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YOURSAY | God won’t spare M’sia from global warming

YOURSAY | ‘The floods are getting from bad to worse.’

TNB shuts power supply as flash floods strike Klang Valley

OCT: No ministers were around when the flash floods hit Klang Valley on Monday. All have gone to Johor to campaign. It appears that winning the Johor election is more important than looking after the rakyat.

The government said the floods were due to heavy rains exceeding the normal rainfall. The government never plans ahead even though they know the problem. The last flood was less than three months ago and the reason given was the same.

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob is clueless, helpless and incompetent. All he cares about is winning the election and staying in power.

It is very shameful that Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, can be so easily flooded and so frequently.

While the rakyat suffer, government officers are having a gala time in Johor, oblivious of the floods in KL.

Environmental and Water Minister Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man didn't offer any answers to the floods except to say the government was not to be blamed.

Knucklehead: Where is Tuan Ibrahim? He claimed global warming and its effects don't apply in our country.

What is the government doing? Building another billion-dollar tunnel? Is the existing Smart tunnel working or not?

Maya: Nothing is going to happen, at least for the near future. The floods are getting from bad to worse and also getting more frequent.

Overdevelopment is one of the contributing factors, but will that stop?

With overdevelopment and no attention paid to the environment, this is a major disaster unfolding right under our eyes.

Even if we are ready to engage experienced consultants, there may not be much that can be done because the problem has simply boiled over.

Any effective measures will only be short term because it is just too late and will cost a bomb, especially at a time like this.

Finally, a government and administrative arm that have completely no clue as to what is happening have brought us to this stage.

Simply put, they have failed to put things right in the federal capital, what more for the rest of the country.

BrownLion2645: Don't be surprised that very soon, the PM or the federal territories minister will announce that a high-powered committee is formed to find solutions to the flood problems in the Klang Valley.

This is to soothe the angry rakyat who had to bear the brunt of the floods. Then, there will be more announcements of various proposals arising from the meetings.

Soon the weather improves, and all the promises and plans are forgotten until the next flood. Of course, some minor works would be carried out to show that actions have been taken but these are window dressing.

So, it appears that Klang Valley folks have to live with the floods.

Salvage Malaysia: When we went through one of our worst floods a few months back, why didn't the government quickly come out with plans to avoid such calamity again?

The moment the flood subsided, no news was heard about any mitigation plans underway. How many more times does this present government have to keep failing the rakyat?

PM, please buck up. Don't waste your time on your Aspirasi Keluarga Malaysia slogan. There are so many critical problems in this country to be tackled, and yet it's always "No Action Talk Only" (Nato).

The rakyat need strong leadership. We are fed up with your weak leadership. If you can't buck up, please pass your job to a more qualified person.

The rakyat didn't choose you to be their PM. You have a golden chance. Please use this chance to prove you are worthy as our leader.

WhiteMoose0037: Ismail, it’s time to wake up and appoint a qualified and competent minister of environment.

You have appointed a good-for-nothing from PAS, who has no clue about climate change and what the government should do and be prepared for contingencies.

Traveloka Winning: At this hour, I urge people to remain calm and follow the instruction of PAS, also known as "paling ada sains", which is to pray for divine guidance.

Also, I hope that no one will blame floods on climate change; as our environmental minister rightly points out, climate change doesn't affect Malaysia.

We have been flooding for as long as the country has existed, so with or without climate change, the flood still comes whenever it wants to.

Dr Spin: Long-term solutions to heavy rainfall flooding are needed. However, the uncaring attitudes of people and businesses also need to change.

Yesterday, I observed a dumped sofa and other rubbish blocking a stormwater drain in front of facilities operated by two prominent companies.

Blocked drains should be reported and irresponsibly dumped rubbish removed. Environmental policies need to be actioned, even if outside the property fence.

Comeback Kid: It has been 64 years since our Merdeka, and yet this is still occurring yearly. Do we need so many years to solve such a basic problem?

Or is it a case of the whole world knows the problem but no one knows the solution?

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