PMO protests Malaysiakini article on Ismail's Ukraine statement
Published:  Feb 26, 2022 11:06 PM
Updated: Feb 27, 2022 1:13 AM

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob's office has expressed disappointment with Malaysiakini over its article on his statement regarding Ukraine.

Malaysiakini had in the article, highlighted that Ismail chose not to describe Russia's attack on Ukraine as an invasion, but instead an "escalation of conflict".

It should be noted that Ismail did not mention Russia in the statement either or who Ukraine was in conflict with.

In an email sent to Malaysiakini tonight, the premier's press secretary said the Prime Minister's Office was disappointed with the portal’s report.

The email also avoided naming Russia or saying directly that Russia was attacking Ukraine.


"We are very disappointed on how Malaysiakini has published the article which has clearly diverted from the content of the original press release that was issued to you on the matter

"Instead of highlighting the prime minister’s concern on the conflict in Ukraine and its people, and his urgent call for all parties to amicably resolve the crisis through negotiations based on international law, you have deliberately misquoted a word used in the press release and diverted the gist of the press release entirely.

"Looking at the article that you have published, you are implying that the prime minister is playing down the seriousness of matter," the press secretary wrote.

The press secretary added that Ismail had taken a strong stand against an act of "invasion by any country" while calling for peace, unlike other countries that have remained neutral.

Ismail's call for de-escalation without naming Russia or saying that Ukraine was under attack was in stark contrast with Singapore and Indonesia.

Singapore said it was "gravely concerned" and "strongly condemns" the "unprovoked invasion" of Ukraine by Russia.

Similarly, Indonesia called the "military attack" by Russia "unacceptable".

PM’s email in full

Below is the unedited PMO email to Malaysiakini in full:

Dear editor,

Reference is made to your article dated 26.2.21" Ukraine situation: PM not calling it an 'invasion'"


We are very disappointed on how Malaysiakini has published the article which has clearly diverted from the content of the original Press release that was issued to you on the matter

Intead of highlighting the PM's concern on the conflict in Ukraine and its people, and his urgent call for all parties to amicably resolve the crisis through negotiations based on international law, you have deliberately mis-quoted a word used in the press release and diverted the gist of the PR entirely.

Looking at the article that you have published, you are implying that the PM is playing down the seriousness of matter.

Freedom of press does allow you to write freely, but there is also an obligation for you to raise an article that uphold the truth.

The article published was merely an attempt by your press to just to gain readers than reporting the truth.

The PM has taken a strong stand against an act of invasion by any country and call for peace to be uphold, unlike certain countries who remain to be neutral over the crisis.

Thank you.

Related report: Ukraine: PM expresses concern, but stops short of calling it an 'invasion'

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