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YOURSAY | Now we know who betrayed M’sia over Lynas

YOURSAY | ‘DAP should have stood up to the PM then.’

Yeo: Lynas disposal facility a ‘national monument of shame’

BobbyO: The Lynas plant in Gebeng, Kuantan, is here to stay and will leave our nation with radioactive waste on a permanent basis.

Since Umno has returned to power, it will be easier for Lynas to get their approvals or even overturn the decisions made during the time of the Pakatan Harapan administration.

Harapan did what they could to make the changes, but there were certain individuals who had put obstacles in their path - Malaysians who were more interested in protecting their own interests, rather than the nation's

Lynas should stop its production and remove all its waste from our soil. We cannot give flimsy excuses such as losing confidence of foreign investors.

The nation's health and security cannot be compromised at any price. Traitors they should be called - all those who were willing to put this nation in harm's way just to enjoy that fistful of ringgit thrown at them.

Traveloka Winning: Former energy, science, technology, environment and climate change minister Yeo Bee Yin, you were the minister in charge then, you could have solved the issue there and then, so you have no moral high ground to whine now after you have lost power.

What, you wanted to close down the plant, but then prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad refused?

Why did your party flirt with him and his lackey Warisan - even after Sheraton Move? Why don't I see any clear condemnation of Mahathir from DAP?

Headhunter: Yeo has done more than any ministers that we could point at.

Lynas is a bully. They dump their waste here and yet acted so arrogantly like we owed them. We should just close them down because ultimately our people are risking their health.

Saying that closing Lynas down will affect foreign investment to the country is a fallacy. It's a project that no one would want to touch except fools in our government.

Whoever approved this project originally was either too dumb or let a foreign entity with bad intentions beat him or her into submission.

Kilimanjaro: I didn't wait even a minute to order Yeo’s latest book. DAP's Tony Pua and many others have to start writing their experiences when the Harapan government was in office.

Malaysia was very lucky to have a minister like Yeo. It is possible to say that no minister holding that portfolio could have matched her enthusiasm, credibility, enigma and professionalism - either before or after her.

You feel so proud when you have such ministers in office.

WhitePanther7120: Yeo, your book only proves no matter how much integrity you have as a politician, there is room to bend it.

It makes me feel sad that we can no longer vote based on vision, policy or manifesto as eventually these will be compromised.

Hope is such a strong word and also sometimes such a meaningless word.

Maya: Whatever radioactive waste, we should not accept. It is sheer stupidity. Anyway, the Australians, a continent by itself, chose to dump waste in our country, speak poorly of themselves.

Now we live with poor and bad decisions made by our leaders.

Determined Sarawakian: Yeo, when Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong was here, you should have brought the issue up with her.

I am sure she understands. By the way, in Australia, Lynas was sued and countersued, that is why they are desperate as well.

I am disappointed with Mahathir for allowing the continuation of the mining.

Hopeful: You tried your best, Yeo. History will tell who betrayed us in the Lynas issue.

Time has arrived to point the finger at the PM during your time. He achieved his goal, otherwise you will be sacked. But there is no shame in being sacked for standing against a betrayer.

Future generations will bear the suffering and pain of this environmental tragic legacy just like the folks of Bukit Merah in Perak when they least expected an environmental disaster to hit them.

The half-life of the radioactive waste produced by Lynas is measured in thousands and millions of years. They affect foetal development and result in incidences of certain malignancies.

The BN government, before 2018, accepted the Australian radioactive for money. Harapan did its best to correct things.

Koel: Your challenge is to break this issue into bite-sized bits of digestible information. The terms and the process should be explained in such language and with analogies that make sense to all people.

And it needs to reach those people whose lives may be immediately and directly affected by these irresponsible actions. Put the information into cartoons or animation if you like, but get it out to folks urgently.

BluePanther4725: Before Yeo can do any good, her tenure was robbed by the traitors of the Sheraton Move.

Harapan was prevented from doing any real good under Mahathir. Harapan is not perfect but we should give the new Harapan - without Mahathir, Pejuang and Bersatu supreme council member Azmin Ali - another chance.

Whatever, Harapan is much better than all those corrupted kleptocrats and extremists in Perikatan Nasional and BN, who will only bring doom to our country and cause every one of us to suffer.

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