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YOURSAY | Will GE15 mark the end of Bersatu?

YOURSAY | ‘Muhyiddin has only himself to blame.’

COMMENT | GE15: Road to perdition for Sheraton traitors

Umno man predicts PN break up, dissolution of Bersatu after GE15

Man on the Silver Mountain: Bersatu and former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin had started out on a bright note. They left Umno because they were against the prevalent corruption there - then prime minister Najib Abdul Razak was implicated in the 1MDB scandal.

Other top leaders were also involved in high-profile scandals. Muhyiddin made an error in judgement when he later opted out of Pakatan Harapan, thus betraying the then ruling coalition.

Perhaps it was out of his selfish ambition to be prime minister, which he thought he was entitled to being a former deputy prime minister. It also could be due to his hatred of the DAP and pure dislike of PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

Nevertheless, being a traitor is unforgivable under any circumstances, and it will certainly not be forgotten.

Bersatu should be a better alternative to Umno when it comes to corruption. They, however, are no match for Umno's well-oiled election machinery, network, numbers, influence and incredibly dirty tactics. So, on paper, Bersatu should be wiped out in the 15th general election.

Muhyiddin has only himself to blame. He ditched the Harapan government for his own selfish ambition. Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad was supposed to be interim prime minister until Anwar would be released from jail. Bersatu and Muhyiddin knew this. Mahathir worked out the pardon.

To turn your back on something you already agreed to is not honourable and to bring down a government of which you were one of the senior ministers is traitorous. If that was the aim from the beginning, then they were people that could not be trusted.

Malaysiakini columnist Francis Paul Siah was right. Nobody wants to vote for somebody that cannot be trusted. If they can do that to Harapan, they can do that to PAS and Umno or anybody, even the people.

Arjun: The betrayal of trust of the electorate by an elected representative is about the most heinous of moral improprieties in civil society.

And lo and behold, a punitive learning moment for such irresponsible claimants to leadership is imminent. And it’s the moral responsibility of voters in any constituency such defaulters choose to contest to reject them outright.

BobbyO: Umno supreme council member Isham Jalil, you should think carefully about what you are predicting. In 2018, it was Umno that lost the elections led by a leader tainted with the stigma of scandals.

Fast forward to 2022, Umno is still making the same mistake of allowing a leader not only tainted by cases of money laundering and corruption but also desperately trying to save his skin and his partner-in-crime, the kleptocrat Najib.

Will the Malays accept such a leader? Will they lower their intelligence to such a level as accepting not only a tainted leader but also others who are willing to jeopardise the security of their nation for personal gain?

With floods and heavy rain predicted, these were leaders who were willing to pressure the hastening of the polls all due to their selfish agenda. Will the Malays accept leaders who are willing to put their people in harm's way?

So, think carefully about which party might go extinct.

Apanama is Back: History has shown that splinter parties do not survive for long. For example, Semangat 46 (S46), a splinter party after the 1987 Umno general assembly, lost in the 1990 general election. We will see if history repeats itself.

Perikatan Nasional (PN) will soon be dead. Even now some of the Bersatu's members and leaders are leaving the party.

The party is almost a comatose state. Remember Muhyiddin's comment of "balik kampung". PN too will also "balik kampung". The voters could make that wish come true.

Just a Malaysian: PAS is playing a game of strategy. They could go for more good seats in partnership with Bersatu.

PAS hopes to win substantial seats to have strong bargaining power. After the upcoming general election, PAS will abandon the weak PN and join Umno as a senior partner calling the shots for more Islamisation.

The only possible spoiler is whether Harapan will be able to capitalise on the Umno-PAS rivalry as in the last general election.

If yes, Harapan will enjoy a split vote among Malay-Muslim voters. There are many possible outcomes but one thing is for sure, PAS will go for substantial seats and will work with whichever Malay party survives after the election. This is ‘ummah unity’ at its best.

IndigoToucan1627: Although I detest Umno and its racism and corruption, I agree that after this general election, Bersatu will disappear like S46.

The Harapan government collapsed because of two key players - Azmin Ali and Muhyiddin. PAS and Umno were just waiting in the wings to exploit the situation.

Without the two traitors and their followers, Harapan would still stand strong in government. With Muhyiddin deposed, Azmin is now isolated. His ambition to be prime minister is now gone. Not a chance.

My2cen: Other analysts believe that Bersatu should not be written off as it has a fighting chance in traditional Malay seats. Harapan will not be able to fight for these traditional Malay seats; those unhappy with Umno will vote for Bersatu over PKR.

Anyway, we hope International Trade and Industry Minister Azmin Ali, Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin and Muhyiddin will lose this time.

Let's hope the young voters turn up in full force, and think before they vote.

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