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Govt irresponsible to buy private jet
Published:  Jan 31, 2007 1:10 PM
Updated: Jan 29, 2008 10:21 AM

They transfer government funds to a special financial vehicle run by former government servants, and then get them to buy the executive jet and lease it from them.

On PM: I did not buy a private jet

Concerned Non-Economist: This government of ours has no respect for us, the citizens. They transfer government funds to a special financial vehicle run by former government servants who have no backbone, and then get them to buy the executive jet and lease it from them. Why not buy the jet in the first place?

Yes, bloggers in this country must be responsible. By the same token, I expect the government to be even more responsible. We are now in the midst of a dangerous experiment to protect the Malay Agenda. I have said this before and many foreign investors have said this in private - the Malay Agenda may not result in a strong economy but a strong economy will certainly help the Malay Agenda.

A aron Yap: Looking at the current economic situation, I don't understand how on earth our PM can contemplate to purchase or leased a new private jet. The folks on the street are already finding it so hard to make ends meet with inflation on rise as well as the extremely sluggish economy.

The PM is saying that leasing a US$60 million private jet for his own use and those of his colleagues is a wise thing. Yet Mr PM, you made this clarification only after a number of websites have posted the news. What will our brilliant PM do next?

On Samy wants head of toll agreement thief

E ric Koh: Is the works minister representing the rakyat who elected him or is he only answerable to the toll concessionaires? It seems that he now forgets that his wages is been paid by the rakyat's taxes. What is the agenda behind to prosecute the toll agreement thief?

The plight of all wage earners who are made to succumb to such biased agreement must now reach an alarming level. It seems that all agreements signed between the government must be re-examined less the country and poor rakyat are made to suffer for such act of neglect and lack of accountability.

Malaysians do not want to wake up one morning to find that their country has been 'sold'. Samy, tell your countrymen, why do you allow such agreements to be signed with the toll concessionaires?

Kelvin Lee: I refer to the recent issue on Sami Vellu directing the attorney-general to take action against those who disclosed the government agreement with toll concessionaires.

Since when does Samy has the right to keep this a secret from the public. After all, the public are the ones that patronise the roads and pay for it! On one hand, the PM promotes accountability in government sectors but on the other hand, the ministers have a free hand to decide what can be published. Even the bridge issue with Singapore was disclosed but after much fanfare from the public.

The question that continues to boggle our mind is why can't this be made public? Is this a secret that can never be highlighted? Is it because the government does not want the public to know the exact amount that is being compensated? Accountability means that every action and decision made is in the best interest of the parties involved. Accountability comes with responsibilities, and it doesn't necessary have to please everyone.

However, as a responsible politician, every action and decision must always be transparent. The reason why we have so many of objections is not just the increase in rates but the reasons in justifying the hike. Can we increase the toll if there are potholes on our road? Can we increase the toll if the roads are slippery when it rains? Can we increase the toll if the highways are badly planned, eg. three lanes turning into two lanes?

Since Samy is one of the most senior member of parliament with many years of experience (he always remind the public about this), please for Malaysian sake put it to good use rather than arguing your points all the time. When was the last time you admit your own mistakes?

On Temple demolition: MB faces contempt charges

Truly Malaysian: I actually feel very sorry for the activist concerned because the public is either too ignorant or scared, and Malaysia is too insignificant for the world to care. An enforcing officer can disregard and tear any motions/suits filed because this is where the local court stands. Everthing can be massaged for one's own ultimate goal.

The charade has been around for many years and will be there for another few generations because the type of institutions we have. Let's rub each other's back and move on...

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