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YOURSAY | Azalina was playing to the Umno gallery

YOURSAY | ‘Her speech last Saturday left me aghast.’

MP SPEAKS | Azalina to Bersih chair - we're fighting for the same thing

Coward: The two (Pengerang MP Azalina Othman Said and Bersih chair Thomas Fann) might have wanted the same thing when it comes to the attorney-general (AG), but the way they want to achieve it is different.

Azalina's way, at the minimum, feels like starting off on the wrong foot. Her speech was tainted by the event, irreparably tainted.

The goal of the AG change is clear and shameful. She cannot say I am the clean one in the sea of dirt. She does not have the reputation to carry that through.

On whether a postponement should be granted to Najib for changing lawyers, I am afraid this is settled law. Not only the court can deny a discharge, but they can also order the lawyer to stay on.

This is, of course, not commonly exercised. However, there is precedence everywhere, Malaysia included, where the court had exercised such rights.

It is applied mainly to prevent the defendant from creating a delay, particularly near the end of the trial. The justices were right in applying this.

GreenCheetah0027: Well said, Azalina. But is this lengthy piece an afterthought after receiving public backlash in the media to your 10-minute speech last Saturday?

Why wasn't this separation articulated in front of the Umno warlords when you had the chance, but you chose instead to play to the gallery, whom I assumed must have been severely emotionally inflamed by their president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's speech.

The separation of AG and public prosecutor is a welcome development but I seriously doubt if Umno/BN would venture that far if they come into power.

With regards to former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak's trial, even someone without knowledge of law or legal procedures can see through the antics of the "innocent" Najib throughout the proceedings.

Ipohcrite: Appointing an AG of “our own” was your statement to your Umno cohorts.

After the torrid episode of former AG Mohamed Apandi Ali - an AG of Umno's own appointed to summarily declare Najib innocent of 1MDB crimes - right-thinking Malaysians have learnt a hard lesson.

Hence, the apprehension about Umno appointing "an AG of our own."

Azalina, the way your Umno cohorts were blaming Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaacob for being a “cruel leader” is testament to the fact that they expected the PM to intervene in the judiciary process to free Najib and drop charges against Zahid.

While I can understand that politicians like yourself invariably face dilemmas - wanting good for the country but unwilling to sacrifice personal or party-political position or power - your statement was clearly made to appease your Umno cohorts.

That was blindingly clear (excuse the oxymoron) to all neutral citizens.

Weep for Malaysia: Sorry, Azalina, no matter how much you justify yourself now, you will always be part of that Umno that kept quiet when this country was being robbed and 'raped' by your kleptocrat leaders.

Former AG Tommy Thomas was appointed for his professionalism and integrity unlike your Umno-appointed Apandi who cleared Bossku and yet nine learned judges found him guilty.

With Thomas, we got back the superyacht and not to mention all the 'valuables' from Bossku and their wife Rosmah Mansor.

Najib was roaming free around for over four years with all sorts of excuses and yet he cries not being given a fair trial.

Has anyone of the Umno 'elite' dared call Najib a criminal as he is now? Where were you when an elderly woman was jailed for stealing Milo to feed her hungry children during the MCO? Was this woman given 'fair' justice compared to your hero Najib

OrangeJaguar9341: I was, like Bersih chairperson Thomas Fann, really disappointed with Azalina's speech.

Her previous remarks arguing for reform made me think that just perhaps she was not cut from the same cloth as the rest of the Umno warlords.

Hence, her speech last Saturday left me aghast.

Her attempts to school Fann and defend her call to appoint an Umno-friendly AG are quite masterful. But it lacks clarity about why she said what she said. In fact, I would say she is deliberately evasive and circumlocutory.

Her actual position about separation of powers and the rule of law is not the issue here; her performance last Saturday is.

She simply played to the gallery. And now she defends her remarks by asking numerous questions to Fann and the readers.

Neat trick! There are almost 20 questions in her response. But it’s just not good enough, Azalina. You need to have the courage of your convictions.

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