Friends seek to raise funds for stricken activist Haris Ibrahim

Friends of activist Haris Ibrahim, who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, are raising funds for him and have also requested concerned members of the public to help with his medical costs.

His friend Wilson Yew said that any contributions would be a great relief to Haris.

"For a brother who is dead set on bringing about a better Malaysia for all Malaysians, his sacrifice is indeed heroic.

"He is fondly remembered as 'Abang ABU (Anything But Umno)'


"Hopefully in his time of need, we can all do our small part to help relieve him of his worries," Yew told Malaysiakini.

Earlier this month, Haris was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and may have only “more than three months, less than a year” to live.

He and his family are now discussing with doctors possible treatments.

“I hope you understand that I tire easily these days. Hence, for now, I don’t take calls or meet anyone. God bless,” he said in his announcement post.

Those willing to contribute can deposit their money into CIMB account 8001365724 which is under the name Haris Fathillah.

Haris, who was a lawyer by profession, was a founder of the ‘Asalkan Bukan Umno’ (Anything But Umno) movement and wrote on “The People’s Parliament” blog.

Haris Ibrahim

He has also asked members of the public to send in pictures of him and others attending various protests and rallies over the years.

“A few of us (family members) would like to try and do something: A pictorial of our struggle over the last 15 years to take this nation back for the rakyat.

“If you have any photos of you, I and others in protests, rallies, etc, share it with us,” he said in a Facebook post.

Haris asked for the photos to be sent alongside the sender’s name, the event where it was taken, and any short message the sender wishes to send. It should be addressed to the email address

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