YOURSAY | For Umno, Najib in jail a 'sacrifice' for his stealing

YOURSAY | 'Ahmad Maslan has insulted those who really sacrificed for the country.'

Ahmad Maslan: BN must win big in GE15, don’t let Najib's sacrifice be futile

Federal Bakery: This is nothing short of a manifesto of the corrupt. Any responsible political party must, if it wants to be recognised as a party capable of governing a country, accept and protect the judicial system of the country.

Here, we are seeing grown-up people who appear literate berating the judiciary because of its conviction of the party's leader.

Every crook protests his innocence, which is why the courts provide a fair and systematic examination of his innocence against the charges laid against him.


If the courts then come to a conclusion that the charges are proved, that must not provoke political parties to attack the system, the procedures of the court, or how the case was handled.

This political party needs to urgently examine the moral bases on which it operates. The manifesto Umno is now putting forward seems to be void of any moral principles.

IndigoTrout2522: What sacrifices have former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and his spouse Rosmah Mansor made?

Indeed, they sacrificed the nation and people for their own greed and all those high-end shopping, including diamonds, jewellery, bags and watches, among other things.

This money could have been used to feed thousands and thousands of needy Malaysians. Where is their conscience?

They caused huge national debts that younger generations will have to repay. That is what “sacrifices” meant to them.

Kilimanjaro: Does Umno secretary-general Ahmad Maslan know what the meaning of sacrifice is? Do the present Umno warlords know the meaning of sacrifice?

Umno has ruined the country and Najib is a national embarrassment.

The stench in Umno may last for generations and the only way to remove the stench is to bury it completely at the upcoming election.

Siva1967: Sacrifice? If stealing is a form of sacrifice, I am at a loss for words.

Even clowns had to sacrifice hours of training to do what they do best, that is to entertain their audience.


I really hope the rakyat will rise up again and vote out more of these political ‘clowns’ once and for all to cleanse this country

Currently, Umno has 38 seats, 37 if minus jailed former premier Najib Abdul Razak.

I hope this number is further reduced to a point they cannot utter a single word in Parliament, come GE15.

KSD: Ahmad Maslan, the soldiers who died sacrificing their lives for the country must be turning in their graves at your association of the word “sacrifice” with Najib. You have deeply insulted what they had done for the country.

The world's biggest kleptocrat is rightfully in jail. His wife will join him soon. And for real justice, everyone else in the court cluster should go behind bars too.

Jaycee: Really, Ahmad Maslan? Do pray what were Najib’s sacrifices? That he and his family members, cronies, and friends became richer and led luxurious lives from the loot stolen from the rakyat?

It is so off-the-wall that you would make such a statement. What about the sacrifices of the rakyat? Their hard-earned money went into paying income taxes so that all of you can lead luxurious lives.

Umno must be defeated in the next election, or else we may not have a country left.

You have shown us that your party does not have the capacity to feel embarrassed or remorse for burning the country to the ground through your actions and racist policies.

MarioT: Fellow Malaysians, we are now getting to see the damaging results of letting Umno - in the guise of BN - win big in the past. It led to uncontrolled looting of the national Treasury and abuses of power of massive proportions.

A call by Umno to still give them the mandate to rule, despite having a tainted image and hero-worshipping a criminal sentenced to prison, clearly shows a party that has lost all sense of decency and decorum. It now banks on getting support by playing the victim.

These opportunists' election manifesto is nothing more than protecting their self-interests and furthering their insatiable appetite for power. National interests are given zero priority.

The more they support criminal actions and disrespect our rule of law, the more they are isolating themselves from the rakyat. Reject evil for the good of all of us.

Thunderbolt: Ahmad Maslan, can I advise you something? Najib is a convicted criminal.

If Umno have any sense left, they should have sacked Najib from the day he was convicted by the High Court. You wouldn't want to touch a felon with a 10-foot pole and let him tarnish your reputation.

Instead, Umno treated this felon as a hero to be worshipped at any cost.

I think all of you in Umno better go and register for a course in ‘Understanding and Living by Values Taught by Our Parents’.

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