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YOURSAY | Umno devotees should heed Musa Hitam’s clarion call

YOURSAY | ‘The party no longer represents the interests of Malays or aspirations of M’sians.’

Musa Hitam: From 'nationalism to materialism', Umno might not form govt

Newday: Umno had the opportunity immediately after the 14th general election to press the reset button.

But too many people within the party were, and still are, beholden to their corrupt leaders, thus further entrenching the “materialism and wealth” Ponzi scheme.

They ended up being a minority party with fewer seats than the DAP. Gee, that must have hurt and it overwhelmingly showed something was rotten at the core.

Change? No. Just the same old same old in charge, minus one in jail. Even from jail, former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak still wields tremendous influence.

Umno regained the government under nefarious circumstances orchestrated by them. By hook and by crook, they have ruled since then using the same playbook.

This includes demonising and intimidating those on the outside, making political partnerships that in the end only suit Umno and not the people, treading the borderline of the law in jabs at the judiciary and unsubtly ignoring our king.

Even without Covid-19, the rape, pillage, and gross mismanagement of our nation’s coffers have continued.

Promises were made and cash was thrown around without them doing anything substantial to improve the nation’s debt-laden financial position. And their promises never really materialise unless you consider the promise to get former attorney-general Tommy Thomas.

Umno will hurt us all in the long run. Umno deserves to disappear the same way billions of ringgit disappeared under their watch.

I know Umno won’t go away. They need to spend two full terms as the opposition to re-invent themselves.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Umno no longer represents the interests of the Malays or the aspirations of Malaysians. It represents only a few cronies and their cohorts in plunder.

Yet they are capable of carrying out a very successful election campaign because of their vast experience and massive war chest. But the days of hoodwinking people are over with the advent of education and the internet.

Most reasonable Malaysians hope that Umno/BN is so badly damaged that it would be almost impossible to revive it. Indeed, no coalition with Umno/BN in it will last long.

OrangePanther1466: Former deputy prime minister Musa Hitam made many relevant comments. However, I beg to differ about his outlook on our future political landscape.

For one, the present state of politics is in transformation mode. Race and religion need to be de-emphasised as they are not sustainable for a multiracial country like Malaysia.

Secondly, the old model of Umno-type of political dominance cannot be allowed to continue as we have seen its devastating effect, especially with the 1MDB scandal.

Sadly, Musa is still caught up with the old ideology of Malay political dominance. I am sanguine about our future with a new political order where opposition parties will need to learn to work with each other, thereby having an in-built check and balance mechanism.

WhitePony9855: Well said, Musa Hitam, but until the corruption within the party is gotten rid of, change will not come and the culture of money and patronage will continue.

It has to get worse, possibly rock bottom, before members will realise the party needs saving. However, voters are becoming more discerning and informed.

You just cannot have ex-party president Najib Abdul Razak convicted and in jail still calling the shots, unashamedly as BossKu, and the current president facing numerous corruption and abuse of power charges and calling it political persecution.

How many of those in the Umno supreme council are facing court cases? How can they talk about “maruah” (honour) when they don't have the common decency to step aside until their court cases are dispensed?

Rightfully, voters must reject them so that a badly defeated Umno can then reform and reinvent itself.

THINKbeforeyouvote: Well said, Musa. I wish you could share your views more often with us.

Malaysia is at the junction of either progress or regress. Unfortunately, our country has gone backwards. We need good, honest, smart and courageous leaders.

Is that too much to ask for?

BlackCougar8703: Musa was the best Umno leader who was never chosen to lead. Had he become prime minister, Malaysia would now be a vastly different country.

Better for Msia: The spirit of nationalism gave way to materialism in Umno over the last 40 years. The wealth of leaders grew and the community remained in support of handouts and corruption.

Musa’s call came late. Members are happy with leaders so long as money continues to roll in. For them, the end justifies the means.

Sun: Umno will be pared down to the stature it deserves by the young voters who are no more blinded by its past glory and its spins about fighting for race, religion and royalty.

Young voters believe in the nation as a whole, not the labels that divide us. Ayuh, young Malaysians, let us vote for a new Malaysia!

Frank: GE15 is where the past must be buried once and for all. This refers to traitors of recent years together with plunderers over the years. People just have no time for them anymore.

It is also the time for Malaysia to move on and leave the past behind. The world, are you ready for this?

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