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YOURSAY | Wrong for ex-AG Apandi to represent Jho Low

YOURSAY | 'This is not something merely improper, it is far worse…'

Report claims Jho Low offered RM1.5b to settle charges

AGC confirms rejecting Jho Low’s settlement offer

Vijay47: The real issue here is not Low Taek Jho (also known as Jho Low) offering RM1.5 billion in settlement of the charges against him.

The amount he put forward is merely a question of degree and most Malaysians would be outraged at the cheek of Low to suggest this sum, which is a pittance bearing in mind how the entire 1MDB scandal brought the country to its knees.

Almost to a man, we would say, “Absolutely no deal.”

To digress a little, it must also be acknowledged that Jho Low's offer is not all that outlandish or brazen; of late, it has become fashionable for crooks to return a small portion of the amount stolen and all is forgiven and forgotten.

Unless, of course, the theft is that of two packages of Milo or joking about something.

What is really stunning and shameful is that the middleman here is former attorney-general (AG) Mohamed Apandi Ali.

What is truly scandalous is that when he was the highest legal officer in the country, he actually ruled that there was nothing amiss or unlawful in respect of the 1MDB goings-on. And he now has the nerve to reappear as Jho Low's representative in the proposed settlement negotiations!

This is not something merely improper, it is far worse than a conflict of interest. It is possibly an ex post facto participation in the biggest financial swindle this country has suffered, which Apandi was up to his ears in carrying out the so-called investigation.

The whole world has concluded that a massive criminal plot had taken place. Except apparently, Apandi.

The question any sane man would ask is, “Did Apandi clear 1MDB for this very ‘middleman’ purpose?” Sadly, only in Malaysia, folks, only in Malaysia.

Falcon: It's unimaginable deceit, perversion, betrayal, treason and subversion, carried out by those in elite circles - basically a fraternity of thieves in expensive suits, ties and watches. Can it be any different in this land with endless possibilities and controversies?

On one hand, the country is told we have no intel on Jho Low’s whereabouts. This comes, mind you, from the highest levels of the country’s security apparatus.

On the other hand, there are certain people who know where he is, what he is doing and negotiating on his behalf, for a fee of course.

Newday: The only acceptable outcome should be Jho Low in the dock. But unless he is commando-style raid captured, his appearance will not happen anytime soon.

While at large, he is still able to muster the resources to offer compensation packages of huge amounts of money.

But the amount offered pales into insignificance compared to what was stolen and most likely comes from the original theft multiplied a few times via his dodgy investment brain.

Apandi is his local representative? This sort of makes sense, given his close relationship to the other main man in the 1MDB saga - former premier Najib Abdul Razak.

We must not accept any deal from this buddy of Najib. The only fitting conclusion is a cell at Sungai Buloh, next door to his good mate.

MerdekaMerdekaMerdeka: Jho Low thinks he can get away with it by returning some token loose change compared to the bulk of the stolen loot.

Alas, there will surely be someone to say, “Sure, why not… let’s accept, at least we are getting back something from all of what he stole versus nothing at all.”

Return US$15 billion, and permanent banishment from Malaysia for all Low’s co-conspirators, Apandi included, maybe then it’s a deal. No clemency, no discounts.

But even then, it’s subject to Dewan Rakyat's approval.

Anonymous80: Jho Low might think that he has the right guy to negotiate for him, but Apandi is conflicted, having not followed through with evidence on the alleged wrongdoings of Jho Low and failing to charge him.

Five inspector-generals of police (IGPs) have come and gone and yet Jho Low can't be traced. This is a serious embarrassment for the police's reputation as well as Interpol. And yet, Jho Low seems to be able to talk to many lawyers in all jurisdictions.

Why such a privilege? Any agreement struck with him smacks on the face of law and order in this country. We will talk only after he returns to Malaysia to face charges.

MS: "The AGC said the offers were made through an unnamed representative."

Was that representative the former AG who had very publicly and officially declared that there was no crime involving the now convicted felon for crimes involving and managed by his client in hiding?

And even as the Royal Malaysian Police have claimed that they could not find the absconding suspect, was the former AG in contact with him? Did he inform the IGP of his discussions with the suspect and if so, when exactly? And what did the IGP say?

Dr Raman Letchumanan: Based on court evidence, Jho Low must be the most evil and most wanted person in Malaysia.

And the fact he used the then prime minister, top civil servants, and top renowned corporate big wigs to fool, hoodwink, cheat and siphon billions of taxpayers’ money and spread it around the world for wild entertainment and investment into dubious schemes, the government should be raring to hunt him down and put him behind bars.

Just to recap, not only the PM, but ministers and top officials have testified how they were ordered to close one eye, not to question, or get involved in any 1MDB matters.

Even the chief secretary to the government testified that he was paid RM30,000 a month by 1MDB to do nothing, or more likely by omission to facilitate the 1MDB shady dealings.

We heard how Najib facilitated the loan of RM4 billion from KWSP, the government pension fund, which benefits the majority of Malay civil servants. But we also heard that any attempt to salvage those funds was curtailed by Najib.

We heard how Najib himself blamed Jho Low for the theft of 1MDB funds - the RM42 billion that has become a national debt for generations to repay.

And then we had the board of directors/advisors and CEOs, mostly Malays, testifying how they took orders from Jho Low, a non-entity in 1MDB, purportedly under Najib's directives, and acted against due corporate governance, management and diligence.

We also saw how our money was spent, on outlandish wild sex booze parties, purchase of luxury boats, jewellery and paintings, investment into nightclub gambling and prostitution dens, etc.

Good thing all these were overseas, as far as we know, but everyone knew Malaysia is the financier and from official funds.

If only this young 20-something Chinese then had not come into the picture, 1MDB would have tripled its investment by conservative estimates. And Najib would still be PM, not pacing up and down the courts. Umno would not have been thrown out in GE15.

So, in short, the government should have treated him as the greatest enemy and traitor of the nation. All other countries have likewise done so, except Malaysia, the ground zero. And now we hear certain high-ranking officials are in discussion with Jho Low to settle the matter.

Well, some money can be recovered, but what about the dignity of Malaysia, especially the Malays who control politics and government and everything else in Malaysia?

On the other hand, we heard of a mother of four children sentenced to 14 months in jail for stealing two packets of Milo.

And just recently, a silly lady was immediately arrested for insulting religion by removing her headscarf in a comedy skit and is now in jail awaiting trial. And the comedy club owner is being investigated for insulting the Malay race.

Excuse me, shouldn't Jho Low be on the top for insulting the race, religion, and dignity of Malaysians, and for undermining the sovereignty and security of Malaysia? And he comes from a race frequently vilified for everything wrong in Malaysia.

Is our faith only skin deep, and money can ‘kow tim’ (settle) everything?

Is there no one Penal Code offence that can be used to apprehend Jho Low? Wouldn't any other country which exposed, recovered and returned 1MDB money be willing to apprehend him?

Did we even ask? Even if we did, were we sincere? Or tell the world no money was lost from 1MDB?

Why do we continue to let this man insult our race, religion and country even while in hiding? Why do we need to follow the same modus operandi of having secret talks and making deals with him? Haven't we been fooled enough by this man?

Why don't we want to find closure on this matter? Is it deliberate? At least, why don't we use our ubiquitous favourite tool, like forming a high-powered task force, to apprehend Jho Low?

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