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YOURSAY | Umno using Sosma as an excuse for early GE

YOURSAY | ‘Thank you to the 86 MPs who voted it down.’

Govt motion to renew key Sosma provision defeated, 2 votes shy

After Sosma defeat, Umno president wants instant end to 'shackles' of MOU

Zahid, Najib absent from Sosma vote yesterday

Newday: Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the only party that appears to have violated the rules is Umno.

You have disrespected the Dewan Rakyat by failing to turn up to vote. Communications and Multimedia Minister Annuar Musa was disqualified because he was late, but you did not even turn up.

The opposition has always had the Security Offences (Special Measures) 2012 Act (Sosma) in its sights. They want it abolished.

You cannot place any blame on them for voting with their civic-minded conscience. Really, in the spirit of the memorandum of understanding (MOU), Umno could also have voted not to extend the 28-day detention provision.

The opposition, with the MOU, has not blocked any legislation that prevents the full and normal function of the government. Voting against the Sosma extension has no impact on being able to effectively govern. Even the police have not said much on the issue.

Were you caught with your pants down? Or was this all a calculated smokescreen by Umno to cancel the MOU and have a reason to dissolve Parliament to make way for a general election?

Vijay47: The obvious stink that pervades way beyond the Parliament is the coincidental mass absence for the Sosma bill vote that was deliberate and centrally directed.

Riding on the newfound confidence following the Malacca, Sarawak and Johor state elections, Umno, Bersatu and friends must feel that right now is the best moment for the general election.

Tomorrow is another day and anything might happen to reduce or even erase the government’s current wave of popularity.

If indeed the MOU a confidence and supply agreement in which Pakatan Harapan promised to vote against any confidence motion on the prime minister or supply bills is the obstacle to national elections being called, then that monster must be slain.

The Sosma loss was engineered through 50 MPs including former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and Zahid being away. So now the government can piteously cry that since they were betrayed by the opposition, they have no choice but to invalidate the MOU.

How sweetly the three leaders - Zahid, Annuar and Umno secretary-general Ahmad Maslan - sing in harmony!

The only doubt is why the government should wait for such opportune justification. When has it ever been bound by an agreement or a question of honour?

Freethinker: Indeed, the government had the majority and if their own bills are defeated due to the non-attendance of their MPs, why blame MOU and Harapan?

In fact, MPs who fail to attend Parliament should have their pay cut.

My Brother Did It: The sneaky Home Ministry Hamzah Zainudin will try and submit the motion again when there is a full house.

Thank you to the 86 MPs who voted it down. To the 84 who voted to extend the 28-day detention provision, I hope one day you or your family will be detained without trial.

Why are you so scared of the courts? Let them decide who is guilty or not. Why detain without trial for even 28 days?

On the other hand, why is this law not used to detain corrupt people? Surely their corruption is a danger to national security?

MS: This orchestrated absence by the court cluster of crooks and criminals was nothing less than a deliberate “own goal” to kickstart the process of tearing up the MOU on the grounds of non-compliance by Harapan.

It was planned and executed by the felon and his sidekick who also wanted to put the Bersatu home minister in his place.

Nothing like this happens without plotting, not when it is a government bill that’s at stake. The ones out of the loop were the signatories on the Harapan side and those loyal to Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob for positions received.

GrayEagle4909: Zahid wants an instant end to MOU so that the 15th general election can be held quickly.

He is desperate to oust Ismail Sabri and replace him with a puppet prime minister who will interfere in the judiciary to free him of his corruption charges.

Now, if low voter turnout continues as in Malacca, Sarawak and Johor state elections, BN may win a two-thirds majority.

I urge every voter not to fear Covid-19 but to vote in the 15th general election for Pakatan Harapan and its allies like Muda and Warisan.

Just A Malaysian: Zahid talks in between smiles and frowns. He cajoles and threatens. He has no vision, no strategy of a progressive Malaysia.

He has a dubious doctorate and dubious intelligence level. His English is atrocious and fits in more with villages chatting in a coffee shop than a UN roundtable.

He believes in the politics of opportunism and buying support. He believes in maintaining and strengthening of status quo.

And most importantly, he wants to be prime minister. Are we going to fulfil his wish and see our country crash further?

BobbyO: What a cry baby. Just because Zahid did not get his toy, which according to the guardian of the law may be dangerous if he acquires it, he is now throwing tantrums.

He wants his toy at any cost. What a selfish cruel kid - trying to save himself from jail, but not concerned about others hauled up to face their punishment, even they might not deserve it.

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