing educational standards, promoting racial harmony and respect, emphasising integrity in governance, rehabilitating the environment, respecting freedom of speech and religion?

I think the choice is obvious for the Malays.

All the unity government must do is focus on the above and not let PN set the agenda. For instance, the recent Madani "Islamophobia" conference was a huge mistake because it was pandering to the religious extremists and their agenda. It lay the blame for "Islamophobia" purely on the non-Muslims and this is exactly what PAS and Bersatu want.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has a penchant for posturing as an Islamic liberal intellectual who is a man of letters but regrettably, the Islamophobia conference did not look into the origins and causes of Islamophobia in modern times or consider whether there was any justification for it.

Personally, I believe Islamic politics is such a hot potato in a multi-religious society that it is best left in the personal sphere and not brought into the political domain. The reason being there can never be a rational discussion on Islam because religious views between faiths are divergent.

Mao Tuck Teng: This is a game that has been planned. No way Muhyiddin would accept Pejuang (with Mahathir still in it) into a coalition with supremacism fundamental to its DNA and survival.

Bersatu being founded by Mahathir needs to find new kindred spirits and Pejuang is still a feather in its cap, albeit a tiny one.

Mahathir joining Putra is just an escape hatch for Mukhriz to get on the PN political lifeboat. Ridding himself of the Mahathir anchor was the only option available to him.

Mahathir joining Putra was just a red herring and part of the survival plot for Mukhriz. Why else would Mahathir undermine his own son by leaving Pejuang?

Milshah: It will be interesting what Bersatu and PAS’ response will be. If they accept, it will be questionable as it does not benefit PN. PN is expected to win Kedah, Terengganu, and Kelantan anyway with or without Pejuang. The right move is for PN to reject Pejuang.

Pejuang's move to join PN is not entirely unexpected. Pejuang, after Mahathir left, has no influence whatsoever. It must join a coalition, be it PN or Harapan. It really does not matter.

The problem now, Pejuang needs PN more than PN needs Pejuang. What can Pejuang offer to PN, of which PN already has?

Pejuang may want seats in Kedah, of which Mukhriz is a former MB. But will PAS and Bersatu allow it? If PN does agree to let Pejuang in, it will benefit Pejuang more than PN. PN will have one extra mouth to feed.

Siva1967: I think you are not reading Mukhriz's game plan. He is joining PN for the fact that MACC is on a roll to bring any and all Bersatu leaders whose hands are suspected to be in the cookie jar.

Once all the big names are charged and successfully put behind bars who do you think can lead the PN coalition as chairperson? What other bigger name is there going to be when the rest is counting bars?

This is the best moment to cuddle up to PN, not Harapan or BN. They don't need Mukhriz or Pejuang's support at this point in time. Pejuang has nothing to offer anyway.

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